All Outputs

Showing 16701 to 16800 of 35842

Authored Book

Birchall J (2013) Building Communities: the Co-operative Way. Reissue of 1988 ed. Routledge Revivals. London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Attwood A, Aveyard P, Bauld L, Britton J, Hajek P, Hastings G, McNeill A, Munafo M, Murray R, Shahab L & West R (2013) Tobacco. In: Miller P (ed.) Principles of Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 767-776.;

Conference Proceeding

Poria S, Gelbukh A, Hussain A, Bandyopadhyay S & Howard N (2013) Music Genre Classification: A Semi-supervised Approach. In: Carrasco-Ochoa J, Martinez-Trinidad J, Rodriguez J & di Baja G (eds.) Pattern Recognition: 5th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2013, Querétaro, Mexico, June 26-29, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7914. MCPR 2013 : 5th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, Queretaro, Mexico, 26.06.2013-29.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 254-263.;

Conference Proceeding

Zakir U, Hussain A, Ali L & Luo B (2013) Improved efficiency of road sign detection and recognition by employing Kalman filter. In: Liu D, Alippi C, Zhao D & Hussain A (eds.) Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 6th International Conference, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, June 9-11, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888. 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, 09.06.2013-11.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 216-224.;

Conference Proceeding

Krishnan R, Hussain A & Sherimon PC (2013) Conceptual clustering of documents for automatic ontology generation. In: Liu D, Alippi C, Zhao D & Hussain A (eds.) Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 6th International Conference, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, June 9-11, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888. 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, 09.06.2013-11.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 235-244.;

Conference Proceeding

Minhas S, Poria S, Hussain A & Hussainey K (2013) A review of artificial intelligence and biologically inspired computational approaches to solving issues in narrative financial disclosure. In: Liu D, Alippi C, Zhao D & Hussain A (eds.) Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 6th International Conference, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, June 9-11, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888. 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, 09.06.2013-11.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 317-327.;

Conference Proceeding

Farooq K, Hussain A, Atassi H, Leslie S, Eckl C, MacRae C & Slack W (2013) A novel clinical expert system for chest pain risk assessment. In: Liu D, Alippi C, Zhao D & Hussain A (eds.) Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems: 6th International Conference, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, June 9-11, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7888. 6th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems, BICS 2013, Beijing, China, 09.06.2012-11.06.2013. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 296-307.;

Conference Proceeding

Ebert P & Photopoulou T (2013) Bayes' beacon: avalanche prediction, competence and evidence for competence. Modelling the effect of competent and incompetent predictions of highly improbable events. In: Proceedings, 2013 International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW), Grenoble, France. International Snow Science Workshop (ISSW) Proceedings. International Snow Science Workshop 2013, Grenoble, France, 07.10.2013-11.10.2013. Grenoble, France: Montana State University, pp. 363-370.

Conference Proceeding

Cairns D, Fayed M & Mouftah HT (2013) Revisiting Planarity in Position-Based Routing for Wireless Networks. In: Zheng J, Mitton N, Li J & Lorenz P (eds.) Ad Hoc Networks: 4th International ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS 2012, Paris, France, October 16-17, 2012, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 111. 4th International ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS 2012, Paris, France, 16.10.2012-17.10.2012. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 87-102.;

Book Chapter

Squires C (2013) Literary Prizes and Awards. In: Harper G (ed.) A Companion to Creative Writing. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 291-304.

Book Chapter

Webster CWR (2013) Surveillance as X-ray. In: Meijer A, Bannister F & Thaens M (eds.) ICT, Public Administration and Democracy in the Coming Decade. Innovation and the Public Sector, 20. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 42-56.

Book Chapter

Newfield T (2013) Early Medieval Epizootics and Landscapes of Disease: The Origins and Triggers of European Livestock Pestilences, 400-1000 CE. In: Kleingartner S, Newfield T, Rossignol S & Wehner D (eds.) Landscapes and Societies in Medieval Europe East of the Elbe: Interactions Between Environmental Settings and Cultural Transformations. Papers in Medieval Studies, 23. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, pp. 73-113.

Book Chapter

Hames S (2013) Realism and Romance. In: McCracken-Flesher C (ed.) Approaches to Teaching the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. MLA Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 124. New York: Modern Language Association, pp. 61-68.

Book Chapter

Munro W (2013) Antisittlichkeit: Organised Crime and the Antinomies of Civil Society. In: Goodall K, Malloch M & Munro B (eds.) Building Justice in Post-transition Europe? Processes of Criminalisation within Central and East European Societies. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice, 2. London: Routledge, pp. 22-39.

Book Chapter

Kunnas J (2013) An Outline for Funding Adaptation and Disaster Management Schemes. In: Filho W (ed.) Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Climate Change Management. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 427-436.

