Dr Andrew Kirkland


Sport University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Andrew Kirkland

About me

I am a Lecturer in Sports Coaching in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport. I primarily teach on the MSc. in Sport Performance Coaching. I am also a member of the General University Ethics Panel, a Chartered Scientist and a BASES Accredited Sport & Exercise Scientist (support & pedagogy).

I bring a wealth of experience to the university. I am a multi-disciplinary practitioner, using expertise from behaviour change, coaching and the sport and exercise sciences sciences to guide me. I am a 'pracademic' drawing on my experiences as a high-performance triathlon coach. an applied sport scientist and coach developer. I have worked at British Cycling and the Sportscotland Institute of Sport in supporting the development of others in and through sport.

My research philosophy is driven by impact and the translation of research into practice. Specifically, I am using Implementation and Behavioural Change Science to explore 'Developing Healthy Performance Environments in Sport'.

I 'merge' my practical experience with evidence-based practice with the aim of helping others to develop more effective sporting systems.

My current research interest relates to health and mental well-being in sport . I have previously focused on coach learning and behavioural change in sport and physical activity contexts.

Research in progress includes:

  • Health & mental well being in sport: a Salutogenic perspective
  • Endurance coach learning