Multi-phase, multi-ethnic GWAS uncovers putative loci in predisposition to human sprint performance, health and disease
Wang G, Fuku N, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Tanaka M, Miyachi M, Murakami H, Mitchell BD, Morrison E, Ahmetov II, Sportgene Research Group, Generozov EV, Filipenko ML, Gilep AA, Gineviciene V & Moran CN (2025) Multi-phase, multi-ethnic GWAS uncovers putative loci in predisposition to human sprint performance, health and disease. Biology of Sport, 42 (3), pp. 141-159.
Global Comparisons of Age, Gender and Socioeconomic Status Differences of Physical Fitness Health Risk in South African Primary School Children: Longitudinal Data from the NW-CHILD Study
Muller X, Pienaar AE, Gerber B, Moran CN & Brooks NE (2024) Global Comparisons of Age, Gender and Socioeconomic Status Differences of Physical Fitness Health Risk in South African Primary School Children: Longitudinal Data from the NW-CHILD Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (12), Art. No.: 1554.
Association between menstrual cycle phase and metabolites in healthy, regularly menstruating women in UK Biobank, and effect modification by inflammatory markers and risk factors for metabolic disease
MacGregor KA, Ho FK, Celis-Morales CA, Pell JP, Gallagher IJ & Moran CN (2023) Association between menstrual cycle phase and metabolites in healthy, regularly menstruating women in UK Biobank, and effect modification by inflammatory markers and risk factors for metabolic disease. BMC Medicine, 21, Art. No.: 488.
Effect of aerobic exercise in Chinese adult individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with low salivary amylase gene (AMY1) copy number variation
Zhang X, Moran C, Wang R & Zhou Y (2023) Effect of aerobic exercise in Chinese adult individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with low salivary amylase gene (AMY1) copy number variation. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, 16.
Salivary Amylase Gene (AMY1) Copy Number Variation Has Only Minor Correlation with Body Composition in Chinese Adults
Zhang X, Moran C, Wang R, Zhou Y & Brooks N (2023) Salivary Amylase Gene (AMY1) Copy Number Variation Has Only Minor Correlation with Body Composition in Chinese Adults. Genes and Genomics.
The Impact of the Daily Mile™ on School Pupils' Fitness, Cognition, and Wellbeing: Findings From Longer Term Participation
Booth JN, Chesham RA, Brooks NE, Gorely T & Moran CN (2022) The Impact of the Daily Mile™ on School Pupils' Fitness, Cognition, and Wellbeing: Findings From Longer Term Participation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Art. No.: 812616.
Changes in adipose tissue microRNA expression across the menstrual cycle in regularly menstruating females: a pilot study
MacGregor KA, Rodriguez-Sanchez N, Di Virgilio TG, Barwell ND, Gallagher IJ & Moran CN (2022) Changes in adipose tissue microRNA expression across the menstrual cycle in regularly menstruating females: a pilot study. Physiological Genomics, 54 (1), pp. 1-10.
Book Chapter
Genetic Limitations to Athletic Performance
Moran C & Wang G (2021) Genetic Limitations to Athletic Performance. In: Tiidus PM, MacPherson REK, LeBlanc PJ & Josse AR (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on Biochemistry of Exercise. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 218-231.
Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Sampling using a Mini-liposuction Technique
MacGregor KA, Rodriguez-Sanchez N, Barwell ND, Gallagher IJ, Moran CN & Di Virgilio TG (2021) Human Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Sampling using a Mini-liposuction Technique. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 175, Art. No.: e62635.
Relationship between insulin sensitivity and menstrual cycle is modified by BMI, fitness, and physical activity in NHANES
MacGregor KA, Gallagher IJ & Moran CN (2021) Relationship between insulin sensitivity and menstrual cycle is modified by BMI, fitness, and physical activity in NHANES. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 106 (10), pp. 2979-2990.
School-based interventions modestly increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness but are least effective for youth who need them most: an individual participant pooled analysis of 20 controlled trials
Hartwig TB, Sanders T, Vasconcellos D, Noetel M, Parker PD, Lubans DR, Andrade S, Ávila-García M, Bartholomew J, Belton S, Brooks NE, Bugge A, Cavero-Redondo I, Christiansen LB & Moran C (2021) School-based interventions modestly increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness but are least effective for youth who need them most: an individual participant pooled analysis of 20 controlled trials. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55 (13), pp. 721-729.
