Generations Active Together: An Example of Using Physical Activity Promotion and Digital Technology to Bring Together Adolescents and Older People in Stirling, Scotland
Tomaz SA, Taylor L, Ryde GC, Bradwell HL, Cooper L, Coffee P, Mannion G, Hennessy C, Haynes R, Whittaker AC & GOALD Project (2024) Generations Active Together: An Example of Using Physical Activity Promotion and Digital Technology to Bring Together Adolescents and Older People in Stirling, Scotland. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships.
Research Report
Mannion, G., Ramjan, C., McNicol, S., Sowerby, M. and Lambert, P. (2023) Teaching, Learning and Play in the Outdoors: a survey of provision in 2022. NatureScotResearch Report 1313.
Mannion G, Sowerby M, McNicol S, Lambert P & Ramjan C (2024) Mannion, G., Ramjan, C., McNicol, S., Sowerby, M. and Lambert, P. (2023) Teaching, Learning and Play in the Outdoors: a survey of provision in 2022. NatureScotResearch Report 1313.. NatureScot. NatureScot.
Transformative climate change education and the school caretaker: a more-than-human analysis with young people
Liebhaber N, Ramjan C, Frick M, Mannion G & Keller L (2023) Transformative climate change education and the school caretaker: a more-than-human analysis with young people. Environmental Education Research.
Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children's rights-informed educational practice
Mannion G, Sowerby M & I’Anson J (2022) Four arenas of school-based participation: towards a heuristic for children's rights-informed educational practice. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 43 (1), pp. 30-47.
Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors-Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology
Lee E, de Lannoy L, Li L, de Barros MIA, Bentsen P, Brussoni M, Fiskum TA, Guerrero M, Hallås BO, Ho S, Jordan C, Leather M, Mannion G, Moore SA, Sandseter EBH, Spencer NLI, Waite S, Wang P & Tremblay MS (2022) Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors-Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19 (1), Art. No.: 66.
Book Chapter
Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners
Kraftl P, McKenzie M, Gulson K, Accioly I, Blackmore J, Burke C, Perrotta C, Clarke DAG, Daniels H, Olmo Fregoso Bailon R, Goodyear V, Goodyear P, Gunasekara I, Hartong S & Mannion G (2022) Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners [Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment.]. In: Duraiappah AK, van Atteveldt NM, Borst G, Bugden S, Ergas O, Gilead T, Gupta L, Mercier J, Pugh K, Singh NC & Vickers EA (eds.) Reimagining Education: The International Science and Evidence based Education Assessment. New Dehli: UNESCO, pp. 452-549.
Making waves: A cross-study analysis of young people’s participation arenas in Scotland’s schools
Cross B, Mannion G & Shanks R (2022) Making waves: A cross-study analysis of young people’s participation arenas in Scotland’s schools. Childhood, 29 (1), pp. 75-93.
Stewardship and beyond? Young people’s lived experience of conservation activities in school grounds
Ruck A & Mannion G (2021) Stewardship and beyond? Young people’s lived experience of conservation activities in school grounds. Environmental Education Research, 27 (10), pp. 1502-1516.
Place-responsive Pedagogies in the Anthropocene: attuning with the more-than-human
Lynch J & Mannion G (2021) Place-responsive Pedagogies in the Anthropocene: attuning with the more-than-human. Environmental Education Research, 27 (6), pp. 864-878.
Citizen Science, Education, and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities
Roche J, Bell L, Galvão C, Golumbic YN, Kloetzer L, Knoben N, Laakso M, Lorke J, Mannion G, Massetti L, Mauchline A, Pata K, Ruck A, Taraba P & Winter S (2020) Citizen Science, Education, and Learning: Challenges and Opportunities. Frontiers in Sociology, 5, Art. No.: 613814.
Fieldnotes and situational analysis in environmental education research: experiments in New Materialism
Ruck A & Mannion G (2020) Fieldnotes and situational analysis in environmental education research: experiments in New Materialism. Environmental Education Research, 26 (9-10), pp. 1373-1390.
