(Re) constructing Homelands between precarity and intentionality - Syrian Armenians in Armenia
Kasbarian S (2025) (Re) constructing Homelands between precarity and intentionality - Syrian Armenians in Armenia. Mashriq & Mahjar, 12 (1), pp. 62-97.
Novel Perspectives on Status in Global Politics
Hoffmann C, Bilgic A & Prys-Hansen M (2025) Novel Perspectives on Status in Global Politics. Politics and Governance, 13.;
Authored Book
Understanding International Politics: the student toolkit
Dee M (2024) Understanding International Politics: the student toolkit. London: Bloomsbury.
Minilateralism and effective multilateralism in the global nuclear order
Dee M (2024) Minilateralism and effective multilateralism in the global nuclear order. Contemporary Security Policy.
Authored Book
Cold War Scotland
Nehring H, Douthwaite J, Alberti SJMM & Harper S (2024) Cold War Scotland. Edinburgh: NMS Enterprises Ltd - Publishing.
Where Men No More May Reap or Sow: The Little Ice Age, Scotland 1400-1850
Oram RD (2024) Where Men No More May Reap or Sow: The Little Ice Age, Scotland 1400-1850 [An Environmental History of Scotland]. Edinburgh: John Donald.
Combined Depth and Semantic Segmentation from Synthetic Data and a W-Net Architecture
Swingler K, Rumble T, Goutcher R, Hibbard P, Donoghue M & Harvey D (2024) Combined Depth and Semantic Segmentation from Synthetic Data and a W-Net Architecture. In: volume 1. 16th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications, Porto, Portugal, 20.11.2024-22.11.2024. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, pp. 413-422.
Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations
Gul Z (2024) Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations. []. Edinburgh.
Presentation / Talk
Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations
Gul Z (2024) Podcast: The next 100 years of peace in the greater Middle East – Beyond the 1923 peace settlement and the reconfiguration of the East-West relations. Scottish Council on Global Affairs series, Scotland, 06.11.2024.
Website Content
Stiff in Opinions, Always in the Wrong: Essay on “A Letter to G.G.”
Nicolson C (2024) Stiff in Opinions, Always in the Wrong: Essay on “A Letter to G.G.”. The Pamphlet Debate on the American Question in Great Britain, 1764-1776 [Web Page] 28.10.2024.
Project Report
Networking nuclear research in Scotland and the UK
Dee M, Crilley R & Intropido S (2024) Networking nuclear research in Scotland and the UK. The Scottish Council on Global Affairs. Glasgow.
Book Chapter
Richard Erdoes, Red Power's Ally
Toth G (2024) Richard Erdoes, Red Power's Ally. In: Familiar Strangers: Re-encountering Native America from the Habsburg Lands.. Budapest/Vienna: Central European University Press.
Book Chapter
Your feet may change size: murder mystery, motherhood, looping, and the anti-carceral imagination
Crockett Thomas P (2024) Your feet may change size: murder mystery, motherhood, looping, and the anti-carceral imagination. In: Walking: A sociological field guide. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
The Child Protection Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse: a Scoping Review of Interagency Interventions, Models and Collaboration
Hale H, Bracewell K, Bellussi L, Jenkins R, Alexander J, Devaney J & Callaghan JEM (2024) The Child Protection Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse: a Scoping Review of Interagency Interventions, Models and Collaboration. Journal of Family Violence.
A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Hoffmann C & Ergenc C (2023) A Greening Dragon in the Desert? China’s Role in the Geopolitical Ecology of Decarbonisation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25 (2), pp. 82-101.
Financial incentives often fail to reconcile agricultural productivity and pro-conservation behavior
Bell AR, Rakotonarivo OS, Bhargava A, Duthie AB, Zhang W, Sargent R, Lewis AR & Kipchumba A (2023) Financial incentives often fail to reconcile agricultural productivity and pro-conservation behavior. Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (1), Art. No.: 27.
Children as Covert Human Intelligence Sources: Spies First, Children Second
Arthur R & Kirk T (2023) Children as Covert Human Intelligence Sources: Spies First, Children Second. Youth Justice, 23 (3), pp. 372-387.
