
Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket



Chowdhury S, Jewell S & Singleton C (2024) Can Awareness Reduce (and Reverse) Identity-driven Bias in Judgement? Evidence from International Cricket. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 226, Art. No.: 106697.

Competitions often suffer from biased judgments by officials tied to their social identities. In international cricket, home nation umpires favoured home teams, but neutral umpires were introduced successfully to address this bias. However, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted the return of home umpires, creating a natural experiment amid heightened scrutiny, modern technology, and sometimes empty stadiums. Consistent with the predictions of our behavioural model, we find no evidence of in-group bias during the pandemic; instead, we observe evidence of over-compensation. The pre-pandemic home team advantage in 'leg before wicket' decisions vanished, with home umpires seemingly favouring the away opposition, compared with neutral umpires in the period before, especially in more marginal or difficult decisions. This suggests that awareness and scrutiny can not only eliminate identity-driven judgement bias but may even reverse it.

Natural Experiment; Identity; Judgement Bias; Social Pressure; Home Advantage JEL Codes: D01; D91; L83; Z2

Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization: Volume 226

Publication date31/10/2024
Publication date online13/08/2024
Date accepted by journal05/08/2024