A citizen science study of short physical activity breaks at school: improvements in cognition and wellbeing with self-paced activity
Booth JN, Chesham RA, Brooks NE, Gorely T & Moran CN (2020) A citizen science study of short physical activity breaks at school: improvements in cognition and wellbeing with self-paced activity. BMC Medicine, 18 (1), Art. No.: 62.
Human skeletal muscle metabolic responses to 6 days of high-fat overfeeding are associated with dietary n-3PUFA content and muscle oxidative capacity
Wardle SL, Macnaughton LS, McGlory C, Witard OC, Dick JR, Whitfield PD, Ferrando AA, Wolfe RR, Kim I, Hamilton DL, Moran CN, Tipton KD & Galloway SD (2020) Human skeletal muscle metabolic responses to 6 days of high-fat overfeeding are associated with dietary n-3PUFA content and muscle oxidative capacity. Physiological Reports, 8 (16), Art. No.: e14529.
Policy Document
Active Mile Briefing: Evidence And Policy Summary
Chalkley A, Clark J, Gahagan A, Aitkin L, Booth J, Brannan MG, Crane C, Daly-Smith A, Griffin I, Holmes I, Moran C, Nasir N, Poole R, Ryde G, Sherar L, Sollars L, Williams L & Wright C (2020) Active Mile Briefing: Evidence And Policy Summary. Public Health England. London.
Response to Daly-Smith et al.'s commentary on 'The Daily Mile makes primary school children more active, less sedentary and improves their fitness and body composition: a quasi-experimental pilot study'
Chesham RA, Booth JN, Sweeney EL, Ryde GC, Gorely T, Brooks NE & Moran CN (2019) Response to Daly-Smith et al.'s commentary on 'The Daily Mile makes primary school children more active, less sedentary and improves their fitness and body composition: a quasi-experimental pilot study'. Commentary on: Daly-Smith A, Morris JL, Hobbs M, McKenna J. Commentary on a recent article on the effects of the ‘daily mile’ on physical activity, fitness and body composition: addressing key limitations. BMC Medicine, 2019, 17:96. BMC Medicine, 17 (1), Art. No.: 97.
Preparation For Fatherhood: A Role For Olfactory Communication During Human Pregnancy?
Allen C, Cobey K, Havlíček J, Singleton F, Hahn A, Moran C & Roberts C (2019) Preparation For Fatherhood: A Role For Olfactory Communication During Human Pregnancy?. Physiology and Behavior, 206, pp. 175-180.
Book Chapter
Using elite athletes as a model for genetic research
Moran C, Williams A & Wang G (2019) Using elite athletes as a model for genetic research. In: Lightfoot JT, Hubal M & Roth S (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Sport and Exercise Systems Genetics. 1st ed. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 357-371.
Policy Document
The impact of the Daily Mile on Primary School Children
Moran C, Brooks N, Booth J, Chesham R, Sweeney E, Ryde G & Gorely T (2019) The impact of the Daily Mile on Primary School Children. University of Stirling. Stirling.
The Daily Mile: What factors are associated with its implementation success?
Ryde GC, Booth JN, Brooks NE, Chesham RA, Moran CN & Gorely T (2018) The Daily Mile: What factors are associated with its implementation success?. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), Art. No.: e0204988.
The Daily Mile makes primary school children more active, less sedentary and improves their fitness and body composition: a quasi-experimental pilot study
Chesham R, Booth JN, Sweeney EL, Ryde G, Gorely T, Brooks N & Moran CN (2018) The Daily Mile makes primary school children more active, less sedentary and improves their fitness and body composition: a quasi-experimental pilot study. BMC Medicine, 16, Art. No.: 64.
Newspaper / Magazine
When kids run for 15 minutes in school every day, here’s what happens to their health
Moran CN, Brooks N & Chesham R (2018) When kids run for 15 minutes in school every day, here’s what happens to their health. The Conversation. 10.05.2018.
Tour de France Champions born or made: where do we take the genetics of performance?
