Dr Darren Green

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Aquaculture Pathfoot Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Darren Green

About me

Dr Darren Green MA PhD DIC I am interested the ecology of disease, how diseases spread from place to place, why particular populations are more at risk than others, and how we can control and prevent disease outbreaks. Oct 2007 - Present University of Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture Lecturer in Aquatic Health Modelling. My research involves a variety of numerical approaches to tackling problems of aquatic animal health discussed more in the "projects" section below. May 2004 - Aug 2007 University of Oxford, Department of ZoologyPost-doctoral research assistant. Research centred on the modelling and epidemiology of disease. The approaches include network models of disease spread, deterministic differential-equation-based models, and individual-based microsimulation. Aspects of this research were featured twice on Farming Today and recently were reported in the Daily Telegraph online.May 2000 - May 2004 University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences (form. IERM) Post-doctoral research associate. Work as part of a DEFRA LINK research programme. My research was centred on the production of a simulation model of animal growth response to nutrition and the environment. The animal concerned was the domestic pig. The model was then tested against growth trial data from dissection and monitoring of live animals through imaging by video camera (visual image analysis, VIA). October 1996 - January 2000 Imperial College, University of London.PhD Biological Sciences October 1993 - June 1996 Clare College, University of Cambridge BA Natural Sciences (Zoology) Outside interests: A player of the piano and viola, I also sing bass or tenor, whichever's in the shortest supply. I also enjoy hill-walking, running, cycling, and mint KitKats.