Research Report
Audit of Exercise Referral Scheme activityin Scotland March 2010
Jepson R, Robertson R & Doi L (2010) Audit of Exercise Referral Scheme activityin Scotland March 2010. NHS Health Scotland. Scottish Government / NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh.
Book Chapter
Training in the prevention of management and aggression in a cold climate: Meeting the challenges
Paterson B (2010) Training in the prevention of management and aggression in a cold climate: Meeting the challenges. In: Paterson B, van Engelen Y & McKenna K (eds.) Evidence, Efficacy, Economics and Ethics: the Challenges Facing Management of Aggression Training in the 21st Century: proceedings of the 2nd ENTMA08 conference, Amsterdam, 25-26 March 2010. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: ENTMA.
Book Chapter
Assessing your physical intervention procedures
Paterson B & Stubbs B (2010) Assessing your physical intervention procedures. In: Paterson B, van Engelen Y & McKenna K (eds.) Evidence, Efficacy, Economics and Ethics: the Challenges Facing Management of Aggression Training in the 21st Century: proceedings of the 2nd ENTMA08 conference, Amsterdam, 25-26 March 2010. Amsterdam, the Netherlands: ENTMA.
Preprint / Working Paper
Population estimates of alcohol misusers who access DWP benefits
Hay G & Bauld L (2010) Population estimates of alcohol misusers who access DWP benefits. Department for Work and Pensions Working Paper, 94.
Research Report
Alcohol Misusers' experiences of employment and the benefit system
Bauld L, Carroll C, Hay G, McKell J, Novak C, Silver K & Templeton L (2010) Alcohol Misusers' experiences of employment and the benefit system. Department of Work and Pensions, UK. Department for Work and Pensions Research Report, 718. Department for Work and Pensions.
Learning from partnership literature: Implications for UK university/National Health Service relationships and for research administrators supporting applied health research
Perkins M, Bauld L & Langley D (2010) Learning from partnership literature: Implications for UK university/National Health Service relationships and for research administrators supporting applied health research. Journal of Research Administration, 16 (1), pp. 49-64.
Understanding and Managing Drugs in Sport
Dimeo P (2010) Understanding and Managing Drugs in Sport. The Shield, Research Journal of Physical Education and Sports Science, 5, pp. 29-43.
Book Chapter
Optimizing Training Adaptations by Manipulating Protein
Tipton K (2010) Optimizing Training Adaptations by Manipulating Protein. In: Jeukendrup A (ed.) Sports Nutrition: From Lab to Kitchen. Maidenhead, UK: Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd, pp. 71-79.
Psychosocial correlates of health literacy among older patients with coronary heart disease
Ussher M, Ibrahim S, Reid F, Shaw A & Rowlands G (2010) Psychosocial correlates of health literacy among older patients with coronary heart disease. Journal of Health Communication, 15 (7), pp. 788-804.
Incertitude du résultat et demande du public: l'intensité compétitive intra-match comme variable clé
Scelles N & Durand C (2010) Incertitude du résultat et demande du public: l'intensité compétitive intra-match comme variable clé [Outcome uncertainty and public demand: Intra-match competitive intensity as key variable]. Science et Motricite, (71), pp. 65-69.
Presentation / Talk
Spatial Trace Analysis in Electronic Team Sport: Application to MOBA
Rioult F, Metivier J, Helleu B, Scelles N & Durand C (2010) Spatial Trace Analysis in Electronic Team Sport: Application to MOBA [Analyse de traces spatiales dans le sport électronique d’équipe : Application aux MOBA]. XXVIIIth INFORSID Congress 2010, Marseille, France, 25.05.2010-28.05.2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Competitive intensity of professional sports leagues: Between measured and perceived realities
Scelles N & Durand C (2010) Competitive intensity of professional sports leagues: Between measured and perceived realities. 2nd European Conference in Sport Economics, Cologne, Germany, 05.10.2010-06.10.2010.
Book Chapter
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of NHS stop smoking services
Bauld L (2010) The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of NHS stop smoking services. In: All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health: Inquiry into the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of tobacco control: Submission to the 2010 Spending Review and Public Health White Paper Consultation process. London: Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), pp. 47-50.
