Coastal acidification impacts on shell mineral structure of bivalve mollusks
Fitzer SC, Torres Gabarda S, Daly L, Hughes B, Dove M, O'Connor W, Potts J, Scanes P & Byrne M (2018) Coastal acidification impacts on shell mineral structure of bivalve mollusks. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (17), pp. 8973-8984.;
Presentation / Talk
The use of environmental enrichment to reduce fin damage in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar
Rey Planellas S & Ellis M (2018) The use of environmental enrichment to reduce fin damage in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar [Environmental enrichment in farmed salmon]. WAS2018: World Aquaculture Conference, Montpellier, 25.08.2018-29.08.2018.
Electronic Monitoring in Australia and Overseas - ABC Radio National Law Report
Carrick D, Martinovic M, Graham H & Liddell M (2018) Electronic Monitoring in Australia and Overseas - ABC Radio National Law Report. ABC Radio Law Report [Radio] 21.08.2018.
Multivariate exponential analysis from the minimal number of samples
Cuyt A & Lee W (2018) Multivariate exponential analysis from the minimal number of samples. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 44 (4), pp. 987-1002.
Epilogue: Turning to the Wall: Concepts across Space and Time
Tóth G (2018) Epilogue: Turning to the Wall: Concepts across Space and Time. Review of International American Studies, 11 (1), pp. 191-203.
Preprint / Working Paper
Luminescence dating of soils and sediments from Jerash, Jordan
Cresswell AJ, Sanderson DCW, Kinnaird TC, Holdridge G, Lichtenberger A, Raja R & Simpson IA (2018) Luminescence dating of soils and sediments from Jerash, Jordan. Jerash Geoarchaeology.
Newspaper / Magazine
US-UK 'Special Relationship is under threat
Dee M (2018) US-UK 'Special Relationship is under threat. The Scotsman. 13.07.2018.
Website Content
“Special relationship” showmanship to be expected – but contentious issues brew
Dee M (2018) “Special relationship” showmanship to be expected – but contentious issues brew. University of Stirling news blog [Blog Post] 13.07.2018.
Natural selection and outbreeding depression suggest adaptive differentiation in the invasive range of a clonal plant
Pantoja PO, Paine CET & Vallejo-Marín M (2018) Natural selection and outbreeding depression suggest adaptive differentiation in the invasive range of a clonal plant. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285 (1882), Art. No.: 20181091.
Crystallographic Interdigitation in Oyster Shell Folia Enhances Material Strength
Meng Y, Fitzer SC, Chung P, Li C, Thiyagarajan V & Cusack M (2018) Crystallographic Interdigitation in Oyster Shell Folia Enhances Material Strength. Crystal Growth and Design, 18 (7), pp. 3753-3761.
Mapping the global structure of TSP fitness landscapes
Ochoa G & Veerapen N (2018) Mapping the global structure of TSP fitness landscapes. Journal of Heuristics, 24 (3), pp. 265-294.
Website Content
Apps, Tags, Tracks: Ten Questions about Uses of Technology in Probation
Graham H (2018) Apps, Tags, Tracks: Ten Questions about Uses of Technology in Probation. Confederation of European Probation (CEP) website [Blog Post] 27.06.2018.
Presentation / Talk
How does parole support reintegration in Tasmania?
Graham H (2018) How does parole support reintegration in Tasmania?. 14th Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20.06.2018-22.06.2018.
Technology, Digital Justice and Reintegration
Graham H (2018) Technology, Digital Justice and Reintegration. Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20.06.2018-22.06.2018.
Faint and clustered components in exponential analysis
Cuyt A, Tsai M, Verhoye M & Lee W (2018) Faint and clustered components in exponential analysis. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 327, pp. 93-103.
Conference Paper (published)
Superresolution underwater acoustics
Cuyt A, Lee W, Tijskens E, Hong W, Wang J, Cools T & Geerts T (2018) Superresolution underwater acoustics. In: Proceedings of Euronoise 2018. Euronoise 2018, 27.05.2018-31.05.2018. Crete, Greece: Hellenic Institute of Acoustics, pp. 2845-2850.
Fish behaviour in aquaculture
Rey Planellas S (2018) Fish behaviour in aquaculture. Societat Catalana de Biologia Congres, Barcelona, 03.05.2018-04.05.2018.
