Book Chapter
SALUTOGENESIS: The Foundation for Supporting the Young Athlete
Kirkland A (2025) SALUTOGENESIS: The Foundation for Supporting the Young Athlete. In: Borrie A & Ryall E (eds.) SALUTOGENESIS The Foundation for Supporting the Young Athlete. Oxford: UK: Routledge.
The embodiment of equitable ways to develop agentic wellbeing through movement maximizing personal and general spaces-re-tooling affordances as drivers of social justice
Murray A, Murray P, Howells K, Uthmani N & McMillan N (2025) The embodiment of equitable ways to develop agentic wellbeing through movement maximizing personal and general spaces-re-tooling affordances as drivers of social justice. Equity in Education & Society.
Conference Abstract
The interruption and deconstruction of lure through ‘play fake’ behaviours using the en vivo time-phased intervention methodology to affirm children’s agency when under online predatorial duress
Murray P, Murray A & Howells K (2025) The interruption and deconstruction of lure through ‘play fake’ behaviours using the en vivo time-phased intervention methodology to affirm children’s agency when under online predatorial duress. Education: Insights from practice for policy (poster conference), Cholmondeley Room, House of Lords, Westminster, London, 21.01.2025-21.01.2025. Education: Insights for Policy from Practice and Research. The Centre for Research into the Education of Marginalised Children and Young Adults (CREMCYA).
Presentation / Talk
An integrative design for equipping caretakers & staffs performance acuity & empathy to match the demands of children’s navigating the electric playground
Murray P & Murray A (2024) An integrative design for equipping caretakers & staffs performance acuity & empathy to match the demands of children’s navigating the electric playground [Online Play Fakes]. Interpersonal Relationships & Wellbeing Research Group Conference: Discover & Connect, University of Worcester, Worcester, England, 07.11.2024-07.11.2024.
The Electric Playground Ppt-(PM AM) Outline Version For Interpersonal Relationships Wellbeing Discover Connect Conference (Nov 7th 2024)
Murray A & Murray P (2024) The Electric Playground Ppt-(PM AM) Outline Version For Interpersonal Relationships Wellbeing Discover Connect Conference (Nov 7th 2024). Interpersonal Relationships & Wellbeing Research Group Conference: Discover & Connect, University of Worcester, 07.11.2024-07.11.2024.
Policy Document
A Plan for Play: An Eye View Series Report
Clark H, Murray A, Murray P, Lubrano M, Veale V, Silberfield C, Griggs G, Cooke K, Brown F, Woolley H, Coleman N, Follett M, Hodgson A, Hill B & Warrington D (2024) A Plan for Play: An Eye View Series Report. Royal P (Other), Webb LR (Other) & Wright P (Other) Children's Alliance. Eye View Series, 2. Exeter.
Policy Document
The Role of the Family in Early Years Education
Clark H, Royal P, Webb LR, Wright P, Rosier C, Beart S, Blandford S, Veale V, Bayou E, Norman A, Tonkin A, Whewell E, Hodgson A, Warrington D & Murray A (2024) The Role of the Family in Early Years Education. Children's Alliance. 3.
The effect of assessor visibility on student stress and anxiety in emergency care simulation assessments
Mathobela T, Stein C, Vincent-Lambert C & Whittaker AC (2024) The effect of assessor visibility on student stress and anxiety in emergency care simulation assessments. BMC Medical Education, 24 (1), Art. No.: 1043 (2024).
Digital music and movement intervention to improve health and wellbeing in older adults in care homes: a pilot mixed methods study
De Nys L, Oyebola EF, Connelly J, Ryde GC & Whittaker AC (2024) Digital music and movement intervention to improve health and wellbeing in older adults in care homes: a pilot mixed methods study. BMC Geriatrics, 24, Art. No.: 733.