Returning to competition following a serious injury: The role of self-determination
Podlog L & Eklund R (2010) Returning to competition following a serious injury: The role of self-determination. Journal of Sports Sciences, 28 (8), pp. 819-831.
Social physique anxiety, physical self-perceptions and eating disorder risk: A two-sample study
Bratrud SR, Parmer MM, Whitehead JR & Eklund R (2010) Social physique anxiety, physical self-perceptions and eating disorder risk: A two-sample study. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 1 (3), pp. 1-10.
Construct validity of the social physique anxiety scale in a french adolescent sample
Maiano C, Morin AJS, Eklund R, Monthuy-Blanc J, Garbarino J & Stephan Y (2010) Construct validity of the social physique anxiety scale in a french adolescent sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92 (1), pp. 53-62.
Authored Book
The Manual for the New Flow Scales
Jackson S, Eklund R & Martin A (2010) The Manual for the New Flow Scales. Menlo Park, CA, USA: Mind Garden.
Manual / Guide
Alcohol brief interventions training for trainers manual for primary care, accident and emergency and antenatal practitioners
Fitzgerald N & Winterbottom J (2010) Alcohol brief interventions training for trainers manual for primary care, accident and emergency and antenatal practitioners. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland.
Manual / Guide
Alcohol, Drugs and Youth Work Training for Trainers Manual
Fitzgerald N (2010) Alcohol, Drugs and Youth Work Training for Trainers Manual. Glasgow: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Attributions in sport psychology
Coffee P & Rees T (2010) Attributions in sport psychology. 2010 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, London, 09.12.2010-10.12.2010.
La glorieuse incertitude du sport: Causes et conséquences
Scelles N (2010) La glorieuse incertitude du sport: Causes et conséquences. Allez Caen, (278).
Sports History and Fiction: Reading Alan Sillitoe's 'The Match'
Dimeo P (2010) Sports History and Fiction: Reading Alan Sillitoe's 'The Match'. Sporting Traditions, 27 (2), pp. 81-90.
Athlete experiences of disordered eating in sport
Papathomas A & Lavallee D (2010) Athlete experiences of disordered eating in sport. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 2 (3), pp. 354-370.;
Latent Cytomegalovirus infection amplifies CD8 T-lymphocyte mobilisation and egress in response to exercise
Turner JE, Aldred S, Witard O, Drayson MT, Moss PM & Bosch JA (2010) Latent Cytomegalovirus infection amplifies CD8 T-lymphocyte mobilisation and egress in response to exercise. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 24 (8), pp. 1362-1370.
Parental influences on different types and intensities of physical activity in youth: A systematic review
Edwardson CL & Gorely T (2010) Parental influences on different types and intensities of physical activity in youth: A systematic review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11 (6), pp. 522-535.
Trait emotional intelligence and preference for intuition and deliberation: Respective influence on academic performance
Laborde S, Dosseville F & Scelles N (2010) Trait emotional intelligence and preference for intuition and deliberation: Respective influence on academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 49 (7), pp. 784-788.
High carbon dioxide concentrations in the classroom: The need for research on the effects of children's exposure to poor indoor air quality at school
Miller J, Semple S & Turner S (2010) High carbon dioxide concentrations in the classroom: The need for research on the effects of children's exposure to poor indoor air quality at school. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 67 (11), p. 799.
The Model of Human Occupation: 30th anniversary special edition
Duncan E (2010) The Model of Human Occupation: 30th anniversary special edition. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73 (11), pp. 497-497.
The effect of increased ambulatory activity on markers of chronic low-grade inflammation: evidence from the PREPARE programme randomized controlled trial
Yates T, Davies MJ, Gorely T, Talbot D, Bull F, Sattar N & Khunti K (2010) The effect of increased ambulatory activity on markers of chronic low-grade inflammation: evidence from the PREPARE programme randomized controlled trial. Diabetic Medicine, 27 (11), pp. 1256-1263.
Should smokers be offered assistance with stopping?
West R, McNeill A, Britton J, Bauld L, Raw M, Hajek P, Arnott D, Jarvis M & Stapleton J (2010) Should smokers be offered assistance with stopping?. Addiction, 105 (11), p. 1867–1869.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Socially responsible behaviour or 'a way business is conducted'?
