An integrative design for equipping caretakers & staffs performance acuity & empathy to match the demands of children’s navigating the electric playground
Alternative title Online Play Fakes
Presentation / Talk
Alternative title Online Play Fakes
Murray P & Murray A (2024) An integrative design for equipping caretakers & staffs performance acuity & empathy to match the demands of children’s navigating the electric playground [Online Play Fakes]. Interpersonal Relationships & Wellbeing Research Group Conference: Discover & Connect, University of Worcester, Worcester, England, 07.11.2024-07.11.2024.
Current research demonstrates the pitfalls and the benefits of technology for the user (Hunter et al, 2024; Murgia, 2024). Historically where inadequate health literacy and limited language proficiency are associated with poor health care access and outcomes (McKee & Paasche-Orlow, 2012), it is plausible that sub-optimal proficiency in digital technology and associated tech-language literacy, will yield negative consequences for tech-innovation users. In this planned work, an integrative design is proposed to garner cathected moments in the ‘pre-start’ (Murray, 2020) to children’s electrical play experience. The aim is to further inform and align corresponding professional/performance development capabilities by meeting the emergent challenges for the child with caretaker skill acquisition. Using the en vivo methodology (Murray, 2006), vital moments for heightened awareness in the would-be child-friendly context in the electric playground will be identified. Therein disparities between ideal readiness of those dedicated to the realisation of healthy child’s play, and approaches found to be less efficacious, will inform the basis of the intervention.
Key findings of The Children's Alliance 'The Electric Playground, The Pervasive Electrification of Childhood, Its consequences and the Resolutions' (due April 2025) will be used to accurately and empathically support 'caretakers' facilitating and accompanying children's electric play.
electric playground, play as a protected characteristic , en vivo leadership
Status | Unpublished |
Place of publication | University of Worcester |
Conference | Interpersonal Relationships & Wellbeing Research Group Conference: Discover & Connect |
Conference location | University of Worcester, Worcester, England |
Dates |
Lecturer (Primary Ed.- Health&Wellbeing), Education