Book Chapter
Anchoring Museum Objects in the Cold War: The Hidden Meanings of a Transatlantic Telephone Cable
Nehring H (2025) Anchoring Museum Objects in the Cold War: The Hidden Meanings of a Transatlantic Telephone Cable. In: Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) Cold War Museology. London, pp. 41-60.
Book Chapter
Making and Unmaking the Cold War in Museums
Nehring H, Alberti SJMM & Douthwaite J (2025) Making and Unmaking the Cold War in Museums. In: Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) Cold War Museology. London, pp. 1-23.
Book Chapter
Making the contemporary 'human story' of our monuments and their replicas matter
Foster S (2024) Making the contemporary 'human story' of our monuments and their replicas matter. In: Thomas C & Murphy P (eds.) Ireland: The Matter of Monuments. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 97-112.
Edited Book
Cold War Museology
Douthwaite J, Nehring H & Alberti SJMM (eds.) (2024) Cold War Museology. London: Routledge.
Where Men No More May Reap or Sow: The Little Ice Age, Scotland 1400-1850
Oram RD (2024) Where Men No More May Reap or Sow: The Little Ice Age, Scotland 1400-1850 [An Environmental History of Scotland]. Edinburgh: John Donald.
Taking Care of the Workers: Investigating the Use of Emotions in Museum Work
Morgan J & Woodham A (2024) Taking Care of the Workers: Investigating the Use of Emotions in Museum Work. Social History in Museums, 48, pp. 7-17.
Research Report
'The Stone that just keeps on giving'? in Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland 2024
Foster S (2024) 'The Stone that just keeps on giving'? in Celebrating Archaeology in Scotland 2024. Historic Environment Scotland. Edinburgh.
Assessing the dynamic social values of the 'deep city': an integrated methodology combining online and offline approaches
Jones S, Bonacchi C, Robson E, Broccoli E, Hiscock A, Biondi A, Nucciotti M, Guttormsen TS, Fouseki K & Díaz-Andreu M (2024) Assessing the dynamic social values of the 'deep city': an integrated methodology combining online and offline approaches. Progress in Planning, 187, Art. No.: 100852.
Preprint / Working Paper
Attention is All You Want: Machinic Gaze and the Anthropocene
Magee L & Arora V (2024) Attention is All You Want: Machinic Gaze and the Anthropocene. arXiv:2405.09734. arxiv.
Beyond Heritage Science: A Review
Penman M, Kennedy C, Watkinson D, Emmerson N, Thickett D, Bosché F, Forster AM, Grau-Bové 6 J & Cassar M (2024) Beyond Heritage Science: A Review [Beyond Heritage Science: A Review]. Heritage, 7 (3), pp. 1510-1538.;
Project Report
Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects...
Penman M & Utsi E (2024) Ecclesiastical Heritage - In Search of Scotland's Lost Medieval Royal Mausoleum at Dunfermline Abbey, c.1250-c.1560, and other projects... [Dunfermline Abbey Choir GPR project report, 2nd edition]. Dunfermline Abbey Church and Kirk Session; Historic Environment Scotland; Fife Council; Dunfermline Heritage Partnership; GWS BArrow Award; Strathmartine Trust; Royal Society of Edinburgh; Hunter Archaeological Trust; Faculty of Arts & Humanities, University of Stirling. Stirling.
Assessing the Social Values of Heritage: Methods in Theory and Practice
Robson E (2024) Assessing the Social Values of Heritage: Methods in Theory and Practice. 1st edition ed. Routledge Studies in Heritage. London.
A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Hoffmann C & Ergenc C (2023) A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25 (2), pp. 82-101.
Researching heritage values in social media environments: understanding variabilities and (in)visibilities
Bonacchi C, Jones S, Broccoli E, Hiscock A & Robson E (2023) Researching heritage values in social media environments: understanding variabilities and (in)visibilities. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 29, pp. 1021-1040.
Edited Book
Climate Justice in the Majority World: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Diverse Knowledges
Crawford NJW, Michael K & Mikulewicz M (eds.) (2023) Climate Justice in the Majority World: Vulnerability, Resistance, and Diverse Knowledges. Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Generating Older Active Lives Digitally (GOALD) Through Sport-Based Reminiscence
Haynes R, Ritchie J & Tomaz S (2023) Generating Older Active Lives Digitally (GOALD) Through Sport-Based Reminiscence. Gerontological Society of America, Tampa, Florida, USA Innovation in Aging, 7 (Supplement_1), p. 669.
Unpacking the Dynamics of Urban Transformation in Heritage Places through ‘Critical System Dynamics’: The Case of Beresford Square, Woolwich
Fouseki K, Hisari L, Dong X, Bonacchi C, Robson E, Broccoli E, Guttormsen TS, Nucciotti M & Shieh S (2023) Unpacking the Dynamics of Urban Transformation in Heritage Places through ‘Critical System Dynamics’: The Case of Beresford Square, Woolwich. Land, 12 (11), Art. No.: 2040.
Preprint / Working Paper
Reframing Heritage through the Machinic Gaze
Arora V, Magee L & Munn L (2023) Reframing Heritage through the Machinic Gaze. arXiv.
Book Chapter
The Politics of Post-Disaster Reconstruction of Heritage
Arora V (2023) The Politics of Post-Disaster Reconstruction of Heritage [Reconstruction as recovery:The politics behind why heritage is funded internationally, nationally, and locally]. In: Jigyasu R & Chmutina K (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management. 1 ed. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Soil and spatial analyses in the assessment of the focal point of the extinct medieval royal burgh of Roxburgh
Oram R & Esiana B (2023) Soil and spatial analyses in the assessment of the focal point of the extinct medieval royal burgh of Roxburgh. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 50, Art. No.: 104104.