De Andrade M (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Socially responsible behaviour or 'a way business is conducted'?. ISM-Open Social Marketing Conference 2010: Social Marketing and Socially Responsible Management: ‘Changing Times, New Challenges’, Milton Keynes, UK, 03.11.2010-03.11.2010.
Who is referred to neurology clinics? - The diagnoses made in 3781 new patients
Stone JC, Carson AJ, Duncan RDD, Roberts RC, Warlow CP, Hibberd C, Coleman RJ, Cull RE, Murray G, Pelosi AJ, Cavanagh JTO, Matthews KB, Goldbeck R, Smyth R, Walker JK & Sharpe MC (2010) Who is referred to neurology clinics? - The diagnoses made in 3781 new patients. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 112 (9), pp. 747-751.
Integrating the promotion of physical activity within a smoking cessation programme: Findings from collaborative action research in UK stop smoking services
Taylor AH, Everson-Hock ES & Ussher M (2010) Integrating the promotion of physical activity within a smoking cessation programme: Findings from collaborative action research in UK stop smoking services. BMC Health Services Research, 10, Art. No.: 317.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Internet and Drug Use: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven
De Andrade M (2010) The Internet and Drug Use: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven. Bray Drugs Awareness Forum Community Conference, Dublin, 24.11.2010-24.11.2010.
Partnership work between Public Health and Health Psychology: introduction to a novel training programme
Gilinsky A, Dombrowski SU, Dale H, Marks D, Robinson C, Eades C & Ouzounidou D (2010) Partnership work between Public Health and Health Psychology: introduction to a novel training programme. BMC Public Health, 10, Art. No.: 692.
The global burden of air pollution on mortality: The need to include exposure to household biomass fuel-derived particulates
Rylance J, Fullerton DG, Semple S & Ayres JG (2010) The global burden of air pollution on mortality: The need to include exposure to household biomass fuel-derived particulates. Environmental Health Perspectives, 118 (10), p. A424.
The reliability of the IL-6, sIL-6R and sgp130 response to a preloaded time trial
Walshe I, Robson-Ansley P, Gibson ASC, Lawrence C, Thompson KG & Ansley L (2010) The reliability of the IL-6, sIL-6R and sgp130 response to a preloaded time trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 110 (3), pp. 619-625.
Integrating physician assistants into the practice setting
Gray M, Smith F, McKeown D, Donaldson J, Hendry S, Page L & Scholes J (2010) Integrating physician assistants into the practice setting. Nursing Management, 17 (7), pp. 23-27.
Can we predict successful completion of the Common Foundation Programme at interview?
Donaldson J, McCallum J & Lafferty P (2010) Can we predict successful completion of the Common Foundation Programme at interview?. Nurse Education Today, 30 (7), pp. 649-656.
Research Report
Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts
Eadie D, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Heim D, Forsyth A & Punch S (2010) Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
A good walk worth watching
Jones MV & Lavallee D (2010) A good walk worth watching. Psychologist, 23 (10), pp. 806-809.
Effectiveness of interventions designed to promote patient involvement to enhance safety: a systematic review
Hall J, Peat M, Birks Y, Golder S, Entwistle V, Gilbody S, Mansell P, McCaughan D, Sheldon T, Watt IS, Williams B & Wright J (2010) Effectiveness of interventions designed to promote patient involvement to enhance safety: a systematic review. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 19 (5), p. e10.
Research Report
Sport-for-development impact study: A research initiative funded by Comic
Relief and UK Sport and managed by International Development through Sport
Coalter F & Taylor J (2010) Sport-for-development impact study: A research initiative funded by Comic
Relief and UK Sport and managed by International Development through Sport. Comic Relief; UK Sport. Department of Sports Studies, University of Stirling.
Organizational performance of Olympic sport governing bodies: dealing with measurement and priorities
Winand M, Zintz T, Bayle E & Robinson L (2010) Organizational performance of Olympic sport governing bodies: dealing with measurement and priorities. Managing Leisure, 15 (4), pp. 279-307.
The impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking behaviour: A two-stage cohort study
Gordon R, MacKintosh AM & Moodie C (2010) The impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking behaviour: A two-stage cohort study. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 45 (5), pp. 470-480.
Research Report
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems
Parkes T, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Jepson R, Atherton I, Doi L, McGhee S & Eadie D (2010) Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems. NHS Health Scotland.
Infant feeding in the neonatal unit
McInnes R, Shepherd A, Cheyne H & Niven C (2010) Infant feeding in the neonatal unit. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 6 (4), pp. 306-317.
The association of normative perceptions with adolescent smoking intentions
Brown A, Moodie C, Hastings G, MacKintosh AM, Hassan L & Thrasher JF (2010) The association of normative perceptions with adolescent smoking intentions. Journal of Adolescence, 33 (5), pp. 603-614.
Exploring the ambiguities of masculinity in accounts of emotional distress in the military among young ex-servicemen
Green G, Emslie C, O’Neill D, Hunt K & Walker S (2010) Exploring the ambiguities of masculinity in accounts of emotional distress in the military among young ex-servicemen. Social Science and Medicine, 71 (8), pp. 1480-1488.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Learning through simulation: is this applied in practice?
Adamson E, Smith FC & Gray M (2010) Learning through simulation: is this applied in practice?. Scottish Clinical Skills Network, Dundee, 30.09.2010-30.09.2010.
The effectiveness of interventions to change six health behaviours: a review of reviews
Jepson R, Harris FM, Platt S & Tannahill C (2010) The effectiveness of interventions to change six health behaviours: a review of reviews. BMC Public Health, 10, Art. No.: 538.
Technical Report
Evaluated interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm among young people
Angus K, Cairns G, Eadie D, Gordon R & MacDonald L (2010) Evaluated interventions to reduce alcohol-related harm among young people. European Commission. European Commission DG SANCO.
Research Report
Evaluation of a drop in rolling group model of smoking cessation: final report
Bauld L, Ferguson J, Jones C, McEwen A, Sumnall HR & Woolfall K (2010) Evaluation of a drop in rolling group model of smoking cessation: final report. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.
Monitoring symptoms at home: what methods would cancer patients be comfortable using?
Kleiboer AM, Gowing K, Hansen CH, Hibberd C, Hodges LJ, Walker JK, Thekkumpurath P, O'Connor MJ, Murray G & Sharpe MC (2010) Monitoring symptoms at home: what methods would cancer patients be comfortable using?. Quality of Life Research, 19 (7), pp. 965-968.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model
Roxburgh M & Bradley P (2010) New approaches to providing practice placements in the pre-registration nursing programmes: The development, implementation and evaluation of a ‘hub and spoke’ model. NET2010: 21st International Networking Education in Healthcare Conference, Cambridge, 07.09.2010-09.09.2010.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
'Pharmafilliation': A case study
De Andrade M (2010) 'Pharmafilliation': A case study. British Sociology Association Medical Conference 2010, Durham,UK, 01.09.2010-03.09.2010.
Smoking cessation during pregnancy: the influence of partners, family and friends on quitters and non-quitters
Koshi P, Mackenzie M, Tappin D & Bauld L (2010) Smoking cessation during pregnancy: the influence of partners, family and friends on quitters and non-quitters. Health and Social Care in the Community, 18 (5), pp. 500-510.
Metabolically exaggerated cardiac reactions to acute psychological stress: The effects of resting blood pressure status and possible underlying mechanisms
Balanos GM, Phillips AC, Frenneaux MP, McIntyre D, Lykidis C, Griffin HS & Carroll D (2010) Metabolically exaggerated cardiac reactions to acute psychological stress: The effects of resting blood pressure status and possible underlying mechanisms. Biological Psychology, 85 (1), pp. 104-111.
Altered human neutrophil function in response to acute psychological stress.
Khanfer R, Phillips AC, Carroll D & Lord J (2010) Altered human neutrophil function in response to acute psychological stress.. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72 (7), pp. 636-640.
From Youth Team to First Team: An Investigation into the Transition Experiences of Young Professional Athletes in Football
Morris R (2010) From Youth Team to First Team: An Investigation into the Transition Experiences of Young Professional Athletes in Football. Master of Science. Liverpool John Moores University.
