An Evaluation of Health Behavior Change Training for Health and Care Professionals in St. Helena
Maltinsky W, Swanson V, Tanyan K & Hotham S (2025) An Evaluation of Health Behavior Change Training for Health and Care Professionals in St. Helena. Healthcare, 13 (4), Art. No.: 435.
Do Behavioral Considerations Cloud Penalty-Kick Location Optimization in Professional Soccer?
Uribe A, Sanders S, Ehrlich J, Reade JJ & Singleton C (2025) Do Behavioral Considerations Cloud Penalty-Kick Location Optimization in Professional Soccer?. In: MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, Sloan School of Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 07.03.2025-08.03.2025. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket
Chowdhury S, Jewell S & Singleton C (2024) Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 226, Art. No.: 106697.
Conference Paper (published)
End User Interpretation of the Avalanche Danger Scale: A Scottish Study
Ebert PA, Miller DL, Comerford DA & Diggins M (2024) End User Interpretation of the Avalanche Danger Scale: A Scottish Study. In: Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop 2024, Tromsø, Norway. Proceedings of the International Snow Science Workshop. International Snow Science Workshop, Tromsø, Norway, 23.09.2024-27.09.2024. Montana: Montana State University Library, pp. 1626 - 1632.
The age‐wage‐productivity puzzle: Evidence from the careers of top earners
Scarfe R, Singleton C, Sunmoni A & Telemo P (2024) The age‐wage‐productivity puzzle: Evidence from the careers of top earners. Economic Inquiry, 62 (2), pp. 584-606.
Training to change practice: Behavioural science to develop effective health professional education
Hart J, Byrne‐Davis L, Maltinsky W & Bull E (2023) Training to change practice: Behavioural science to develop effective health professional education. New Jersey, USA: Wiley.
Conference Paper (published)
Digital technologies for bowel management: A scoping review
Iyawa G, Henton S, Maltinsky W, Casson A, Taylor A, Lake D, Medina-Lombardero S, Saleh M & Crichton M (2023) Digital technologies for bowel management: A scoping review. In: , 22.11.2023. Elsevier.
Optimal aus Fehlern lernen
Schubert T, Kulcsar Z & Ebert P (2023) Optimal aus Fehlern lernen. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 103 (40), pp. 72-73.;
Maltinsky W, Henton S & Taylor A (2023) MIRROR, MIRROR, ON THE SCREEN: CODESIGN OF A BREATHING RETRAINING AVATAR INTERVENTION. International Conference of Behavioural Science, Vancouver, 23.08.2023-26.08.2023.
Circadian rhythm of preferred temperature in fish: Behavioural thermoregulation linked to daily photocycles in zebrafish and Nile tilapia
Vera LM, de Alba G, Santos S, Szewczyk TM, Mackenzie SA, Sánchez-Vázquez FJ & Rey-Planellas S (2023) Circadian rhythm of preferred temperature in fish: Behavioural thermoregulation linked to daily photocycles in zebrafish and Nile tilapia. Journal of Thermal Biology, 113, Art. No.: 103544.
Newspaper / Magazine
Wisdom of Crowds
Ebert P & Zweifel B (2023) Wisdom of Crowds [Gruppenentscheidungen im Bergsport]. Bergundsteigen. 01.2023, pp. 32-38.
Methodological and conceptual challenges in rare and severe event forecast verification
Ebert PA & Milne P (2022) Methodological and conceptual challenges in rare and severe event forecast verification. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22 (2), pp. 539-557.
Editorial: The cerebellar role in psychiatric disorders: Emerging evidence and future perspectives
Argyropoulos GPD, Lupo M & Olivito G (2022) Editorial: The cerebellar role in psychiatric disorders: Emerging evidence and future perspectives. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, Art. No.: 1075679.
Counterfactual curiosity: Motivated thinking about what might have been
FitzGibbon L & Murayama K (2022) Counterfactual curiosity: Motivated thinking about what might have been. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 377 (1866), Art. No.: 20210340.
Studying Interpreters' Stress in Crisis Communication Evidence from Multimodal Technology of Eye-tracking, Heart Rate and Galvanic Skin Response
Li S, Wang Y & Rasmussen YZ (2022) Studying Interpreters' Stress in Crisis Communication Evidence from Multimodal Technology of Eye-tracking, Heart Rate and Galvanic Skin Response. The Translator.
Presentation / Talk
Using readily available social media data to describe sentiments towards transmission-reducing behaviours during the Covid pandemic
Maltinsky W, Manuf S, Den Daas C, Ozakinci G, Gaitens H & Swingler K (2022) Using readily available social media data to describe sentiments towards transmission-reducing behaviours during the Covid pandemic., 23.08.2022-27.08.2022.
Expert and lay judgements of danger and recklessness in adventure sports
Ebert PA & Durbach IN (2022) Expert and lay judgements of danger and recklessness in adventure sports. Journal of Risk Research.