Re-assembling environmental and sustainability education: orientations from New Materialism
Mannion G (2019) Re-assembling environmental and sustainability education: orientations from New Materialism. Environmental Education Research, 26 (9-10), pp. 1353-1372.
Book Chapter
Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis
Stevenson RB, Mannion G & Evans N (2018) Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles A, Malone K & Barratt Hacking E (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature; Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education book series (SIHE). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-21.
Research Report
Developing Learner Participation: Understanding Practice in a Pilot Phase
Mannion G & Sowerby M (2018) Developing Learner Participation: Understanding Practice in a Pilot Phase. Scottish Government. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Policy Document
Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18)
Mannion G & Sowerby M (2018) Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18). Scottish Government / Education Scotland. Livingstone.
Book Chapter
The primacy of place in education in outdoor settings
Mannion G & Lynch J (2016) The primacy of place in education in outdoor settings. In: Humberstone B, Prince H & Henderson K (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 85-94.
Enacting a place-responsive research methodology: walking interviews with educators
Lynch J & Mannion G (2016) Enacting a place-responsive research methodology: walking interviews with educators. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 16 (4), pp. 330-345.
Book Chapter
Intergenerational Education and Learning: We Are In A New Place
Mannion G (2016) Intergenerational Education and Learning: We Are In A New Place. In: Punch S, Vanderbeck R R & Skelton T (eds.) Family, Intergenerationality and Peer-Group Relations. Geographies of Children and Young People, 5. London: Springer, pp. 1-21.
Book Chapter
Towards Glocal Pedagogies: Some Risks Associated with Education for Global Citizenship and How Glocal Pedagogies Might Avoid Them
Mannion G (2015) Towards Glocal Pedagogies: Some Risks Associated with Education for Global Citizenship and How Glocal Pedagogies Might Avoid Them. In: Friedman J, Haverkate V, Oomen B, Park E & Sklad M (eds.) Going Glocal in Higher Education: the theory, teaching and measurement of global citizenship. Middelburg, The Netherlands: University College Roosevelt, pp. 19-34.
Newspaper / Magazine
Mud pies and green spaces – why children do better when they can get outdoors
Mannion G (2015) Mud pies and green spaces – why children do better when they can get outdoors. The Conversation. 15.06.2015.>
Research Report
Teaching, learning, and play in the outdoors: a survey of school and pre-school provision in Scotland
Mannion G, Mattu L & Wilson M (2015) Teaching, learning, and play in the outdoors: a survey of school and pre-school provision in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report, 779. Scottish Natural Heritage.
Research Report
How Young People’s Participation in School Supports Achievement and Attainment
Mannion G, Sowerby M & I'Anson J (2015) How Young People’s Participation in School Supports Achievement and Attainment. Scotlands Commissioner For Children & Young People. SCCYP.
Book Chapter
The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique
Mannion G, Biesta GJJ, Priestley M & Ross H (2014) The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique. In: de Oliveira AV (ed.) The political economy of global citizenship education. London: Routledge, pp. 134-147.
Book Chapter
Place-responsive Intergenerational Education
Mannion G & Gilbert J (2014) Place-responsive Intergenerational Education. In: Vanderbeck RM R & Worth N (eds.) Intergenerational Space. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, 50. London: Routledge, pp. 228-241.
Stories in the Land: in the tracks of the Highland drovers
Gilbert J & Mannion G (2014) Stories in the Land: in the tracks of the Highland drovers. Scottish Local History, (88), pp. 32-41.
Research Report
Career-long Professional Learning for Teaching Outdoors
Mannion G (2013) Career-long Professional Learning for Teaching Outdoors. Higher Education Academy. A Curriculum for Excellence Scholarship Project: Strengthening Partnerships Across Scotland’s Education Sectors (SPASES). Online.
Place-responsive pedagogy: learning from teachers' experiences of
excursions in nature
Mannion G, Fenwick A & Lynch J (2013) Place-responsive pedagogy: learning from teachers' experiences of
excursions in nature. Environmental Education Research, 19 (6), pp. 792-809.
Intergenerational Education: The significance of 'reciprocity' and 'place'
Mannion G (2012) Intergenerational Education: The significance of 'reciprocity' and 'place'. Journal of Intergenerational Relations, 10 (4), pp. 386-399.
Research Report
Children and Young People's Participation in Scotland: Frameworks, standards and principles for practice
Mannion G (2012) Children and Young People's Participation in Scotland: Frameworks, standards and principles for practice. Scotlands Commissioner For Children & Young People.
Research Report
Children and Young People's Participation in Scotland: Frameworks, standards and principles for practice - SUMMARY
Mannion G (2012) Children and Young People's Participation in Scotland: Frameworks, standards and principles for practice - SUMMARY [Children and Young People’s Participation in Scotland: Frameworks, standards and principles for practice (Summary Report)]. Scotlands Commissioner For Children & Young People. -, -. Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People.
Curriculum Making as the Enactment of Dwelling in Places
Ross H & Mannion G (2012) Curriculum Making as the Enactment of Dwelling in Places. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31 (3), pp. 303-313.;
Place-Based Education Is an Intergenerational Practice
Mannion G & Adey C (2011) Place-Based Education Is an Intergenerational Practice. Children, Youth and Environments, 21 (1), pp. 35-58.
Research Report
Teaching in Nature: A Research Briefing: Summary Findings
Mannion G, Fenwick A, Nugent C & I'Anson J (2011) Teaching in Nature: A Research Briefing: Summary Findings. School of Education. Research Briefing from the School of Education, University of Stirling, 4. School of Education.
Research Report
Teaching in nature
Mannion G, Fenwick A, Nugent C & I'Anson J (2011) Teaching in nature. Commissioned Report, 476. Inverness: Scottish Natural Heritage.
The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique
Mannion G, Biesta GJJ, Priestley M & Ross H (2011) The global dimension in education and education for global citizenship: genealogy and critique. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9 (3-4), pp. 443-456.;
Website Content
Teaching in Nature - Project Website
Mannion G (2011) Teaching in Nature - Project Website. 01.06.2011.
Research Report
Teachers' and Pupils' Views on the Proposed Redevelopment of Lochwinnoch RSPB Centre & Reserve
Mannion G, Fenwick A & Minty S (2011) Teachers' and Pupils' Views on the Proposed Redevelopment of Lochwinnoch RSPB Centre & Reserve. Mannion G (Editor), Fenwick A (Editor) & Minty S (Editor). The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
Book Chapter
Education in a Global Space: The Framing of 'Education for Citizenship'
Priestley M, Mannion G, Biesta G & Ross H (2010) Education in a Global Space: The Framing of 'Education for Citizenship'. In: Wisely T, Barr I, Britton A & King B (eds.) Education in a Global Space: Research and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Edinburgh: International Development Education Association of Scotland (IDEAS)/SCOTDEC, pp. 27-36.
Research Report
Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities, & nature meet (Research Briefing - Summary Findings)
Mannion G, Adey C & Lynch J (2010) Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities, & nature meet (Research Briefing - Summary Findings). School of Education. Research Briefings, 5. School of Education, University of Stirling.
Book Chapter
After participation: the socio-spatial performance of intergenerational becoming
Mannion G (2010) After participation: the socio-spatial performance of intergenerational becoming. In: Percy-Smith B & Thomas N (eds.) A Handbook of Children’s Participation: perspectives from theory and practice. Abingdon, UK: Taylor and Francis (Routledge), pp. 330-342.
Research Report
Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities and nature meet
Mannion G, Adey C & Lynch J (2010) Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities and nature meet. Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice.
Authored Book
Improving Learning in College: Rethinking Literacies Across the Curriculum
Ivanic R, Edwards R, Barton D, Martin-Jones M, Fowler Z, Hughes B, Mannion G, Miller K, Satchwell C & Smith J (2009) Improving Learning in College: Rethinking Literacies Across the Curriculum. Improving Learning. London: Routledge.
