
Soft Openings: The psycho-technological expertise of third sector curriculum reform



Williamson B (2013) Soft Openings: The psycho-technological expertise of third sector curriculum reform. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 21 (2), pp. 217-237.

Since the late 1990s the "third sector" has become active in generating new curriculum programmes in England. Based on tracing third sector participation in public education during the New Labour years, the article explores a documentary archive of third sector curriculum texts and argues that the programmes, strategies and techniques of the third sector have sought to pursue a new form of governmentality. The type of governmentality pursued by the third sector takes form as a "soft" style of curriculum reform derived from assembling together cybernetic and psychological forms of expertise, interactionist and constructivist pedagogies, and an emerging "psycho-technology" of subjectivity. The third sector fabricates reform proposals for a curriculum of the future in which governance is done by cross-sectoral networking, epistemological categories are blurred, and student subjectivities are made up to be malleable, soft-skilled and psychologically self-shaping. The article examines how third sector texts have assembled this new psycho-technological expertise of curriculum reform through both cybernetic and psychological styles of thinking.

curriculum reform; curriculum theory; third sector; governmentality; pedagogic identity

Pedagogy, Culture and Society: Volume 21, Issue 2

Publication date31/12/2013
Publication date online20/02/2013
PublisherTaylor & Francis (Routledge)