Doctoring With Conviction: Criminal Records and the Medical Profession
Chamberlain JM (2018) Doctoring With Conviction: Criminal Records and the Medical Profession. The British Journal of Criminology, 58 (2), pp. 394-413.
Website Content
Getting to Yes: Media training to dispel the fear
Dee M (2018) Getting to Yes: Media training to dispel the fear. University of Stirling Research and Innovation Blog [Blog post] 27.03.2018.
The tubercular badger and the uncertain curve:- the need for a multiple stressor approach in environmental radiation protection
Mothersill C, Abend M, Bréchignac F, Copplestone D, Geras’kin S, Goodman J, Horemans N, Jeggo P, McBride W, Mousseau TA, O’Hare A, Papineni RVL, Powathil G, Schofield PN & Austin B (2018) The tubercular badger and the uncertain curve:- the need for a multiple stressor approach in environmental radiation protection. Environmental Research, 168, pp. 130-140.
BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet
Clark CD, Ely JC, Greenwood SL, Hughes ALC, Meehan R, Barr ID, Bateman MD, Bradwell T, Doole J, Evans DJA, Monteys X, Pellicer XM & Sheehy M (2018) BRITICE Glacial Map, version 2: a map and GIS database of glacial landforms of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet. Boreas, 47 (1), pp. 11-e8.
The Internet and the Anti-Vaccine Movement: Tracking the 2017 EU Measles Outbreak
Mavragani A & Ochoa G (2018) The Internet and the Anti-Vaccine Movement: Tracking the 2017 EU Measles Outbreak. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 2 (1), Art. No.: 2.
The geomorphology of Svínafellsjökull and Virkisjökull-Falljökull glacier forelands, southeast Iceland
Everest JD, Bradwell T, Jones L & Hughes L (2017) The geomorphology of Svínafellsjökull and Virkisjökull-Falljökull glacier forelands, southeast Iceland. Journal of Maps, 13 (2), pp. 936-945.
Book Chapter
Standing together or doing the splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations
Dee M (2017) Standing together or doing the splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations. In: Tonra B, Young A & Whitman R (eds.) Foreign Policy of the European Union Volume 3: Core Foreign Policies. SAGE Library of International Relations. London: SAGE.
Book Chapter
The EU in UN Disarmament Forums
Dee M (2017) The EU in UN Disarmament Forums. In: Blavoukos S & Bourantonis D (eds.) The EU in UN Politics: Actors, Processes and Performances. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 165-186.
Group interplay and dynamics in UN Disarmament Forums: In Search of Consensus
Dee M (2017) Group interplay and dynamics in UN Disarmament Forums: In Search of Consensus. Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 12 (2-3), pp. 158-177.
Conference Paper (published)
Comparing hyper-heuristics with blackboard systems
Graham K & Smith L (2017) Comparing hyper-heuristics with blackboard systems. In: 2017 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, GECCO 2017. GECCO 2017: The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Berlin, Germany, 15.07.2017-19.07.2017. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, pp. 1141-1145.
Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT
Ahmed M & Beaumont P (2017) Exclusive choice of court agreements: some issues on the Hague Convention on choice of court agreements and its relationship with the Brussels I recast especially anti-suit injunctions, concurrent proceedings and the implications of BREXIT. Journal of Private International Law, 13 (2), pp. 386-410.
8000 years of North Atlantic storminess reconstructed from a Scottish peat record: implications for Holocene atmospheric circulation patterns in Western Europe
Stewart H, Bradwell T, Bullard J, Davies S, Golledge N & McCulloch R (2017) 8000 years of North Atlantic storminess reconstructed from a Scottish peat record: implications for Holocene atmospheric circulation patterns in Western Europe. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (8), pp. 1075-1084.
Conference Paper (published)
The strategic placement of mobile agents on a hexagonal graph using game theory
Plekhanova T, Gromova E, Gromov D, Blakeway S & Kirpichnikova A (2017) The strategic placement of mobile agents on a hexagonal graph using game theory. In: 2017 XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT). 2017 XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 26.10.2017-28.10.2017. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 1-6.
