Management, Work and Organisation

Outputs related to Management, Work and Organisation

Showing 1201 to 1300 of 1481

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K, Rashidinejad F & Asi B (2007) Financial evaluation of Sungun Copper Project using DCF method. In: Singhal R, Fytas K, Jongsiri S & Ge H (eds.) 16th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2007. Sixteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2007), Bangkok, Thailand, 11.12.2007-13.12.2011. Irvine, California: Reading Matrix, pp. 713-720.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Goodarzi A (2007) General Approach to Distribute Waste Rocks Between Dump Sites in Open Cast Mines. In: Singhal R, Fytas K, Jongsiri S & Ge H (eds.) 16th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2007. Sixteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2007), Bangkok, Thailand, 11.12.2007-13.12.2007. Irvine, California: Reading Matrix Inc, pp. 701-712.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Bangian AH (2007) Economic Comparison of Drilling Systems in Sublevel Stoping Method. In: Singhal R, Fytas K, Jongsiri S & Ge H (eds.) 16th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2007. Sixteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2007), Bangkok, Thailand, 11.12.2007-13.12.2007. Irvine, California: Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, pp. 688-700.

Conference Proceeding

Shahriar K & Oraee K (2007) A Study on the Optimization Algorithms for Determining Open-Pit and Underground Mining Limits. In: Conference Proceedings 7th International Scientific Conferenceof Modern Management of MineProducing, Geology andEnvironmental Protection (SGEM 2007). 7th International Scientific Conference, SGEM 2007, Albena, Bulgaria, 11.06.2007-15.06.2007. Sofia, Bulgaria: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences (SGEM).

Conference Proceeding

Shahriar K, Oraee K & Bakhtavar E (2007) Effective Factors Investigation in Choice Between Surface and Underground Mining. In: Proceedings 7th International Scientific Conference of Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection (SGEM 2007). 7th International Scientific Conference, SGEM 2007, Albena, Bulgaria, 11.06.2007-15.06.2007. Sofia, Bulgaria: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences (SGEM).


Copus AK, Johansson M & McQuaid R (2007) One size fits all? Regional differentiation and rural development policy [Un moule unique? Différenciation régionale et politiques de développement rural Sind alle Regionen gleich? Regionalen Differenzierung und die Politik zur Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums]. EuroChoices, 6 (3), pp. 13-21.

Book Chapter

McQuaid R (2007) The Aging of the Labor Force and Globalization. In: Cooper R, Donaghy K & Hewings G (eds.) Globalization and Regional Economic Modeling, Part A. Advances in Spatial Science. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 69-85.

Edited Book

Bolton SC (ed.) (2007) Dimensions of Dignity at Work, First ed. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Book Chapter

Bolton SC (2007) Gynaecology Nursing: Dirty Work, Women’s Work. In: Kirkham M (ed.) Exploring the Dirty Side of Women's Health. First (new edition) ed. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 195-205.

Book Chapter

Bolton SC & Houlihan M (2007) Risky Business: Re-thinking the Human in Interactive Service Work. In: Bolton S & Houlihan M (eds.) Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management: Theory, Practice and Workplace Contexts. First ed. Management, Work and Organisations. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 245-263.

Book Chapter

Bolton SC & Houlihan M (2007) Beginning the Search for the H in HRM. In: Bolton S & Houlihan M (eds.) Searching for the Human in Human Resource Management: Theory, Practice and Workplace Contexts. First ed. Management, Work and Organisations. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-18.

Book Chapter

Bolton SC & Wibberley G (2007) Best Companies, Best Practice and Dignity at Work. In: Bolton S (ed.) Dimensions of Dignity at Work. First ed. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 134-153.

Book Chapter

Bolton SC (2007) Dignity in and at Work: Why it Matters. In: Bolton S (ed.) Dimensions of Dignity at Work. First ed. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 3-16.

Book Chapter

Fincham R (2007) Management consultants. In: Ritzer G (ed.) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. First ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 2719-2722.

Book Chapter

Dale B & Burnes B (2007) Supplier Development. In: Dale B, van der Wiele T & van Iwaarden J (eds.) Managing Quality: An Essential Guide to Resource Gateway. 5th ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 258-274.

