
Outputs related to Mathematics

Showing 401 to 482 of 482

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Farkas JZ (1999) Az S2 × R tércsoportjainak az osztályozása [On the classification of S2xR space groups]. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Budapest Research Students Conference 1999, Budapest, Hungary.

Conference Paper (published)

McKee JF, Rowlinson P & Smyth CJ (1999) Salem numbers and Pisot numbers from stars. In: Gyory K, Iwaniec H & Urbanowicz J (eds.) Number Theory in Progress: Proceedings of the International Conference on Number Theory organized by the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Andrzej Schinzel, Zakopane, Poland, June 30-July 9, 1997, Volume 1: Diophantine Problems and Polynomials. International Conference on Number Theory, Zakopane, Poland, 30.06.1997-09.07.1997. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, pp. 309-319.

Conference Paper (published)

Philippov VB, Kirpichnikova NY & Kirpichnikova A (1999) Effects of diffraction of a creeping wave from a line of jump of curvature. In: unknown. International Seminar. Day on Diffraction. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.99EX367), 01.06.1999-03.06.1999. Saint-Petersburg, Russia: IEEE, pp. 87-96.;

Conference Paper (published)

Connor R, Sibson K & Manghi P (1999) On the unification of persistent programming and the world-wide web. In: Atzeni P, Mendelzon A & Mecca G (eds.) The World Wide Web and Databases: International Workshop WebDB’98, Valencia, Spain, March 27- 28, 1998. Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1590. The World Wide Web and Databases: International Workshop WebDB’98, Valencia, Spain, 27.03.1998-28.03.1998. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 34-51.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Farkas JZ (1998) Az S2 × R és H2 × R terek izometriáiról [On the isometries of the spaces S2xR and H2xR]. Faculty of Natural Sciences, Technical University of Budapest Research Students Conference 1998, Budapest, Hungary.


Cvetkovic D, Lepovic M, Rowlinson P & Simic S (1998) A database of star complements of graphs. Publikacije Elektrotehnickog fakulteta – Serija: Matematika, (9), pp. 103-112.

Conference Paper (published)

Connor R (1998) Existentially quantified procedures: A mechanism for abstracting type in dynamic typing constructs. In: Cluet S & Hull R (eds.) Database Programming Languages: 6th International Workshop, DBPL-6 Estes Park, Colorado, USA, August 18–20, 1997 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1369. Database Programming Languages: 6th International Workshop, DBPL-6, Estes Park, CO, USA, 18.08.1997-20.08.1997. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 97-117.

Conference Paper (published)

Cluet S, Connor R, Hull R, Maier D, Matthes F & Suciu D (1998) Panel session: Metadata for database Interoperation. In: Cluet S & Hull R (eds.) Database Programming Languages: 6th International Workshop, DBPL-6 Estes Park, Colorado, USA, August 18–20, 1997 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1369. Database Programming Languages: 6th International Workshop, DBPL-6, Estes Park, CO, USA, 18.08.1997-20.08.1997. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 35-37.

Authored Book

Cvetkovic D, Rowlinson P & Simic S (1997) Eigenspaces of Graphs. Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 66. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Conference Paper (published)

Kirby G, Morrison R, Munro D, Connor R & Cutts Q (1997) A persistent hyper-programming system. In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Data Engineering. 13th International Conference on Data Engineering, Birmingham, 07.04.1997-11.04.1997. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, p. 585.

Book Chapter

Rowlinson P (1997) Linear Algebra. In: Beineke L & Wilson R (eds.) Graph Connections: Relationships between Graph Theory and Other Areas of Mathematics. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 86-99.

Edited Book

Rowlinson P (ed.) (1995) Surveys in Combinatorics 1995. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 218. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapter

Grenfell BT, Bolker BM & Kleczkowski A (1995) Seasonality, Demography, and the Dynamics of Measles in Developed Countries. In: Mollison D (ed.) Epidemic Models: Their Structure and Relation to Data. Publications of the Newton Institute, 5. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 248-270.

Book Chapter

Grenfell BT, Kleczkowski A, Ellner SP & Bolker BM (1995) Nonlinear forecasting and chaos in ecology and epidemiology: measles as a case study. In: Tong H (ed.) Forecasting and chaos: Proceedings of the Royal Society Discussion Meetting, London, 2-3 March 1994. Nonlinear Time Series and Chaos, Vol 2. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 321-345.