Technical Report
SAIS User Survey Summary Report
Ebert P & Comerford D (2022) SAIS User Survey Summary Report. Diggins M (Contact Person) Scottish Avalanche Information Services. Online: University of Stirling.
Safety in numbers: how social choice theory can inform avalanche risk management
Ebert PA & Morreau M (2022) Safety in numbers: how social choice theory can inform avalanche risk management. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.
Preprint / Working Paper
Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments
Sejas-Portillo R, Coemrford D, Moro M & Stowasser T (2020) Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments. CESifo Working Papers. CESifo Working Papers.
Varieties of Risk
Ebert PA, Smith M & Durbach I (2020) Varieties of Risk. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 101 (2), pp. 432-455.
Bayesian reasoning in avalanche terrain: a theoretical investigation
Ebert P (2019) Bayesian reasoning in avalanche terrain: a theoretical investigation. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19 (1), pp. 84-95.
Lottery judgments: A philosophical and experimental study
Ebert PA, Smith M & Durbach I (2018) Lottery judgments: A philosophical and experimental study. Philosophical Psychology, 31 (1), pp. 110-138.
Conference Paper (published)
A Bayesian Perspective on Avalanche Decision-Making and the Relevance of Stability tests
Ebert P (2018) A Bayesian Perspective on Avalanche Decision-Making and the Relevance of Stability tests. In: International Snow Science Workshop Proceedings 2018, Innsbruck, Austria. ISSW 2018: International Snow Science Workshop, 07.10.2018-12.10.2018. Innsbruck: Montana State University, pp. 1334-1338.
Nudge Management: Was der Nobelpreis 2017 für Aufsichtsräte bedeutet
Ebert P & Freibichler W (2017) Nudge Management: Was der Nobelpreis 2017 für Aufsichtsräte bedeutet. Der Aufsichtsrat, (11), pp. 160-161, Art. No.: AR1250962.
Nudge Management: Wie Führungskräfte kluges Selbstmanagement anstoßen
Ebert P, Schubert T & Freibichler W (2017) Nudge Management: Wie Führungskräfte kluges Selbstmanagement anstoßen. Zeitschrift Fuehrung und Organisation, 86 (2), pp. 82-86.
Nudge management: applying behavioural science to increase knowledge worker productivity
Ebert P & Freibichler W (2017) Nudge management: applying behavioural science to increase knowledge worker productivity. Journal of Organization Design, 6 (1), Art. No.: 4.
Couple-based psychosexual support following prostate cancer surgery: Results of a feasibility pilot randomized control trial
McNamee P, McNeill A, Bollina P, Robertson J, McNamee P, Molloy G, Hubbard G, McNeill SA, Bollina PR, Kelly D & Forbat L (2016) Couple-based psychosexual support following prostate cancer surgery: Results of a feasibility pilot randomized control trial. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13 (8), pp. 1233-1242.
A systematic review and narrative summary of family-based smoking cessation interventions to help adults quit smoking
Hubbard G, Gorely T, Ozakinci G, Polson R & Forbat L (2016) A systematic review and narrative summary of family-based smoking cessation interventions to help adults quit smoking. BMC Family Practice, 17 (1), Art. No.: 73.
Know Your Own Competence
Ebert P (2015) Know Your Own Competence. Avalanche Review, 33 (4), pp. 22-24.
Book Chapter
Understanding the SES Gradient in Health: The Role of Childhood Circumstances
Stowasser T, Heiss F, McFadden D & Winter J (2014) Understanding the SES Gradient in Health: The Role of Childhood Circumstances. In: Wise DA (ed.) Discoveries in the Economics of Aging. Chicago: NBER & University of Chicago Press, p. 187–219.
Conference Paper (published)
Bayes' beacon: avalanche prediction, competence and evidence for competence. Modelling the effect of competent and incompetent predictions of highly improbable events
Ebert P & Photopoulou T (2013) Bayes' beacon: avalanche prediction, competence and evidence for competence. Modelling the effect of competent and incompetent predictions of highly improbable events. In: Proceedings, 2013 International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW), Grenoble, France. International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings. International Snow Science Workshop 2013, Grenoble, France, 07.10.2013-11.10.2013. Grenoble, France: Montana State University, pp. 363-370.
A Plea for Risk
Ebert P & Robertson S (2013) A Plea for Risk. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement, 73, pp. 45-64.
Book Chapter
‘Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise?’ Revisited: An Analysis of the Causal Pathways from Socio-Economic Status to Health
Stowasser T, McFadden D, Heiss F & Winter J (2012) ‘Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise?’ Revisited: An Analysis of the Causal Pathways from Socio-Economic Status to Health. In: Wise DA (ed.) Investigations in the Economics of Aging. Chicago: NBER & University of Chicago Press, p. 267–317.