MANET performance optimization using network-based criteria and unmanned aerial vehicles
Gromova E, Kireev S, Lazareva A, Kirpichnikova A & Gromov D (2021) MANET performance optimization using network-based criteria and unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 10 (1), Art. No.: 8.
Novel Dermatitis and Relative Viral Nucleic Acid Tissue Loads in a Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) with Systemic Cetacean Morbillivirus Infection
Dagleish MP, Perri A, Maley M, Ballingall KT, Baily JL, Davison NJ, Brownlow AC & Rocchi MS (2021) Novel Dermatitis and Relative Viral Nucleic Acid Tissue Loads in a Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus) with Systemic Cetacean Morbillivirus Infection. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 183, pp. 57-62.
Redrawing the border through the 'Right to Rent': exclusion, discrimination and hostility in the English housing market
McKee K, Leahy S, Tokarczyk T & Crawford J (2021) Redrawing the border through the 'Right to Rent': exclusion, discrimination and hostility in the English housing market. Critical Social Policy, 41 (1), pp. 91-110.
Population genetics of invasive and native Nymphaea mexicana Zuccarini: Taking the first steps to initiate a biological control programme in South Africa
Reid M, Naidu P, Paterson ID, Mangan R & Coetzee JA (2021) Population genetics of invasive and native Nymphaea mexicana Zuccarini: Taking the first steps to initiate a biological control programme in South Africa. Aquatic Botany, 171, Art. No.: 103372.
Consultancy Report
Technical review of shoreline accretion and storm erosion modelling implemented for NAMDEB Southern Coastal Mine
Loureiro C (2021) Technical review of shoreline accretion and storm erosion modelling implemented for NAMDEB Southern Coastal Mine. De Beers Group. Stirling.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel to the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership: The Meaning and Content of Duties to be Considered for Inclusion in the Bill
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel to the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership: The Meaning and Content of Duties to be Considered for Inclusion in the Bill. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. Scottish Government.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper: Access to Justice for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Principles of Adjudication 1 September 2020
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper: Access to Justice for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Principles of Adjudication 1 September 2020. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. The Scottish Government.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper Access to Remedy – Systemic Issues and Structural Orders 30 November 2020
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper Access to Remedy – Systemic Issues and Structural Orders 30 November 2020. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. The Scottish Government.
A Comparative Study of the Control Mechanisms within the Major International Arbitration Institutions
Yu H & Chen J (2021) A Comparative Study of the Control Mechanisms within the Major International Arbitration Institutions [主要國際仲裁機構設立案件內控專責組織之比較 分析]. CAA Arbitration Journal, 111, pp. 79-136.
Monitoring the spread of water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes): challenges and future developments
Datta A, Maharaj S, Prabhu GN, Bhowmik D, Marino A, Akbari V, Rupavatharam S, Sujeetha JAR, Anantrao GG, Poduvattil VK, Kumar S & Kleczkowski A (2021) Monitoring the spread of water hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes): challenges and future developments. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Art. No.: 631338.
Policy Document
CAA Report on The Duty of Confidentiality Within The Global Landscape
Yu H (2021) CAA Report on The Duty of Confidentiality Within The Global Landscape. Chinese Arbitration Association. Taiwan.
Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. caledonicus and C. pinnipediorum subsp. pinnipediorum recovered from abscesses in pinnipeds
Foster G, Baily JL, Howie F, Brownlow AC, Wagenaar JA, Gilbert MJ, Miller WG, Byrne BA, Clothier KA, Schmitt T, Patterson T, Reid RJ & Dagleish MP (2020) Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. caledonicus and C. pinnipediorum subsp. pinnipediorum recovered from abscesses in pinnipeds. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 142, pp. 41-46.
Heterotrophic Foraminifera Capable of Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation
Bird C, LeKieffre C, Jauffrais T, Meibom A, Geslin E, Filipsson HL, Maire O, Fehrenbacher JS & Russell AD (2020) Heterotrophic Foraminifera Capable of Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, Art. No.: 604979.
Research Report
The State of Knowledge and Practice on Human-Wildlife Conflicts
Hodgson ID, Redpath SM, Sandstrom C & Biggs D (2020) The State of Knowledge and Practice on Human-Wildlife Conflicts. O'Neill M (Editor) & Villat J (Editor) The Luc Hoffman Institute. Gland, Switzerland.
Book Chapter
Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change
Skrimizea E, Lecuyer L, Bunnefeld N, Butler JRA, Fickel T, Hodgson I, Holtkamp C, Marzano M, Parra C, Pereira L, Petit S, Pound D, Rodríguez I, Ryan P & Staffler J (2020) Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change. In: Bohan DA & Vanbergen AJ (eds.) The Future of Agricultural Landscapes, Part I. Advances in Ecological Research, 63. London: Academic Press, pp. 255-311.
The fragmentation of (mutual) trust in Commonwealth Africa - a foreign judgments perspective
Okoli PN (2020) The fragmentation of (mutual) trust in Commonwealth Africa - a foreign judgments perspective. Journal of Private International Law, 16 (3), pp. 519-548.
Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War: Immigration Restriction and Mass Repatriation
Jenkinson J (2020) Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War: Immigration Restriction and Mass Repatriation. Routledge Studies in First World War History. London: Routledge.
Conference Paper (published)
Global Landscape Structure and the Random MAX-SAT Phase Transition
Ochoa G, Chicano F & Tomassini M (2020) Global Landscape Structure and the Random MAX-SAT Phase Transition. In: Bäck T, Preuss M, Deutz A, Wang H, Doerr C, Emmerich M & Trautmann H (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. PPSN 2020: Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Leiden, The Netherlands, 05.09.2020-09.09.2020. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 125-138.
Book Chapter
Mechanisms and timescales of beach rotation
Loureiro C & Ferreira Ó (2020) Mechanisms and timescales of beach rotation. In: Short AD & Jackson DWT (eds.) Sandy Beach Morphodynamics: Form and Process. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 593-614.
Book Chapter
Impacts of climate change on aquaculture
Collins C, Bresnan E, Brown L, Falconer L, Guilder J, Jones L, Kennerley A, Malham S, Murray A & Stanley M (2020) Impacts of climate change on aquaculture. In: MCCIP Science Review 2020. Lowestoft: Marine Climate Change Impacts, p. 482–520.;
Conference Paper (published)
Violences, stratégies adaptatives et résiliences: le cas du Rwanda
Grayson H (2020) Violences, stratégies adaptatives et résiliences: le cas du Rwanda. In: Mazurek H (ed.) Pratiques Basées sur la Résilience. AMU, IRD, LPED. 4ème Congrès Mondial sur la Résilience, Marseille, France, 28.06.2018-30.06.2018. Marseille, France: Aix Marseille Université, pp. 141-147.
Book Chapter
Internal phosphorus loading in Esthwaite Water: considering the role of weather and climate
Mackay E & Jones I (2020) Internal phosphorus loading in Esthwaite Water: considering the role of weather and climate. In: Steinman AD & Spears BM (eds.) Internal Phosphorus Loading in Lakes: Causes, Case Studies and Management. Plantation, FL, USA: J Ross Publishing.
Inferring Future Landscapes: Sampling the Local Optima Level
Thomson SL, Ochoa G, Verel S & Veerapen N (2020) Inferring Future Landscapes: Sampling the Local Optima Level. Evolutionary Computation, 28 (4), pp. 621-641.
Book Chapter
Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums
Dee M (2020) Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums. In: Laatikainen K & Smith K (eds.) Group Politics in UN Multilateralism. Diplomatic Studies, 16. Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 177-195.
Conference Paper (published)
Fitness Landscape Analysis of Automated Machine Learning Search Spaces
Pimenta CG, de Sá AGC, Ochoa G & Pappa GL (2020) Fitness Landscape Analysis of Automated Machine Learning Search Spaces. In: Paquete L & Zarges C (eds.) Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization. EvoCOP 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12102. EvoCOP 2020: Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, Seville, Spain, 15.04.2020-17.04.2020. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 114-130.
miRNAs Predicted to Regulate Host Anti-viral Gene Pathways in IPNV-Challenged Atlantic Salmon Fry Are Affected by Viral Load, and Associated With the Major IPN Resistance QTL Genotypes in Late Infection
Woldemariam NT, Agafonov O, Sindre H, Høyheim B, Houston RD, Robledo D, Bron JE & Andreassen R (2020) miRNAs Predicted to Regulate Host Anti-viral Gene Pathways in IPNV-Challenged Atlantic Salmon Fry Are Affected by Viral Load, and Associated With the Major IPN Resistance QTL Genotypes in Late Infection. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, Art. No.: 2113.
Component response rate variation underlies the stability of highly complex finite systems
Duthie AB (2020) Component response rate variation underlies the stability of highly complex finite systems. Scientific Reports, 10, Art. No.: 8296.
Eye spy a liar: Assessing the utility of eye fixations and confidence judgments for detecting concealed recognition of people, places and objects
Millen AE, Hope L & Hillstrom AP (2020) Eye spy a liar: Assessing the utility of eye fixations and confidence judgments for detecting concealed recognition of people, places and objects. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 5, Art. No.: 38.
Website Content
The Security Dimension of EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T (2020) The Security Dimension of EU-Africa Relations. Italian Institute for International Political Studies (Published version) [Internet] 21.12.2020.
Intrasarcoplasmic Polyglucosan Inclusions in Heart and Skeletal Muscles of Long-Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas) may be Age-Related
Longué C, Dagleish M, McGovern G, Brownlow A & Baily J (2020) Intrasarcoplasmic Polyglucosan Inclusions in Heart and Skeletal Muscles of Long-Finned Pilot Whales (Globicephala melas) may be Age-Related. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 181, pp. 18-25.
Preprint / Working Paper
Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments
Sejas-Portillo R, Coemrford D, Moro M & Stowasser T (2020) Limited Attention in the Housing Market: Threshold Effects of Energy-Performance Certificates on Property Prices and Energy-Efficiency Investments. CESifo Working Papers. CESifo Working Papers.
Convolutional neural net face recognition works in non-human-like ways
Hancock PJB, Somai RS & Mileva VR (2020) Convolutional neural net face recognition works in non-human-like ways. Royal Society Open Science, 7 (10), Art. No.: 200595.
Quality enhancement of frozen Nile tilapia fillets using rosemary and thyme oil
Elhafez MA, Yehia N, Amin R, Emam W, Hamouda S & El-Magd MA (2020) Quality enhancement of frozen Nile tilapia fillets using rosemary and thyme oil [Melhoria da qualidade de filetes de tilápia do Nilo congelados com óleo de alecrim e tomilho]. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 72 (5), pp. 1821-1829.
Continuous Forest Monitoring Using Cumulative Sums of Sentinel-1 Timeseries
Ruiz-Ramos J, Marino A, Boardman C & Suarez J (2020) Continuous Forest Monitoring Using Cumulative Sums of Sentinel-1 Timeseries. Remote Sensing, 12 (18), Art. No.: 3061.
Trafficked Children: Towards a Social Work Human Rights Response
Rigby P & Malloch M (2020) Trafficked Children: Towards a Social Work Human Rights Response. Critical and Radical Social Work, 8 (2), pp. 223-239.
Newspaper / Magazine
Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump
Hoffmann C (2020) Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump. Collot J (Translator) Le Grand Continent. 28.08.2020.
Website Content
Radical Friendship and the Transatlantic Alliance for Native American Sovereignty
Toth G (2020) Radical Friendship and the Transatlantic Alliance for Native American Sovereignty. History Workshop Online [Website/online magazine/blog] 20.08.2020.
Geologically controlled sandy beaches: their geomorphology, morphodynamics and classification
Gallop SL, Kennedy DM, Loureiro C, Naylor LA, Muñoz-Pérez JJ, Jackson DWT & Fellowes TE (2020) Geologically controlled sandy beaches: their geomorphology, morphodynamics and classification. Science of The Total Environment, 731, Art. No.: 139123.
Food Sharing, Redistribution, and Waste Reduction via Mobile Applications: A Social Network Analysis
Harvey J, Smith A, Goulding J & Branco Illodo I (2020) Food Sharing, Redistribution, and Waste Reduction via Mobile Applications: A Social Network Analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 88, pp. 437-448.
Feminist Foreign Policy So White
Haastrup T (2020) Feminist Foreign Policy So White. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Summer Event Series, Virtual, 14.07.2020-14.07.2020.
Spatial Variability of Beach Impact from Post-Tropical Cyclone Katia (2011) on Northern Ireland's North Coast
Anfuso G, Loureiro C, Taaouati M, Smyth T & Jackson D (2020) Spatial Variability of Beach Impact from Post-Tropical Cyclone Katia (2011) on Northern Ireland's North Coast. Water, 12 (5), Art. No.: 1380.
Integrating conflict, lobbying, and compliance to predict the sustainability of natural resource use
Cusack JJ, Duthie AB, Minderman J, Jones IL, Pozo RA, Rakotonarivo OS, Redpath S & Bunnefeld N (2020) Integrating conflict, lobbying, and compliance to predict the sustainability of natural resource use. Ecology and Society, 25 (2), Art. No.: 13.
From Farm to Fork: growing a Scottish Food System that doesn't cost the Planet
Reay D, Warnatzsch EA, Craig E, Dawson L, George S, Norman R & Ritchie P (2020) From Farm to Fork: growing a Scottish Food System that doesn't cost the Planet. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, Art. No.: 72.
Judgments Convention: Application to Governments
Beaumont PR (2020) Judgments Convention: Application to Governments. Netherlands International Law Review, 67 (1), p. 121–137.
Website Content
The Unequal Impact of Covid-19 on black, asian, minority ethnic and refugee communities
McKee K, Pearce A & Leahy S (2020) The Unequal Impact of Covid-19 on black, asian, minority ethnic and refugee communities. [Blog Post] 06.05.2020.
The Role of Forest Elephants in Shaping Tropical Forest-Savanna Coexistence
Cardoso AW, Malhi Y, Oliveras I, Lehmann D, Ndong JE, Dimoto E, Bush E, Jeffery K, Labriere N, Lewis SL, White LTJ, Bond W & Abernethy K (2020) The Role of Forest Elephants in Shaping Tropical Forest-Savanna Coexistence. Ecosystems, 23 (3), p. 602–616.
Gendering South Africa's Foreign Policy: Toward a Feminist Approach?
Haastrup T (2020) Gendering South Africa's Foreign Policy: Toward a Feminist Approach?. Foreign Policy Analysis, 16 (2), pp. 199-216.
The genetic diversity, morphology, biogeography, and taxonomic designations of Ammonia (Foraminifera) in the Northeast Atlantic
Bird C, Schweizer M, Roberts A, Austin WEN, Knudsen KL, Evans KM, Filipsson HL, Sayer MDJ, Geslin E & Darling KF (2020) The genetic diversity, morphology, biogeography, and taxonomic designations of Ammonia (Foraminifera) in the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Micropaleontology, 155, Art. No.: 101726.
Hardness and Yield Strength of CO2 Ice Under Martian Temperature Conditions
Kaufmann E, Attree N, Bradwell T & Hagermann A (2020) Hardness and Yield Strength of CO2 Ice Under Martian Temperature Conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125 (3), Art. No.: e2019JE006217.
Energy and War. Debates about Nuclear Energy in early-Cold War West Germany
Nehring H (2020) Energy and War. Debates about Nuclear Energy in early-Cold War West Germany. Groniek, 52 (222), pp. 13-24.
Newspaper / Magazine
From bush fires to terrorism: how communities become resilient
Robertson T & Engstrom S (2020) From bush fires to terrorism: how communities become resilient. The Conversation. 21.01.2020.
Policy Document
Building a Movement: Community Development and Community Resilience in Response to Extreme Events
Engstrom S, Docherty PJ & Robertson T (2019) Building a Movement: Community Development and Community Resilience in Response to Extreme Events. University of Stirling. Stirling.
Research Report
Farmed fish welfare practices: salmon farming as a case study
Rey S, Little DC & Ellis M (2019) Farmed fish welfare practices: salmon farming as a case study. Global Aquaculture Alliance. Global Aquaculture Alliance.
Book Chapter
Managing the Decline of Fossil Fuels: A Long Goodbye?
Wood G (2019) Managing the Decline of Fossil Fuels: A Long Goodbye?. In: Wood G & Baker K (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Managing Fossil Fuels and Energy Transitions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 611-615.
The impact of environmental acidification on the microstructure and mechanical integrity of marine invertebrate skeletons
Byrne M & Fitzer S (2019) The impact of environmental acidification on the microstructure and mechanical integrity of marine invertebrate skeletons. Conservation Physiology, 7 (1).
Distribution and classification of pockmarks on the seabed around western Scotland
Audsley A, Bradwell T, Howe JA & Baxter JM (2019) Distribution and classification of pockmarks on the seabed around western Scotland. Journal of Maps, 15 (2), pp. 807-817.
Selectively bred oysters can alter their biomineralization pathways, promoting resilience to environmental acidification
Fitzer SC, McGill RAR, Torres Gabarda S, Hughes B, Dove M, O'Connor W & Byrne M (2019) Selectively bred oysters can alter their biomineralization pathways, promoting resilience to environmental acidification. Global Change Biology, 25 (12), pp. 4105-4115.
Book Chapter
Established and Emerging Techniques for Characterising the Formation, Structure and Performance of Calcified Structures under Ocean Acidification
Fitzer SC, Bin San Chan V, Meng Y, Chandra Rajan K, Suzuki M, Not C, Toyofuku T, Falkenberg L, Byrne M, Harvey BP, de Wit P, Cusack M, Gao KS, Taylor P, Dupont S, Hall-Spencer JM & Thiyagarajan V (2019) Established and Emerging Techniques for Characterising the Formation, Structure and Performance of Calcified Structures under Ocean Acidification. In: Hawkins SJ, Allcock AL, Bates AE, Firth LB, Smith IP, Swearer SE & Todd PA (eds.) Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 57. Boca Raton, FL, USA: CRC Press, pp. 89-126.;
Transmission Power and effects on energy consumption and performance in MANET
Blakeway S, Kirpichnikova A, Schaeffer M & Secco EL (2019) Transmission Power and effects on energy consumption and performance in MANET. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Mobile Communications and Applications, 19 (16), Art. No.: e2.
Above- and belowground carbon stocks are decoupled in secondary tropical forests and are positively related to forest age and soil nutrients respectively
Jones IL, DeWalt SJ, Lopez OR, Bunnefeld L, Pattison Z & Dent DH (2019) Above- and belowground carbon stocks are decoupled in secondary tropical forests and are positively related to forest age and soil nutrients respectively. Science of The Total Environment, 697, Art. No.: 133987.
Project Report
Building a Movement: Community Development and Community Resilience in Response to Extreme Events - End of Project Report
Engstrom S, Docherty P & Robertson T (2019) Building a Movement: Community Development and Community Resilience in Response to Extreme Events - End of Project Report. National Centre for Resilience. Stirling, UK.
Newspaper / Magazine
NATO meeting: solidarity reinforced despite uncomfortable time for alliance to be in the spotlight
Dee M (2019) NATO meeting: solidarity reinforced despite uncomfortable time for alliance to be in the spotlight. The Conversation. 04.12.2019.
Northern Hemisphere atmospheric stilling accelerates lake thermal responses to a warming world
Woolway RI, Merchant CJ, Van Den Hoek J, Azorin-Molina C, Nõges P, Laas A, Mackay EB & Jones ID (2019) Northern Hemisphere atmospheric stilling accelerates lake thermal responses to a warming world. Geophysical Research Letters, 46 (21), pp. 11983-11992.
Field measurements and hydrodynamic modelling to evaluate the importance of factors controlling overwash
Matias A, Carrasco AR, Loureiro C, Masselink G, Andriolo U, McCall R, Ferreira Ó, Plomaritis TA, Pacheco A & Guerreiro M (2019) Field measurements and hydrodynamic modelling to evaluate the importance of factors controlling overwash. Coastal Engineering, 152, Art. No.: 103523.
The importance of fisheries and aquaculture production for nutrition and food security
Norman R, Crumlish M & Stetkiewicz S (2019) The importance of fisheries and aquaculture production for nutrition and food security. Revue Scientifique et Technique - Office International des Epizooties, 38 (2), pp. 395-407.
Book Chapter
Using technology and digitally enabled approaches to support desistance
Morris J & Graham H (2019) Using technology and digitally enabled approaches to support desistance. In: Ugwudike P, Graham H, McNeill F, Raynor P, Taxman F & Trotter C (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 179-192.
Exploring the relation between remotely sensed vertical canopy structure and tree species diversity in Gabon
Marselis SM, Tang H, Armston J, Abernethy KA, Alonso A, Barbier N, Bissiengou P, Jeffery KJ, Kenfack D, Labrière N, Lee SK, Lewis SL, Memiaghe H, Poulsen JR, White L & Dubayah R (2019) Exploring the relation between remotely sensed vertical canopy structure and tree species diversity in Gabon. Environmental Research Letters, 14 (9), Art. No.: 094013.
Presentation / Talk
Using thermal choices as indicators for fish welfare
Rey Planellas S, MacKenzie S & Huntingford F (2019) Using thermal choices as indicators for fish welfare. ISAE 2019, Bergen, 05.08.2019-09.08.2019.
How behavioural studies can help to improve fish welfare
Rey Planellas S (2019) How behavioural studies can help to improve fish welfare [fish behaviour and welfare]. CWF: Improving the Welfare of farmed fish, London, 30.07.2019-30.07.2019.
Increased pCO2 changes the lipid production in important aquacultural feedstock algae Isochrysis galbana, but not in Tetraselmis suecica
Fitzer SC, Plancq J, Floyd CJ, Kemp FM & Toney JL (2019) Increased pCO2 changes the lipid production in important aquacultural feedstock algae Isochrysis galbana, but not in Tetraselmis suecica. Aquaculture and Fisheries, 4 (4), pp. 142-148.
Google Trends in Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Methodology Framework
Mavragani A & Ochoa G (2019) Google Trends in Infodemiology and Infoveillance: Methodology Framework. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 5 (2), Art. No.: e13439.
The insect, Galleria mellonella, is a compatible model for evaluating the toxicology of okadaic acid
Coates CJ, Lim J, Harman K, Rowley AF, Griffiths DJ, Emery H & Layton W (2019) The insect, Galleria mellonella, is a compatible model for evaluating the toxicology of okadaic acid. Cell Biology and Toxicology, 35 (3), pp. 219-232.
The mixed-bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea
Roberts DH, Grimoldi E, Callard L, Evans DJA, Clark CD, Stewart HA, Dove D, Saher M, Ó Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Bateman MD, Moreton SG, Bradwell T, Fabel D & Medialdea A (2019) The mixed-bed glacial landform imprint of the North Sea Lobe in the western North Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (6), pp. 1233-1258.
Metabarcoding Insights Into the Trophic Behavior and Identity of Intertidal Benthic Foraminifera
Chronopoulou P, Salonen I, Bird C, Reichart G & Koho KA (2019) Metabarcoding Insights Into the Trophic Behavior and Identity of Intertidal Benthic Foraminifera. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10, Art. No.: 1169.
The welfare of lumpfish
Rey Planellas S (2019) The welfare of lumpfish., Stirling, 27.05.2019-27.05.2019.
The use of fish behaviour as an operational welfare indicator in aquaculture
Rey Planellas S (2019) The use of fish behaviour as an operational welfare indicator in aquaculture [fish behaviour as OWI]. 1sr symposium on welfare in aquaculture, Swansea, 14.05.2019-14.05.2019.
Ice-stream demise dynamically conditioned by trough shape and bed strength
Bradwell T, Small D, Fabel D, Smedley RK, Clark CD, Saher MH, Callard SL, Chiverrell RC, Dove D, Moreton SG, Roberts DH, Duller GAT & Ó Cofaigh C (2019) Ice-stream demise dynamically conditioned by trough shape and bed strength. Science Advances, 5 (4), Art. No.: eaau1380.
Project Report
Version 2.0: Rebooting the EU’s International Mediation Role
Haastrup T, Bergmann J, Whitman R, Niemann A, Davis L, Nartoski M & Richter S (2019) Version 2.0: Rebooting the EU’s International Mediation Role. UACES. London.
Website Content
Allochrocebus solatus
Abernethy K, Maisels F & Coad L (2019) Allochrocebus solatus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019 (e.T4230A92346555) [Blog post] 31.03.2019.
Newspaper / Magazine
We war-gamed an escalation of the Ukraine-Russia crisis - here's what it taught us about the real world
Nehring H & Dee M (2019) We war-gamed an escalation of the Ukraine-Russia crisis - here's what it taught us about the real world. The Conversation. 20.03.2019.
Edited Book
Memory in Transatlantic Relations: From the Cold War to the Global War on Terror
Kozák K, Tóth G, Bauer P & Wanger A (eds.) (2019) Memory in Transatlantic Relations: From the Cold War to the Global War on Terror. Memory Studies: Global Constellations. London: Routledge.
Project Report
Exploring the potential for automation and artificial intelligence in the regulation of the health and social care professions in the United Kingdom
Chamberlain J (2019) Exploring the potential for automation and artificial intelligence in the regulation of the health and social care professions in the United Kingdom. Welcome Trust.
Book Chapter
Resettlement, Reintegration and Desistance in Europe
McNeill F & Graham H (2018) Resettlement, Reintegration and Desistance in Europe. In: Dünkel F, Pruin I, Storgaard A & Weber J (eds.) Prisoner Resettlement in Europe. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 365-382.
Infoveillance of infectious diseases in USA: STDs, tuberculosis, and hepatitis
Mavragani A & Ochoa G (2018) Infoveillance of infectious diseases in USA: STDs, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. Journal of Big Data, 5 (1), Art. No.: 30.
Book Chapter
Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis
Stevenson RB, Mannion G & Evans N (2018) Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles A, Malone K & Barratt Hacking E (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature; Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education book series (SIHE). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-21.
Quantifying the potential of 'on-farm' seed priming to increase crop performance in developing countries. A meta-analysis
Carrillo-Reche J, Vallejo-Marín M & Quilliam R (2018) Quantifying the potential of 'on-farm' seed priming to increase crop performance in developing countries. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38 (6), Art. No.: 64.
Advancing integrated research on European river-sea systems: the DANUBIUS-RI project
Bradley C, Bowes MJ, Brils J, Friedrich J, Gault J, Groom S, Hein T, Heininger P, Michalopoulos P, Panin N, Schultz M, Stanica A, Andrei I, Tyler A & Umgiesser G (2018) Advancing integrated research on European river-sea systems: the DANUBIUS-RI project. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34 (6), pp. 888-899.
Research Report
Technical Considerations of closed containment sea pen production for some life stages of salmonids
Clarke R, Maitland D & Bostock J (2018) Technical Considerations of closed containment sea pen production for some life stages of salmonids. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) SARF Research Project Reports, SARFSP011. Stirling.
Forum non Conveniens et régime des conflits de compétence dans l'espace judiciaire européen: vers une solution intégrée
Beaumont P (2018) Forum non Conveniens et régime des conflits de compétence dans l'espace judiciaire européen: vers une solution intégrée [Forum non Conveniens and the EU rules on Conflicts of Jurisdiction: A Possible Global Solution]. Revue Critique de Droit International Prive, 2018 (3), pp. 433-447.
Analyzing land use change to identify migration corridors of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kenyan-Tanzanian borderlands
Schüßler D, Lee PC & Stadtmann R (2018) Analyzing land use change to identify migration corridors of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in the Kenyan-Tanzanian borderlands. Landscape Ecology, 33 (12), pp. 2121-2136.
Temporal variability in winter wave conditions and storminess in the northwest of Ireland
Loureiro C & Cooper A (2018) Temporal variability in winter wave conditions and storminess in the northwest of Ireland. Irish Geography, 51 (2).
Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland
Gandy N, Gregoire LJ, Ely JC, Clark CD, Hodgson DM, Lee V, Bradwell T & Ivanovic RF (2018) Marine ice sheet instability and ice shelf buttressing of the Minch Ice Stream, northwest Scotland. Cryosphere, 12 (11), pp. 3635-3651.
Conference Paper (published)
EvoFIT composite face construction via practitioner interviewing and a witness-administered protocol
Martin AJ, Hancock PJB, Frowd CD, Heard P, Gaskin E, Ford C & Hewitt T (2018) EvoFIT composite face construction via practitioner interviewing and a witness-administered protocol. In: TBC. 12th NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, Edinburgh, 06.08.2018-09.08.2018. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 311-316.
Grass Species Flammability, Not Biomass, Drives Changes in Fire Behavior at Tropical Forest-Savanna Transitions
Cardoso AW, Oliveras I, Abernethy KA, Jeffery KJ, Lehmann D, Edzang Ndong J, McGregor I, Belcher CM, Bond WJ & Malhi YS (2018) Grass Species Flammability, Not Biomass, Drives Changes in Fire Behavior at Tropical Forest-Savanna Transitions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 1, Art. No.: 6.
Morphological and economic impacts of rising sea levels on cliff-backed platform beaches in southern Portugal
Bon de Sousa L, Loureiro C & Ferreira Ó (2018) Morphological and economic impacts of rising sea levels on cliff-backed platform beaches in southern Portugal. Applied Geography, 99, pp. 31-43.
Presentation / Talk
Behavioural fever in fish
Rey Planellas S (2018) Behavioural fever in fish [Fever in fish]. Pharmaqacademy, Inverness, 29.10.2018-30.10.2018.
Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank
Roberts DH, Evans DJA, Callard SL, Clark CD, Bateman MD, Medialdea A, Dove D, Cotterill CJ, Saher M, Ó'Cofaigh C, Chiverrell RC, Moreton SG, Fabel D & Bradwell T (2018) Ice marginal dynamics of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet in the southern North Sea: Ice limits, timing and the influence of the Dogger Bank. Quaternary Science Reviews, 198, pp. 181-207.
Consultancy Report
An update on the 2014 report: "Review of Recirculation Aquaculture System Technologies and their Commercial Application"
Bostock J, Fletcher D, Badiola M & Murray F (2018) An update on the 2014 report: "Review of Recirculation Aquaculture System Technologies and their Commercial Application". Highlands & Islands Enterprise. Inverness.
The Space of dictatorship: Monénembo, hidden transcripts, and a metonymy of violence
Grayson H (2018) The Space of dictatorship: Monénembo, hidden transcripts, and a metonymy of violence. Research in African Literatures, 49 (3), pp. 153-177.
Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour
Cooper JAG, Green AN & Loureiro C (2018) Geological constraints on mesoscale coastal barrier behaviour. Global and Planetary Change, 168, pp. 15-34.