Edited Book

Memory in Transatlantic Relations: From the Cold War to the Global War on Terror



Kozák K, Tóth G, Bauer P & Wanger A (eds.) (2019) Memory in Transatlantic Relations: From the Cold War to the Global War on Terror. Memory Studies: Global Constellations. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Memory-in-Transatlantic-Relations-From-the-Cold-War-to-the-Global-War/Kozak-Toth-Bauer-Wanger/p/book/9780415788540

This book explores linkages between memory and international politics in transatlantic relations since the end of the Cold War. In the context of the current debates about the future of the transatlantic partnership, it analyzes the role of memory in preserving as well as framing transatlantic ties. In the first part it presents the conceptual framework for the politics of memory on both sides of the Atlantic. The second part shifts attention the role of memory in transatlantic relations. The last part contains specific case studies on the uses of memory in France, Hungary and the Czech Republic in their ties with the United States. The conclusion offers a synthetic perspective on present as well as future role that memory can play in the context of transatlantic relations.

EditorDr Gyorgy Toth
Title of seriesMemory Studies: Global Constellations
Publication date21/02/2019
Publisher URLhttps://www.routledge.com/…ok/9780415788540
Place of publicationLondon