Presentation / Talk
When 'Yes' is not enough. Comparison of the simple form of the Royal College of Physicians 3 questions (RCP 3-Q's) for asthma with an expanded scoring system
Hoskins G, Donnan PT, Williams B & Jackson C (2010) When 'Yes' is not enough. Comparison of the simple form of the Royal College of Physicians 3 questions (RCP 3-Q's) for asthma with an expanded scoring system. European Respiratory Society International Conference, Barcelona, 18.09.2010-22.09.2010.
The purple line as a measure of labour progress: a longitudinal study
Shepherd A, Cheyne H, Kennedy S, Mc Intosh C, Styles M & Niven C (2010) The purple line as a measure of labour progress: a longitudinal study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 10, Art. No.: 54.
Exercise and the onset of disability in later life
Hunt K, Adamson J, Ebrahim S & Mutrie N (2010) Exercise and the onset of disability in later life. Journal of Aging and Health, 22 (6), pp. 734-747.
Adolescents' response to text-only tobacco health warnings: Results from the 2008 UK Youth Tobacco Policy Survey
Moodie C, MacKintosh AM & Hammond D (2010) Adolescents' response to text-only tobacco health warnings: Results from the 2008 UK Youth Tobacco Policy Survey. European Journal of Public Health, 20 (4), pp. 463-469.;
Is the UK's coalition Government serious about public health?
Aveyard P, Amos A, Bauld L, Britton J, Coleman T, Docherty G, Godfrey C, Hajek P, Hastings G, McNeill A, Lewis S, Munafo M & Robert W (2010) Is the UK's coalition Government serious about public health?. Lancet, 376 (9741), p. 589.
Critical social marketing - The impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking: Qualitative findings
Gordon R, Moodie C, Eadie D & Hastings G (2010) Critical social marketing - The impact of alcohol marketing on youth drinking: Qualitative findings. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 15 (3), pp. 265-275.
Parenting styles, family structure and adolescent dietary behaviour
Pearson N, Atkin AJ, Biddle SJH, Gorely T & Edwardson CL (2010) Parenting styles, family structure and adolescent dietary behaviour. Public Health Nutrition, 13 (8), pp. 1245-1253.
Cancer diagnosis: An opportune time to help patients and their families stop smoking?
Ozakinci G, Wells M, Williams B, Munro AJ & Donnelly PD (2010) Cancer diagnosis: An opportune time to help patients and their families stop smoking?. Public Health, 124 (8), pp. 479-482.
Health in the 'hidden population' of people with low literacy. A systematic review of the literature
Easton P, Entwistle V & Williams B (2010) Health in the 'hidden population' of people with low literacy. A systematic review of the literature. BMC Public Health, 10 (459).
Low exercise among children with asthma: a culture of over protection? A qualitative study of experiences and beliefs
Williams B, Hoskins G, Pow J, Neville R, Mukhopadhyay S & Coyle J (2010) Low exercise among children with asthma: a culture of over protection? A qualitative study of experiences and beliefs. British Journal of General Practice, 60 (577), pp. e319-e326.
Pyruvate suppresses PGC1 alpha expression and substrate utilization despite increased respiratory chain content in C2C12 myotubes
Philp A, Perez-Schindler J, Green C, Hamilton DL & Baar K (2010) Pyruvate suppresses PGC1 alpha expression and substrate utilization despite increased respiratory chain content in C2C12 myotubes. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 299 (2), pp. C240-C250.
Outdoor air pollution is associated with rapid decline of lung function in α-1-antitrypsin deficiency
Wood A, Harrison R, Semple S, Ayres J & Stockley R (2010) Outdoor air pollution is associated with rapid decline of lung function in α-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 67 (8), pp. 556-561.
Research Report
Rapid literature review of smoking cessation and tobacco control issues across criminal justice system settings
MacDonald L, Angus K, MacAskill S & Eadie D (2010) Rapid literature review of smoking cessation and tobacco control issues across criminal justice system settings. University of Central Lancashire; Department of Health (DH). Insitute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling.