
Intergenerational Place-based Education: where schools, communities and nature meet

Funded by Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This research, led by the author, Greg Mannion (University of Stirling), in collaboration with Claire Adey (field researcher, University of Stirling) and supported by Jonathan Lynch (advisor and researcher from University of Cumbria), was commissioned by the Scottish Centre for Intergenerational Practice. The report is an exploration of the synergies (existing and possible) between intergenerational practice, formal school-linked provisions, and the field of place-focused approaches to education. Our focus was to consider intergenerational educational programmes that were connected to schools and at the same time, were concerned with making community-wide connections to some local, outdoor and natural places through outdoor experiences of different kinds. Thus, the key aim of the research was to consider what were the opportunities and issues for intergenerational place-based education, what its effects might be, and what the consequences for other schools might look like. The research comes at a time when schools are being encouraged to respond to new curricular imperatives in Scotland, within the Curriculum for Excellence initiative, wherein there is a focus on making learning more active, relevant, engaging, and problem-focused especially through outdoor experiences (Learning and Teaching Scotland, 2010). The analysis provides a useful platform for readers to consider what may be possible across the school system if the resources found in local communities are to be harnessed for learning in, about and for local outdoor natural environments in Scotland and beyond.

Total award value £6,175.00

People (1)

Professor Gregory Mannion

Professor Gregory Mannion

Professor, Education