Moran CN & Pitsiladis Y (2017) Tour de France Champions born or made: where do we take the genetics of performance?. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 (14), pp. 1411-1419.
Book Chapter
The Future of Genomic Research in Athletic Performance and Adaptation to Training
Wang G, Tanaka M, Eynon N, North K, Williams A, Collins MR, Moran CN, Britton SL, Fuku N, Ashley E, Klissouras V, Lucia A, Ahmetov I, de Geus E, Alsayrafi M & Pitsiladis Y (2016) The Future of Genomic Research in Athletic Performance and Adaptation to Training. In: Posthumus M & Collins M (eds.) Genetics and Sports. 2nd ed. Medicine and Sports Science, 61. Basel: Karger, pp. 55-67.
Newspaper / Magazine
Explainer: what is gene doping – and will any athletes at Rio 2016 have tried it?
Moran CN (2016) Explainer: what is gene doping – and will any athletes at Rio 2016 have tried it?. The Conversation. 08.08.2016.
Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other “omic” markers of athletic performance
Pitsiladis YP, Tanaka M, Eynon N, Bouchard C, North KN, Williams AG, Collins MR, Moran CN, Britton SL, Fuku N, Ashley EA, Klissouras V, Lucia A, Ahmetov II, de Geus E & Alsayrafi M (2016) Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other “omic” markers of athletic performance. Physiological Genomics, 48 (3), pp. 183-190.
Newspaper / Magazine
How does genetics explain non-identical identical twins?
Moran C (2016) How does genetics explain non-identical identical twins?. The Conversation. 17.03.2016.
Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for predicting sports performance and talent identification: Consensus statement
Webborn N, Williams A, McNamee M, Bouchard C, Pitsiladis Y, Ahmetov I, Ashley E, Byrne N, Camporesi S, Collins MR, Dijkstra P, Eynon N, Fuku N, Garton F & Moran CN (2015) Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for predicting sports performance and talent identification: Consensus statement. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 (23), pp. 1486-1491.
Exercise-conditioned plasma attenuates nuclear concentrations of DNA methyltransferase 3B in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Horsburgh S, Todryk S, Toms C, Moran CN & Ansley L (2015) Exercise-conditioned plasma attenuates nuclear concentrations of DNA methyltransferase 3B in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells [Exercise-Conditioned Plasma and DNMT3B Concentration in PBMCs]. Physiological Reports, 3 (12), Art. No.: e12621.
Newspaper / Magazine
Born to win: top athletes don’t share a single talent gene, but hundreds of them
Moran C (2015) Born to win: top athletes don’t share a single talent gene, but hundreds of them. The Conversation. 25.06.2015.
Plasma microRNA levels differ between endurance and strength athletes
Wardle S, Bailey MES, Kilikevicius A, Malkova D, Wilson RH, Venckunas T & Moran CN (2015) Plasma microRNA levels differ between endurance and strength athletes. PLoS ONE, 10 (4), Art. No.: e0122107.
Human alpha-actinin-3 genotype association with exercise-induced muscle damage and the repeated-bout effect
Venckunas T, Skurvydas A, Brazaitis M, Kamandulis S, Snieckus A & Moran CN (2012) Human alpha-actinin-3 genotype association with exercise-induced muscle damage and the repeated-bout effect. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 37 (6), pp. 1038-1046.
ACTN3 Genotype, Athletic Status, and Life Course Physical Capability: Meta-Analysis of the Published Literature and Findings from Nine Studies
Alfred T, Ben-Shlomo Y, Cooper R, Hardy R, Cooper C, Deary I, Gunnell D, Harris SE, Kumari M, Martin RM, Moran CN, Pitsiladis YP, Ring SM, Sayer AA, Smith GD, Starr JM, Kuh D & Day INM (2011) ACTN3 Genotype, Athletic Status, and Life Course Physical Capability: Meta-Analysis of the Published Literature and Findings from Nine Studies. Human Mutation, 32 (9), pp. 1008-1018.
Effects of Diabetes Family History and Exercise Training on the expression of Adiponectin and Leptin and their Receptors
Moran CN, Barwell ND, Malkova D, Cleland SJ, McPhee I, Packard CJ, Zammit VA & Gill JMR (2011) Effects of Diabetes Family History and Exercise Training on the expression of Adiponectin and Leptin and their Receptors. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, 60 (2), pp. 206-214.
