Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Outputs related to Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport

Showing 5001 to 5100 of 5372


Jones MV & Lavallee D (2010) A good walk worth watching. Psychologist, 23 (10), pp. 806-809. http://www.thepsychologist.org.uk/archive/archive_home.cfm?volumeID=23&editionID=193&ArticleID=1734

Research Report

Coalter F & Taylor J (2010) Sport-for-development impact study: A research initiative funded by Comic Relief and UK Sport and managed by International Development through Sport. Comic Relief; UK Sport. Department of Sports Studies, University of Stirling. http://www.uksport.gov.uk/docLib/MISC/FredCoaltersseminalMandEManual.pdf


Balanos GM, Phillips AC, Frenneaux MP, McIntyre D, Lykidis C, Griffin HS & Carroll D (2010) Metabolically exaggerated cardiac reactions to acute psychological stress: The effects of resting blood pressure status and possible underlying mechanisms. Biological Psychology, 85 (1), pp. 104-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2010.06.001

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2010) New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2010: 21st International Networking Education in Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, 07.09.2010-09.09.2010. http://www.jillrogersassociates.co.uk/images/stories/NET_conf_pdfs/PhotosNET2010/NET2010_Abstracts_booklet.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

De Andrade M (2010) 'Pharmafilliation': A case study. British Sociology Association Medical Conference 2010, Durham,UK, 01.09.2010-03.09.2010. https://www.britsoc.co.uk/media/20686/MedSoc2010_Paper_Abstracts_v3.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Adamson E, Smith FC & Gray M (2010) Learning through simulation: is this applied in practice?. Scottish Clinical Skills Network, Dundee, 30.09.2010-30.09.2010. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5940


Hoskins G, Donnan PT, Williams B & Jackson C (2010) When 'Yes' is not enough. Comparison of the simple form of the Royal College of Physicians 3 questions (RCP 3-Q's) for asthma with an expanded scoring system (Presentation) European Respiratory Society International Conference, Barcelona, 18.09.2010-22.09.2010. http://www.ers-education.org/events/international-congress/barcelona-2010.aspx

Research Report

MacDonald L, Angus K, MacAskill S & Eadie D (2010) Rapid literature review of smoking cessation and tobacco control issues across criminal justice system settings. University of Central Lancashire; Department of Health (DH). Insitute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling. http://www.uclan.ac.uk/research/explore/projects/assets/tobacco_control_cjs_lit_review_aug_2010.pdf


Kolehmainen N, MacLennan G, Francis J & Duncan E (2010) Clinicians' caseload management behaviours as explanatory factors in patients' length of time on caseloads: a predictive multilevel study in paediatric community occupational therapy. BMC Health Services Research, 10 (249). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-10-249

Authored Book

Scelles N (2010) La glorieuse incertitude du sport. L’intensité compétitive des ligues professionnelles : Entre impacts mesurés et effets perçus. https://www.editions-ue.com/: Éditions Universitaires Européennes. https://www.editions-ue.com/catalog/details/store/es/book/978-613-1-50510-2/la-glorieuse-incertitude-du-sport?search=nicolas%20scelles

Research Report

Bauld L, Hay G, McKell J & Carroll C (2010) Problem drug users' experiences of employment and the benefit system. Department for Work and Pensions. Department for Work and Pensions Research Report, 640. Department for Work and Pensions. http://research.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/report_abstracts/rr_abstracts/rra_640.asp

Research Report

Coalter F, Dimeo P, Morrow S & Taylor J (2010) The Benefits of Mountaineering and Mountaineering Related Activities: A Review of Literature: A Report to the Mountaineering Council of Scotland. Mountaineering Council of Scotland; British Mountaineering Council. Department of Sports Studies, University of Stirling. www.thebmc.co.uk/Download.aspx?id=850.


Baar K, Hamilton DL & Philp A (2010) Comments on Point:Counterpoint: IGF is/is not the major physiological regulator of muscle mass. Irrelevant growth factor-I. Commentary on: Stewart C, Pell JM, Flueck M, Goldspink G. Point:Counterpoint: IGF is/is not the major physiological regulator of muscle mass. J Appl Physiol, Volume 108, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 1820-1821, doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01246.2009. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108 (6), pp. 1827-1827. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.00312.2010


Timmons JA, Knudsen S, Rankinen T, Koch LG, Sarzynski MA, Jensen T, Keller P, Scheele C, Vollaard N, Nielsen S, Akerström T, MacDougald OA, Jansson E, Greenhaff PL & Tarnopolsky MA (2010) Using molecular classification to predict gains in maximal aerobic capacity following endurance exercise training in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, 108 (6), pp. 1487-1496. https://doi.org/10.1152/japplphysiol.01295.2009

Conference Paper (unpublished)

McCrossan G & Smith FC (2010) "Even me": developing personal qualities and skills as leaders. Inaugural International Compassionate Care Conference, Edinburgh Napier, 09.06.2010-11.06.2010. http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5976

Meeting Abstract

Ring NA, Hoskins G, Jepson R, Wilson C, Wyke S, Pinnock H & Sheikh A (2010) Understanding asthma action plan promotion and use: what the qualitative evidence tells us. International Primary Care Respiratory Group Research Conference , Toronto, 02/06/2010 - 05/06/2010. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 19 (2) p. A15. http://www.theipcrg.org/display/DoResearch/Past+Abstracts