Policy Document
A Preconception Care Strategy: An Eye Series Reprt
Clark H, de Barra D, Murray A, Norman A, Schoenaker D, Winterbottom J, Sher J, Kumaran K, Woods-Townsend K, Trevillion K, Murray P, Keynejad R, Bhavsar V, Bayou E & Cassinelli EH (2024) A Preconception Care Strategy: An Eye Series Reprt [A Preconception Care Strategy]. Royal P (Sponsor), Wright P (Other) & Webb LR (Other) Children's Alliance. Eye View Series Reports. Exeter.
Presentation / Talk
Aerobic exercise versus combined cognitive and aerobic exercise in people with Parkinson's: Effects on cognition and biomarkers of neuroplasticity
Ferrusola-Pastrana A, Davison G, Javadi A, Fullerton C & Meadows S (2024) Aerobic exercise versus combined cognitive and aerobic exercise in people with Parkinson's: Effects on cognition and biomarkers of neuroplasticity., 04.07.2024-04.07.2024.
Policy Document
The Power of Play. Building A Creative Britain
Norman A, Jones C, Murray A, Murray P, Charmen H, Kaur K, Blair MH, Stockdale J, Wilson-Thomas J, Veale V, Peckham K, Pascal C, Bolden J, Josephidou J & Fitzgerald D (2024) The Power of Play. Building A Creative Britain [The Power of Play]. Children's Alliance. Exeter.
Book Chapter
Physical Education for Sustainability and Well-being
Murray A (2024) Physical Education for Sustainability and Well-being. In: Doull K & Ogier S (eds.) Teaching Climate Change & Sustainability in the Primary Curriculum. 1 ed. Learning Matters, pp. 174-186.
Conference Paper (published)
Implementation of Virtual Reality Motivated Physical Activity via Omnidirectional Treadmill in a Supported Living Facility for Older Adults: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation.: Virtual reality to motivate physical activity for older adults
Bradwell HL, Cooper L, Baxter R, Tomaz S, Edwards KJ, Whittaker AC & Jones RB (2024) Implementation of Virtual Reality Motivated Physical Activity via Omnidirectional Treadmill in a Supported Living Facility for Older Adults: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation.: Virtual reality to motivate physical activity for older adults. In: CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. CHI '24: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu HI USA, 11.05.2024-16.05.2024. New York: ACM.
Social Justice through Physical Literacy
Murray A (2024) Social Justice through Physical Literacy. National Education Conference Scottish Teachers for Enhancing Practice Annual Conference, Stirling Court Hotel, University of Stirling, 02.03.2024.
Anxiety, history of childhood adversity, and experiencing chronic pain in adulthood: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2024) Anxiety, history of childhood adversity, and experiencing chronic pain in adulthood: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain.
Bridging preservice teacher practice with general university student health and wellbeing through "I Can Resist". National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona, USA, January 3-5th.
Murray A, Murray P & Howells K (2024) Bridging preservice teacher practice with general university student health and wellbeing through "I Can Resist". National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Annual Conference. Phoenix, Arizona, USA, January 3-5th., Phoenix, USA, 03.01.2024-06.01.2024.
A realist evaluation of the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital music and movement intervention for older people living in care homes
Ofosu E, De Nys L, Connelly J, Ryde GC & Whittaker A (2023) A realist evaluation of the feasibility of a randomised controlled trial of a digital music and movement intervention for older people living in care homes. BMC Geriatrics, 23 (1), Art. No.: 125.
Using accessible resistance exercise to build emotional and physical strength, embodying pedagogies for accessible health and physical development (physical education) teacher education
Murray A, Murray P, Howells K, Gerstenberger J, McCormack M & Harrower-Cassells L (2023) Using accessible resistance exercise to build emotional and physical strength, embodying pedagogies for accessible health and physical development (physical education) teacher education., Queen Margaret's University, Scotland, 22.11.2023-24.11.2023.
An analysis on history of childhood adversity, anxiety, and chronic pain in adulthood and the influence of inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein
Dalechek DE, Caes L, Mcintosh G & Whittaker AC (2023) An analysis on history of childhood adversity, anxiety, and chronic pain in adulthood and the influence of inflammatory biomarker C-reactive protein. Scientific Reports, 13, Art. No.: 18000.