Rey Planellas S (2017) HEALTH & WELFARE OF THE LUMPFISH (Cyclopterus lumpus) IN HATCHERY PRODUCTION AND DEPLOYED IN SCOTTISH SALMON CAGES FOR USE AS CLEANER FISH [Lumpfish welfare]. EAS aquaculture europe, Dubrovnik, 17.10.2017-20.10.2017.
UK Diplomacy at the UN after BREXIT: Challenges and Opportunities
Dee M & Smith KE (2017) UK Diplomacy at the UN after BREXIT: Challenges and Opportunities. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19 (3), pp. 527-542.
Website Content
Post-Brexit diplomacy: Can the UK hope to exert leverage at the UN without recourse to the EU?
Dee M & Smith KE (2017) Post-Brexit diplomacy: Can the UK hope to exert leverage at the UN without recourse to the EU?. LSE British Politics and Policy, 03.08.2017.
Joint-bounded crescentic scars formed by subglacial clast-bed contact forces: Implications for bedrock failure beneath glaciers
Krabbendam M, Bradwell T, Everest JD & Eyles N (2017) Joint-bounded crescentic scars formed by subglacial clast-bed contact forces: Implications for bedrock failure beneath glaciers. Geomorphology, 290, pp. 114-127.
Conference Paper (published)
Local Optima Networks for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem: Makespan vs. Total Flow Time
Hernando L, Daolio F, Veerapen N & Ochoa G (2017) Local Optima Networks for the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem: Makespan vs. Total Flow Time. In: 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2017, San Sebastián, Spain, 05.06.2017-08.06.2017. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 1964-1971.
Conference Paper (published)
Measuring and modelling overwash hydrodynamics on a barrier island
Matias A, Carrasco A, Loureiro C, Andriolo U, Masselink G, Guerreiro M, Pacheco A, McCall R, Ferreira Ó & Plomaritis T (2017) Measuring and modelling overwash hydrodynamics on a barrier island. In: Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017. Coastal Dynamics 2017, Helsingør, Denmark, 12.06.2017-16.06.2017. Helsingør, Denmark: University of Copenhagen, pp. 1616-1627.
The configuration, sensitivity and rapid retreat of the Late Weichselian Icelandic ice sheet
Patton H, Hubbard A, Bradwell T & Schomacker A (2017) The configuration, sensitivity and rapid retreat of the Late Weichselian Icelandic ice sheet. Earth-Science Reviews, 166, pp. 223-245.
Research Report
Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Main report
Benton T, Fairweather D, Graves A, Harris J, Jones A, Lenton T, Norman R, O'Riordan T, Pope E & Tiffin R (2017) Environmental tipping points and food system dynamics: Main report. Global Food Security.
Newspaper / Magazine
Food security looks very different depending on where you are sitting
Norman R (2017) Food security looks very different depending on where you are sitting. The Conversation. 22.01.2017.
Conference Paper (published)
An Evolutionary Hyper-heuristic for the Software Project Scheduling Problem
Wu X, Consoli P, Minku L, Ochoa G & Yao X (2016) An Evolutionary Hyper-heuristic for the Software Project Scheduling Problem. In: Handl J, Hart E, Lewis P, Lopez-Ibanez M, Ochoa G & Paechter B (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9921. International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2016: PPSN XIV, Edinburgh, 17.09.2016-21.09.2017. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag, pp. 37-47.
Newspaper / Magazine
Food security and why Christmas dinner is in peril
Norman R (2016) Food security and why Christmas dinner is in peril. The Conversation. 21.12.2016.
Optimising Antibiotic Usage to Treat Bacterial Infections
Paterson IK, Hoyle A, Ochoa G, Baker-Austin C & Taylor NGH (2016) Optimising Antibiotic Usage to Treat Bacterial Infections. Scientific Reports, 6, Art. No.: 37853.
Risk-based regulation and reforms to fitness to practise tribunals in the United Kingdom: Serving the public interest?
Chamberlain JM (2016) Risk-based regulation and reforms to fitness to practise tribunals in the United Kingdom: Serving the public interest?. Health, Risk & Society, 18 (5-6), pp. 318-334.
High-latitude dust in the Earth system
Bullard J, Baddock M, Bradwell T, Crusius J, Darlington E, Gaiero D, Gasso S, Gisladottir G, Hodgkins R, McCulloch R, McKenna-Neuman C, Mockford T, Stewart H & Thorsteinsson T (2016) High-latitude dust in the Earth system. Review of Geophysics, 54 (2), pp. 447-485.
Field measurements of intertidal bar evolution on a high-energy beach system: Intertidal bar Evolution on a High-Energy Beach System
Jackson DWT, Cooper JAG, O'Connor M, Guisado-Pintado E, Loureiro C & Anfuso G (2016) Field measurements of intertidal bar evolution on a high-energy beach system: Intertidal bar Evolution on a High-Energy Beach System. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41 (8), pp. 1107-1114.
Break-point for Brexit? How UKIP's image of 'hate' set race discourse reeling back decades.
Morrison J (2016) Break-point for Brexit? How UKIP's image of 'hate' set race discourse reeling back decades.. [Blog post] 27.06.2016.
Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: A review
Krabbendam M, Eyles N, Putkinen N, Bradwell T & Arbelaez-Moreno L (2016) Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: A review. Sedimentary Geology, 338, pp. 24-50.
Project Report
Strategic Considerations for Locational Regulation of Shellfish Aquaculture in Scotland
Roberts C, Hilbourne S, Hull S, Telfer T & Scott D (2016) Strategic Considerations for Locational Regulation of Shellfish Aquaculture in Scotland [Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum Report R.2466]. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. SARF, 110.
Edited Book
Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power
Chamberlain JM (ed.) (2015) Medicine, Risk, Discourse and Power. New York: Routledge.
Medical Regulation, Fitness to Practice and Revalidation A Critical Introduction
Chamberlain J (2015) Medical Regulation, Fitness to Practice and Revalidation A Critical Introduction. Bristol: Policy Press.
The EU's multilateralist combat against the proliferation of WMD in the NPT: mirroring the Grand Bargain
Dee M (2015) The EU's multilateralist combat against the proliferation of WMD in the NPT: mirroring the Grand Bargain. European Security, 24 (1), pp. 1-18.
The EU's performance in the 2015 NPT Review Conference: What went wrong
Dee M (2015) The EU's performance in the 2015 NPT Review Conference: What went wrong. European Foreign Affairs Review, 20 (4), pp. 591-608.
Authored Book
The European Union in a Multipolar World: World Trade, global governance and the case of the WTO
Dee M (2015) The European Union in a Multipolar World: World Trade, global governance and the case of the WTO. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.;
Book Chapter
The European Union and its performance in the NPT negotiations: Consistency, Change and Challenges
Dee M (2015) The European Union and its performance in the NPT negotiations: Consistency, Change and Challenges. In: Blavoukos S, Bourantonis D & Portela C (eds.) The EU and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Strategies, Policies, Actions. The European Union in International Affairs. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 77-94.
Contrasting geomorphological storm response from two adjacent shorefaces: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Backstrom J, Jackson D, Cooper A & Loureiro C (2015) Contrasting geomorphological storm response from two adjacent shorefaces: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40 (15), pp. 2112-2120.
An Integer Linear Programming approach to the single and bi-objective Next Release Problem
Veerapen N, Ochoa G, Harman M & Burke E (2015) An Integer Linear Programming approach to the single and bi-objective Next Release Problem. Information and Software Technology, 65, pp. 1-13.
Retrieval of nearshore bathymetry from Landsat 8 images: A tool for coastal monitoring in shallow waters
Pacheco A, Horta J, Loureiro C & Ferreira Ó (2015) Retrieval of nearshore bathymetry from Landsat 8 images: A tool for coastal monitoring in shallow waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 159, pp. 102-116.
Modelling of estuarine response to sea-level rise during the Holocene: Application to the Guadiana Estuary–SW Iberia
Sampath DMR, Boski T, Loureiro C & Sousa C (2015) Modelling of estuarine response to sea-level rise during the Holocene: Application to the Guadiana Estuary–SW Iberia. Geomorphology, 232, pp. 47-64.
Book Chapter
Local Optima Networks: A New Model of Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes, Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes
Ochoa G, Verel S, Daolio F & Tomassini M (2014) Local Optima Networks: A New Model of Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes, Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes. In: Richter H & Engelbrecht A (eds.) Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes, Part II. Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 6. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 233-262.
Conference Paper (published)
Prediction of overwash in alongshore variable barrier islands
Matias A, Carrasco AR, Loureiro C, Almeida S & Ferreira O (2014) Prediction of overwash in alongshore variable barrier islands. In: volume 101. Comunicações Geológicas. Congresso nacional de Geologia 2014, Porto, 18.07.2014-24.07.2014. Lisbon, pp. 621-624.
Effective learning hyper-heuristics for the course timetabling problem
Soria-Alcaraz JA, Ochoa G, Swan J, Carpio M, Puga H & Burke E (2014) Effective learning hyper-heuristics for the course timetabling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 238 (1), pp. 77-86.
The component model for elementary landscapes and partial neighborhoods
Whitley D, Sutton AM, Ochoa G & Chicano F (2014) The component model for elementary landscapes and partial neighborhoods. Theoretical Computer Science, 545 p. 75.
Edited Book
The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide
Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) (2014) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Conference Paper (published)
Non-uniformity of storm impacts on three high-energy embayed beaches
Loureiro C, Ferreira O & Cooper A (2014) Non-uniformity of storm impacts on three high-energy embayed beaches. In: 13th International Coastal Symposium 2014, Durban, South Africa. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, pp. 326-331.
Conference Paper (published)
Nearshore and foreshore influence on overwash of a barrier island
Matias A, Carrasco AR, Loureiro C, Almeida S & Ferreira Ó (2014) Nearshore and foreshore influence on overwash of a barrier island. In: 13th International Coastal Symposium, Durban, South Africa. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, pp. 675-680.
Contrasting meta-learning and hyper-heuristic research: the role of evolutionary algorithms
Pappa GL, Ochoa G, Hyde M, Freitas AA, Woodward J & Swan J (2014) Contrasting meta-learning and hyper-heuristic research: the role of evolutionary algorithms. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 15 (1), pp. 3-35.
Promotional communications for influenza vaccination: A systematic review
MacDonald L, Cairns G, Angus K & De Andrade M (2013) Promotional communications for influenza vaccination: A systematic review. Journal of Health Communication, 18 (12), pp. 1523-1549.
Sports-based intervention and the problem of youth offending: a diverse enough tool for a diverse society?
Chamberlain JM (2013) Sports-based intervention and the problem of youth offending: a diverse enough tool for a diverse society?. Sport in Society, 16 (10), pp. 1279-1292.
Applicability of parametric beach morphodynamic state classification on embayed beaches
Loureiro C, Ferreira Ó & Cooper JAG (2013) Applicability of parametric beach morphodynamic state classification on embayed beaches. Marine Geology, 346, pp. 153-164.
Hyper-heuristics: A survey of the state of the art
Burke E, Gendreau M, Hyde M, Kendall G, Ochoa G, Ozcan E & Qu R (2013) Hyper-heuristics: A survey of the state of the art. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64 (12), pp. 1695-1724.
Technical Report
Systematic literature review to examine the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions that use theories and models of behaviour change: towards the prevention and control of communicable diseases
Angus K, Cairns G, Purves R, Bryce S, MacDonald L & Gordon R (2013) Systematic literature review to examine the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions that use theories and models of behaviour change: towards the prevention and control of communicable diseases. Institute for Social Marketing. Insights into health communication. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Population-based optimization of cytostatic/cytotoxic combination cancer chemotherapy
Ochoa G & Villasana M (2013) Population-based optimization of cytostatic/cytotoxic combination cancer chemotherapy. Soft Computing, 17 (6), pp. 913-924.
Conference Paper (published)
HyFlex: A benchmark framework for cross-domain heuristic search
Ochoa G, Hyde M, Curtois T, Vazquez-Rodriguez JA, Walker J, Gendreau M, Kendall G, McCollum B, Parkes AJ, Petrovic S & Burke E (2012) HyFlex: A benchmark framework for cross-domain heuristic search. In: Hao J & Middendorf M (eds.) Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
12th European Conference, EvoCOP 2012, Málaga, Spain, April 11-13, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7245. 12th European Conference, EvoCOP 2012, Málaga, Spain, 11.04.2012-12.04.2012. Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 136-147.
Standing together or Doing the Splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations
Dee M (2012) Standing together or Doing the Splits? Evaluating European Union Performance in the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty Review Negotiations. European Foreign Affairs Review, 12 (2) p. 211.
Authored Book
The Sociology of Medical Regulation: An Introduction
Chamberlain JM (2012) The Sociology of Medical Regulation: An Introduction. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
Geologically constrained morphological variability and boundary effects on embayed beaches
Loureiro C, Ferreira Ó & Cooper JAG (2012) Geologically constrained morphological variability and boundary effects on embayed beaches. Marine Geology, 329-331, pp. 1-15.
Technical Report
Systematic Literature Review of the Evidence for Effective National Immunisation Schedule Promotional Communications
Cairns G, MacDonald L, Angus K, Walker L, Cairns-Haylor T & Bowdler T (2012) Systematic Literature Review of the Evidence for Effective National Immunisation Schedule Promotional Communications. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Insights into health communication. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Technical Report
Evidence Review: Social Marketing for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease
MacDonald L, Cairns G, Angus K & Stead M (2012) Evidence Review: Social Marketing for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Disease. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Insights into Health Communication. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
Explaining European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Limited ambitions but pragmatic positioning
Dee M (2012) Explaining European Union Performance in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Limited ambitions but pragmatic positioning. UNISCI Journal, DP 30, pp. 11-26.
Extreme erosion on high-energy embayed beaches: Influence of megarips and storm grouping
Loureiro C, Ferreira Ó & Cooper JAG (2012) Extreme erosion on high-energy embayed beaches: Influence of megarips and storm grouping. Geomorphology, 139-140, pp. 155-171.
Conference Paper (published)
Beach and Cliff Retreat Induced by Storm Groups at Forte Novo, Algarve (Portugal)
Nunes M, Ferreira Ó, Loureiro C & Baily B (2011) Beach and Cliff Retreat Induced by Storm Groups at Forte Novo, Algarve (Portugal). In: International Coastal Symposium 2011, Szczecin, Poland. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, pp. 795-799.
Local Optima Networks of NK Landscapes With Neutrality
Verel S, Ochoa G & Tomassini M (2011) Local Optima Networks of NK Landscapes With Neutrality. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 15 (6), pp. 783-797.
Technical Report
A literature review of trust and reputation management in communicable disease public health
Cairns G, MacDonald L, De Andrade M & Angus K (2011) A literature review of trust and reputation management in communicable disease public health. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Conference Paper (published)
Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment activation depth on a high-energy beach
Gómez-Pujol L, Jackson D, Cooper A, Málvarez G, Navas F, Loureiro C & Smith T (2011) Spatial and temporal patterns of sediment activation depth on a high-energy beach. In: International Coastal Symposium ICS2011, Szczecin, Poland. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, pp. 85-89.
Conference Paper (published)
Morphologic change and morphodynamics at high-energy embayed beaches in Southwestern Portugal
Loureiro C, Ferreira Ó & Cooper A (2011) Morphologic change and morphodynamics at high-energy embayed beaches in Southwestern Portugal. In: Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 2011, volume 2. Proceedings of Coastal Sediments. Coastal Sediments 2011, Miami, Florida, USA, 02.05.2011-06.05.2011. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 1375-1389.
Regulating the Medical Profession: From Club Governance to Stakeholder Regulation: Regulating the Medical Profession
Chamberlain JM (2010) Regulating the Medical Profession: From Club Governance to Stakeholder Regulation: Regulating the Medical Profession. Sociology Compass, 4 (12), pp. 1035-1042.
Conference Paper (published)
Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream
Oliveira A, Fortunato AB, Guerreiro M, Bertin X, Bruneau N, Rodrigues M, Taborda R, Andrade C, Silva AM, Antunes C, Freire P, Pedro LS, Dodet G, Loureiro C & Mendes A (2010) Effect of Inlet Morphology and Wave Action on Pollutant Pathways and Sediment Dynamics in a Coastal Stream. In: Estuarine and Coastal Modeling: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference. 11th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling, Seattle, Washington, USA, 04.11.2009-06.11.2009. Reston, VA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 601-620.