Hudson PJ, Norman R, Laurenson MK, Newborn D, Gaunt MW, Jones LD, Reid HW, Gould E, Bowers R & Dobson A (1995) Persistence and transmission of tick-borne viruses: Ixodes ricinus and louping-ill virus in red grouse populations. Parasitology, 111 (Supplement S1), pp. S49-S58.;


Grenfell BT, Kleczkowski A, Ellner SP & Bolker BM (1994) Measles as a Case Study in Nonlinear Forecasting and Chaos. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 348 (1688), pp. 515-530.


Recaman B, Rowlinson P & Yang Y (1993) Some relatively sparse graphs with Hamiltonian cycles. Publikacije Elektrotehnickog fakulteta – Serija: Matematika, (4), pp. 99-100.

Book Chapter

Rowlinson P (1993) Eutactic stars and graph spectra. In: Brualdi R, Friedland S & Klee V (eds.) Combinatorial and Graph-Theoretical Problems in Linear Algebra. The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, 50. New York: Springer, pp. 153-164.


Cvetkovic D, Rowlinson P & Simic S (1993) A study of eigenspaces of graphs. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 182, pp. 45-66.


Rowlinson P (1991) Graph angles and isospectral molecules. Publikacije Elektrotehnickog fakulteta – Serija: Matematika, (2), pp. 61-66.

Book Chapter

Rowlinson P (1991) Graph Perturbations. In: Keedwell A (ed.) Surveys in Combinatorics, 1991. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 166. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 187-219.

Conference Paper (published)

Connor R, Dearie A, Morrison R & Brown F (1990) Existentially quantified types as a database viewing mechanism. In: Bancilhon F, Thanos C & Tsichritzis D (eds.) Advances in Database Technology: EDBT '90 International Conference on Extending Database Technology Venice, Italy, March 26–30, 1990 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 416. Advances in Database Technology: EDBT '90 International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Venice, 26.03.1990-30.03.1990. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp. 301-315.

Conference Paper (published)

Kleczkowski A, Leader-Williams N & McGlade J (1990) Mathematical Models of Rhino Poaching in Africa. In: Proceedings of the European Simulation Multiconference. European Simulation Multiconference 1990, Nuremberg, Germany, 10.06.1990-13.06.1990. Wilhelmshaven: European Council for Modelling and Simulation.


Rowlinson P (1990) More on graph perturbations. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 22 (3), pp. 209-216.

Conference Paper (published)

Cvetkovic D & Rowlinson P (1989) Seeking counterexamples to the reconstruction conjecture: a research note. In: Graph theory : proceedings of the Eighth Yugoslav Seminar on Graph Theory, Novi Sad, April 17-18, 1987. Eighth Yugoslav Seminar on Graph Theory, Novi Sad, Servia, 17.04.1987-18.04.1987. Novi Sad, Serbia: University of Novi Sad, Institute of Mathematics, pp. 52-62.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Morrison R, Brown A, Carrick R, Connor R, Dearle A, Livesey MJ, Barter CJ & Hurst A (1989) Language-design issues in supporting process-oriented computation in persistent environments. Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, 03.01.1989-06.01.1989.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Connor R, Dearie A, Morrison R & Brown A (1989) An object addressing mechanism for statically typed languages with multiple inheritance. 1989 Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA 1989, New Orleans, USA, 02.10.1989-06.10.1989.;


Cvetkovic D & Rowlinson P (1988) On connected graphs with maximal index. Publications de l'Institut Mathématique, 44 (58), pp. 29-34.


Cvetkovic D & Rowlinson P (1988) Further properties of graph angles. Scientia, Series A - Mathematical Sciences, 1, pp. 41-51.

Conference Paper (published)

Morrison R, Brown AL, Carrick R, Connor R & Dearle A (1988) On the integration of object-oriented and process-oriented computation in persistent environments. In: Dittrich K (ed.) Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems: 2nd International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg, FRG September 27–30, 1988 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 334. Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems: 2nd International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems, 27.09.1988-30.09.1988. Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg: Springer Verlag, pp. 334-339.


Rowlinson P (1976) On (1, 6)-Groups. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-14 (3), pp. 481-486.


Buekenhout F & Rowlinson P (1976) On (1, 4)-Groups III. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-14 (3), pp. 487-495.


Buekenhout F & Rowlinson P (1974) On (1, 4)-Groups II. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-8 (3), pp. 507-513.


Rowlinson P (1974) On (1,4)-Groups I. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-8 (3), pp. 493-498.