Book Chapter

Bondy K, Matten D & Moon J (2007) Codes of conduct as a tool for sustainable governance in MNCs.. In: Crane A, Matten D & Spence LJ (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context. 1 ed. London: Routledge, pp. 432-455.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Asi B (2007) Assessment of maximum stress for improving safety in winder rope by mathematical model. In: Seventh Congress on Safety, Health and Environment in Mining and Related Industries. Seventh congress on safety, health and environment in mining and related industries, Kerman, Iran, 30.10.2007-01.11.2007. Tehran, Iran: Civilica, pp. 32-42.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Lindsay C, Dutton M & McCracken M (2007) Best Practice in Inter-Agency Co-operation on Employability. Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Greig M, Hollywood E, Lindsay C, Thomson E, Devins D, Johnson S & McCracken M (2007) Skills upgrading needs : the challenge for employers and training providers in Scotland and Northern Ireland. UK Commission for Employment and Skills. UKCES Research Report, 26. Wath-upon-Dearne.;jsessionid=8C91B79F906F964298126E296EF825C1?ref=B6065

Book Review

Page S (2007) The growth strategies of hotel chains: Best business practices by leading companies. Review of: The Growth Strategies of Hotel Chains: Best Business Practices by Leading Companies. O. Cunhill, Binghampton, NY, The Haworth Hospitality Press, (2006) (221pp. ISBN: 0789026643).. Tourism Management, 28 (3), pp. 939-939.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Asi B (2006) Use of Solution Strategy in Open Cast Mining Truck Dispatching System. In: Cardu M, Ciccu R, Lovera E & Michelotti E (eds.) MPES 2006 - Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection. Fifteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2006), Turin, Italy, 20.09.2006-22.09.2006. Torino: Fiordo S.r.l.


Kittler M, Holtbruegge D & Ungar M (2006) Ist die kulturelle Anpassung von Entsandten eine Familienangelegenheit? Eine empirische Untersuchung deutscher Fach- und Fuhrungskrafte und deren Familien im Ausland [Is the Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates a Family Affair? An Empirical Study of German Expatriate Managers and their Families Abroad]. Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung, 20 (2), pp. 121-140.


Kittler M & Mohr AT (2006) Gesetze, Effekte, Theoreme - Mathematische Modelle zur Wahl der Form der Auslandsmarktbearbeitung [Laws, effects, theorems - Mathematical models for the choice of the form of foreign market development]. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 35 (7), pp. 391-394.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Greig M & Lindsay C (2006) Approaches to evaluation in community regeneration. Scottish Executive. Report, 76. Edinburgh: Communities Scotland.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Goodarzi A (2006) Feasibility study of Gol-Gohar iron ore open cast mine operation of Iran. In: Cardu M, Ciccu R & Michelotti E (eds.) Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2006: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Torino, Italy, 20-22 September 2006. Fifteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2006), Turin, Italy, 20.09.2006-22.09.2006. Torino, Italy: GEAM.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K & Asi B (2006) Prediction of Rock Fragmentation in Open Pit Mines, using Neural Network Analysis. In: Cardu M, Ciccu R & Michelotti E (eds.) Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 2006: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Fifteenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2006), Turin, Italy, 20.09.2006-22.09.2006.


Bowers J, Lyons B, Mould G & Symonds T (2006) Planning a treatment centre's outpatient services. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 12 (7), pp. 210-213.

Book Review

McQuaid R (2006) Entrepreneurship and regional economic development - A spatial perspective. Review of: Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development—A Spatial Perspective, Edited by Henri L.F. de Groot, Peter Nijkamp, and Roger R. Stough, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004, 352pp. ISBN: 9781781959602. Growth and Change, 37 (2), pp. 328-331.


Bolton SC (2006) Dignity at work is about more than good people management practices. People Management, 12 (12), pp. 46-46.

Research Report

Copus AK, Hall C, Barnes A, Dalton G, Cook P, Weingarten P, Baum S, Stange H, Lindner C, Hill A, McQuaid R, Greig M & Johansson M (2006) Study on Employment in Rural Areas. European Commission.


Bolton SC (2006) Working with feeling. Sociology Review, 15 (44), pp. 10-12.


Bolton SC (2006) The UK's best could do so much better. Personnel Today, pp. 14-14.


Oraee K (2005) Economics of Mine Waste Reclamation. Modares Technical and Engineering, 18, pp. 67-76.;ORAEE%20S.K.;MODARES%20TECHNICAL%20AND%20ENGINEERING;Winter%202005;-;18;67;76;

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K, Seyedi M & Haghighat L (2005) Production Planning at Quarries Mines. In: Iran Mining Conference. Iranian Mining Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 31.01.2005-02.02.2005. Civilica (website).