Book Chapter

Demirguc-Kunt A, Klapper L & Panos G (2013) Entrepreneurial Finance in the Western Balkans: Characteristics of the Newly Self-Employed in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. In: Cull R, Demirguc-Kunt A A & Morduch J (eds.) Banking the World: Empirical Foundations of Financial Inclusion. First ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 211-264.

Conference Proceeding

Swan J, Drake J, Ozcan E, Goulding J & Woodward J (2013) A Comparison of Acceptance Criteria for the Daily Car-Pooling Problem. In: Gelenbe E & Lent R (eds.) Computer and Information Sciences III: 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. 27th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, Paris, France, 03.10.2012-04.10.2012. London: Springer, pp. 477-483.;


Bruyneel L, Li B, Aiken LH, Lesaffre E, Van den Heede K, Sermeus W & McIntosh B (2013) A multi-country perspective on nurses' tasks below their skill level: Reports from domestically trained nurses and foreign trained nurses from developing countries. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50 (2), pp. 202-209.;

Book Chapter

McCabe S, Vail III KE, Arndt J & Goldenberg J (2013) Multilayered Meanings in Health Decision Making: A Terror Management Health Model Analysis. In: Hicks J & Routledge C (eds.) The Experience of Meaning in Life: Classical Perspectives, Emerging Themes, and Controversies. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 349-362.;

Book Chapter

Ordiz I (2013) El vampiro literario mexicano en el siglo XXI: Entre el homenaje y la parodia [The Mexican literary vampire in the 21st century: between the homage and the parody]. In: Carretero GM, Diaz Piedra D, Reyes MM & Rodriguez FS (eds.) Vampiros a contraluz: Constantes y modalizaciones del vampiro en el arte y la cultura, Vol. 2. Granada, Spain: Comares, pp. 3-24.

Book Chapter

Jeans R, Magee J, Kay T & Banda D (2013) Sport for development in Zambia: The new or not so new colonisation?. In: Hallinan C & Judd B (eds.) Native Games: Indigenous Peoples and Sports in the Post-Colonial World. Research in the Sociology of Sport, Volume 7. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 127-145.

Conference Proceeding

Bezerra LCT, López-Ibáñez M & Stützle T (2013) An Analysis of Local Search for the Bi-objective Bidimensional Knapsack Problem. In: Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, volume 7832. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP 2013), Vienna, Austria, 03.04.2013-05.04.2013. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 85-96.


Kranis A, Gheyas AA, Boschiero C, Turner F, Yu L, Smith S, Talbot R, Pirani A, Brew F, Kaiser P, Hocking PM, Fife M, Salmon N, Fulton J, Strom TM, Haberer G, Weigend S, Preisinger R, Gholami M, Qanbari S, Simianer H, Watson KA, Woolliams JA & Burt DW (2013) Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken. BMC Genomics, 14 (1), Art. No.: 59.


Noto La Diega G (2013) I Programmi Per Elaboratore EI Confini Del Diritto D'Autore: La Corte Di Giustizia Nega La Tutela a Funzionalità, Linguaggio Di Programmazione E Formato Dei File Di Dati (Computer Programs and the Boundaries of Copyright: The Court of Justice Denies Protection to Functionalities, Programming Language and Formats of Data Files). Rivista di Diritto dell'Economia, dei Trasporti e dell'Ambiente, X, pp. 69-96.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Noto La Diega G (2013) Proprietà e proprietà intellettuale nella Carta di Nizza [Property and Intellectual Property in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union]. XXI Incontro del Coordinamento dei Dottorati di ricerca in diritto privato, Messina, Italy, 30.05.2013-01.06.2013.

Book Chapter

Siebers LQ (2013) Communication and Trust in IMUEs in China. In: Edger C (ed.) International Multi-Unit Leadership: Developing Local Leaders in International Multi-Site Operations. Gower, pp. 128-129.


Kirsch S (2013) Six Poems. Stokes A (Translator). Wakefield: Charlesworth Press.

Book Chapter

Blackledge A, Creese A & Takhi JK (2013) Language, superdiversity and education. In: de Saint-Georges I & Weber J (eds.) Multilingualism and Multimodality. The Future of Education Research. The Future of Education Research, 3. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 59-80.


Lametti D, Moscon V & Dore G (2013) "Etica della virtù": una rilettura della riforma del copyright canadese, translation of Lametti D, 'How Virtue Ethics Might Help Erase C-32’s Conceptual Incoherence' in M. Geist (ed.), From “Radical Extremism” to “Balanced Copyright”: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda, Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010, 309. Il Diritto dell informazione e dell informatica, 29 (4/5), pp. 657-679.

Book Chapter

Blair K (2013) Introduction. In: Blair K & Gorji M (eds.) Class and the Canon: Constructing Labouring-Class Poetry and Poetics, 1780-1900. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-15.