The scrumpled geography of literacies for learning
Edwards R, Ivanic R & Mannion G (2009) The scrumpled geography of literacies for learning. Discourse, 30 (4), pp. 483-499.;
Reading, Writing, Resonating: striking chords across the contexts of students’ everyday and college lives
Mannion G, Miller K, Gibb I & Goodman R (2009) Reading, Writing, Resonating: striking chords across the contexts of students’ everyday and college lives. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 17 (3), pp. 323-339.
Research Report
Young people’s interaction with natural heritage through outdoor learning
Mannion G, Sankey K, Doyle L & Mattu L (2007) Young people’s interaction with natural heritage through outdoor learning. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report, (ROAME No. F06AB03), 225. Inverness: Scottish Natural Heritage.
Going Spatial, Going Relational: Why ‘listening to children’ and children’s participation needs reframing
Mannion G (2007) Going Spatial, Going Relational: Why ‘listening to children’ and children’s participation needs reframing. Discourse, 28 (3), pp. 405-420.
Mapping literacy practices: theory, methodology, methods
Mannion G & Ivanic R (2007) Mapping literacy practices: theory, methodology, methods. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 20 (1), pp. 15-30.
Book Chapter
Education and Learning for Social Inclusion
Mannion G (2005) Education and Learning for Social Inclusion. In: Barry M (ed.) Youth Policy and Social Inclusion: Critical Debates with Young People. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 73-91.
Borderland Voices and Practices: The Ambiguity of Children’s Participation in School Grounds Greening
Mannion G (2005) Borderland Voices and Practices: The Ambiguity of Children’s Participation in School Grounds Greening. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 10 (1), pp. 241-255.
Beyond the Disneyesque: children’s participation, spatiality and adult-child relations
Mannion G & I'Anson J (2004) Beyond the Disneyesque: children’s participation, spatiality and adult-child relations. Childhood, 11 (3), pp. 303-318.
Book Chapter
New Assemblages within the Arts Fold: Exploring Young People’s Subjectification Through Self-Directed Photography, Photo-Journey and Photo-Elicitation
Mannion G & I'Anson J (2003) New Assemblages within the Arts Fold: Exploring Young People’s Subjectification Through Self-Directed Photography, Photo-Journey and Photo-Elicitation. In: Craig A (ed.) Crossing the Boundaries: The Value of Interdisciplinary Research. Aberdeen: Robert Gordon University.
Children’s participation in school grounds developments: creating a place for education that promotes children’s social inclusion
Mannion G (2003) Children’s participation in school grounds developments: creating a place for education that promotes children’s social inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 7 (2), pp. 175-192.
Open the gates an’ that’s it ‘See ya later!’: School Culture and Young People’s Transitions into Post-compulsory Education and Training
Mannion G (2002) Open the gates an’ that’s it ‘See ya later!’: School Culture and Young People’s Transitions into Post-compulsory Education and Training. Scottish Educational Review, 34 (1), pp. 89-100.
Book Chapter
Beyond the Disneyesque: does children’s participation alter the state of adults’ learning?
Mannion G & I'Anson J (2002) Beyond the Disneyesque: does children’s participation alter the state of adults’ learning?. In: Murphy M, Edwards R, Gray P, Morgan-Klein B & Tett L (eds.) Cultures, Communities and Citizens: the Altered States of Adult Education: Papers from the 32nd Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Educational renewal as democratic practice: 'New' community schooling in Scotland
Nixon J, Allan J & Mannion G (2001) Educational renewal as democratic practice: 'New' community schooling in Scotland. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 5 (4), pp. 329-352.;
Book Review
Learning communities in education
Mannion G (2001) Learning communities in education. Review of: Learning Communities in Education. Edited by John Retallick, Barry Cocklin and Kennece Coombe. London and New York: Routledge. 1999. 297pp. ISBN 0-415-1976-0.. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49 (1), pp. 102-103.