Fruit Development: new directions for an old pathway
Moran CN & Halliday KJ (2010) Fruit Development: new directions for an old pathway. Current Biology, 20 (24), pp. R1081-R1083.;
Fat Oxidation, Fitness and Skeletal Muscle Expression of Oxidative/Lipid Metabolism Genes in South Asians: Implications for Insulin Resistance?
Hall LML, Moran CN, Milne GR, Wilson J, MacFarlane NG, Forouhi NG, Hariharan N, Salt IP, Sattar N & Gill JMR (2010) Fat Oxidation, Fitness and Skeletal Muscle Expression of Oxidative/Lipid Metabolism Genes in South Asians: Implications for Insulin Resistance?. PLoS ONE, 5(12): e14197.
FTO genotype and adiposity in children: physical activity levels influence the effect of the risk genotype in adolescent males
Scott RA, Bailey MES, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Fuku N, Tanaka M, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, Grammatikaki E, Moschonis G, Manios Y & Pitsiladis YP (2010) FTO genotype and adiposity in children: physical activity levels influence the effect of the risk genotype in adolescent males. European Journal of Human Genetics, 18 (12), pp. 1339-1343.
Evolutionary History of the ADRB2 Gene in Humans
Wilson RH, Moran CN, Cole JJ, Pitsiladis YP & Bailey MES (2010) Evolutionary History of the ADRB2 Gene in Humans. American Journal of Human Genetics, 86 (3), pp. 490-493.
Functional neurogenetics of the courtship song of male Drosophila melanogaster
Moran CN & Kyriacou CP (2009) Functional neurogenetics of the courtship song of male Drosophila melanogaster. Cortex, 45 (1), pp. 18-34.
Interaction effects between total energy and macronutrient intakes and angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE) I/D polymorphism on adiposity-related phenotypes in toddlers and preschoolers: the Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS)
Kourlaba G, Pitsiladis YP, Lagou V, Grammatikaki E, Moran CN, Kondaki K, Roma-Giannikou E & Manios Y (2008) Interaction effects between total energy and macronutrient intakes and angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE) I/D polymorphism on adiposity-related phenotypes in toddlers and preschoolers: the Growth, Exercise and Nutrition Epidemiological Study in preSchoolers (GENESIS). British Journal of Nutrition, 100 (6), pp. 1333-1340.
Exercise training has greater effects on insulin sensitivity in daughters of patients with type 2 diabetes than in women with no family history of diabetes
Barwell ND, Malkova D, Moran CN, Cleland SJ, Packard CJ, Zammit VA & Gill JMR (2008) Exercise training has greater effects on insulin sensitivity in daughters of patients with type 2 diabetes than in women with no family history of diabetes. Diabetologia, 51 (10), pp. 1912-1919.
Developmental changes in adiposity in toddlers and preschoolers in the GENESIS study and associations with the ACE I/D polymorphism
Lagou V, Manios Y, Moran CN, Bailey MES, Grammatikaki E, Oikonomou E, Ioannou E, Moschonis G, Wilson RH & Pitsiladis YP (2007) Developmental changes in adiposity in toddlers and preschoolers in the GENESIS study and associations with the ACE I/D polymorphism. International Journal of Obesity, 31 (7), pp. 1052-1060.
Association analysis of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and complex quantitative body composition and performance phenotypes in adolescent Greeks
Moran CN, Yang N, Bailey MES, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, MacArthur DG, North K, Pitsiladis YP & Wilson RH (2007) Association analysis of the ACTN3 R577X polymorphism and complex quantitative body composition and performance phenotypes in adolescent Greeks. European Journal of Human Genetics, 15 (1), pp. 88-93.
Conference Abstract
ACTN3 Genotypes and Obesity-, Power- and Endurance-Related Phenotypes in Adolescent Greeks
Moran CN, Yang N, MacArthur DG, Vassilopoulos C, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, Bailey MES, Pitsiladis YP, North K & Wilson RH (2006) ACTN3 Genotypes and Obesity-, Power- and Endurance-Related Phenotypes in Adolescent Greeks. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, Colorado USA, 31/05/2006 - 03/06/2006. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38 (Supplement 5), pp. S48-S49.
The associations of ACE polymorphisms with physical, physiological and skill parameters in adolescents
Moran CN, Vassilopoulos C, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, Bailey MES, Montgomery H, Wilson RH & Pitsiladis YP (2006) The associations of ACE polymorphisms with physical, physiological and skill parameters in adolescents. European Journal of Human Genetics, 14 (3), pp. 332-339.
Effects of interaction between angiotensin I-converting enzyme polymorphisms and lifestyle on adiposity in adolescent Greeks
Moran CN, Vassilopoulos C, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, Bailey MES, Wilson RH & Pitsiladis YP (2005) Effects of interaction between angiotensin I-converting enzyme polymorphisms and lifestyle on adiposity in adolescent Greeks. Obesity Research, 13 (9), pp. 1499-1504.
No association between Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) gene variation and endurance athlete status in Kenyans
Scott RA, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Onywera V, Boit MK, Goodwin WH, Gohlke P, Payne J, Montgomery H & Pitsiladis YP (2005) No association between Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) gene variation and endurance athlete status in Kenyans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 141 (2), pp. 169-175.
Conference Abstract
ACE Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status In Kenyans
Scott RA, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Onywera V, Boit MK, Goodwin WH, Montgomery H & Pitsiladis YP (2005) ACE Genotype Is Not Associated With Elite Endurance Athlete Status In Kenyans. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 (Supplement 5), pp. S167-S167.
Conference Abstract
Physical Activity-dependent Effects Of Beta-adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms On Obesity-related Phenotypes In Children
Moran CN, Vassilopoulos C, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ, Wilson RH & Pitsiladis YP (2005) Physical Activity-dependent Effects Of Beta-adrenergic Receptor Polymorphisms On Obesity-related Phenotypes In Children. 52nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA, 01/06/2005 - 04/06/2005. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 (Supplement 5), pp. S473-S473.;
Mitochondrial DNA lineages of elite Ethiopian athletes
Scott RA, Wilson RH, Goodwin WH, Moran CN, Georgiades E, Wolde B & Pitsiladis YP (2005) Mitochondrial DNA lineages of elite Ethiopian athletes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 140 (3), pp. 497-503.
Y chromosome haplogroups of elite Ethiopian endurance runners
Moran CN, Scott RA, Adams SM, Warrington SJ, Jobling MA, Wilson RH, Goodwin WH, Georgiades E, Wolde B & Pitsiladis YP (2004) Y chromosome haplogroups of elite Ethiopian endurance runners. Human Genetics, 115 (6), pp. 492-497.
Genetic influence on East African running success
Scott RA, Moran CN, Wilson RH, Goodwin WH & Pitsiladis YP (2004) Genetic influence on East African running success. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology, 1 (4), pp. 273-280.
Conference Abstract
Mitochondrial DNA lineages of elite Ethiopian athletes
Scott RA, Wilson RH, Goodwin WH, Moran CN, Georgiades E, Wolde B & Pitsiladis YP (2004) Mitochondrial DNA lineages of elite Ethiopian athletes. 51st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 02/06/2004 - 05/06/2004. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36 (5 Supplement), pp. S39-S39.
Conference Abstract
Increased frequency of an ace polymorphism in Ethiopian elite marathon runners
Moran CN, Scott RA, Wilson RH, Georgiades E, Goodwin WH, Wolde B & Pitsiladis YP (2004) Increased frequency of an ace polymorphism in Ethiopian elite marathon runners. American College of Sports Medicine 51st Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 02/06/2004 - 05/06/2004. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36 (Supplement 5), pp. S259-S259.
Conference Abstract
Components of exercise-related phenotypes and their responses to genetic and environmental variation
Wilson RH, Moran CN, Vassilopoulos C, Tsiokanos A, Jamurtas AZ & Pitsiladis YP (2004) Components of exercise-related phenotypes and their responses to genetic and environmental variation. 51st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, USA, 02/06/2004 - 05/06/2004. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36 (Supplement 5), pp. S259-S260.