Conference Paper (published)
Is Gift-giving Only for the Privileged? Exploring Gift-giving Through the Lens of Consumer Vulnerabilities
Branco-Illodo I, Gallage S & Heath T (2023) Is Gift-giving Only for the Privileged? Exploring Gift-giving Through the Lens of Consumer Vulnerabilities. In: Proceedings of Academy of Marketing 2023 Annual Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: From Revolution to Revolutions, volume 55. Academy of Marketing Conference, Birmingham, 03.07.2023-06.07.2023. Academy of Marketing, pp. 206-207.
Book Chapter
COMMUNICATING COVID-19: Language access and linguistic rights in contemporary Peru
de Pedro Ricoy R (2023) COMMUNICATING COVID-19: Language access and linguistic rights in contemporary Peru. In: Declercq C & Kerremans K (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Crisis. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 59-71.
Book Chapter
From the Congo to Putumayo: towards a language-centred approach to testimony in Roger Casement’s investigative writings
Ni Loingsigh A (2023) From the Congo to Putumayo: towards a language-centred approach to testimony in Roger Casement’s investigative writings [Language-centred approaches in Roger Casements Investigative Writing]. In: Epinoux E & Healey F (eds.) Cultural Perspectives on the Irish in Latin America. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 134-50.
Introduction: Revisiting mediation in translation and interpreting
Wang C & de Pedro Ricoy R (2023) Introduction: Revisiting mediation in translation and interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 18 (2), pp. 255-260.
The Memory of John Paul Jones in Scottish-American Relations, 1890s-1970s
Toth G & Bowman S (2023) The Memory of John Paul Jones in Scottish-American Relations, 1890s-1970s. [Video on] 16.10.2023.
Introduction to the Special Issue: Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives
Li S & Wang B (2023) Introduction to the Special Issue: Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives. International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting, (3), pp. 1-16. Translation in Political Discourse and Global Narratives.
Maritime Communities of the North Atlantic Arc in the Early Modern Period
Cathcart A (Editor) (2023) Maritime Communities of the North Atlantic Arc in the Early Modern Period. Journal of the North Atlantic, Special Volume 12.
Research Report
The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management
Adhikari M (2023) The Role of Domestic Actors in China’s International Conflict Management. Mariani B (Researcher), Adhikari M (Researcher) & Zhou Y (Researcher) Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform. Edinburgh.
Entrevista con Raquel De Pedro Ricoy, catedrática de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad de Stirling
de Pedro Ricoy R & Valero Garcés C (2023) Entrevista con Raquel De Pedro Ricoy, catedrática de Traducción e Interpretación en la Universidad de Stirling [Interview with Raquel de Pedro Ricoy, Full Professor of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Stirling]. Villoslada Sánchez A (Translator) FITISPos International Journal, 10 (1), pp. 143-147.
Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums
Dee M (2023) Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums. Faculti [Video interview] 14.04.2023.
Between role adaptation and contestation: the UK’s status as a nuclear weapon state after Brexit
Dee M & Kienzle B (2023) Between role adaptation and contestation: the UK’s status as a nuclear weapon state after Brexit. International Politics.
Exchange: A Signature Pedagogy for American Studies in the UK
Plath L, Duclos-Orsello E, Emmett H, King N, Toth G, Stone R & Ward J (2023) Exchange: A Signature Pedagogy for American Studies in the UK. Journal of American Studies, 57 (1), pp. 120-149.
Book Chapter
'O Wretched King!': Ireland, Denmark–Norway, and kingship in the reign of James V
Cathcart A (2023) 'O Wretched King!': Ireland, Denmark–Norway, and kingship in the reign of James V. In: Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Book Chapter
General Court (Role in IP Cases)
Noto La Diega G (2023) General Court (Role in IP Cases). In: Torremans P, Stamatoudi I, Ricolfi M & Yu P (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.
EU orchestration in the nuclear weapons regime complex
Dee M (2023) EU orchestration in the nuclear weapons regime complex. Politics and Governance, 11 (2).
The Cold War in European museums - filling the 'empty battlefield'
Alberti SJMM & Nehring H (2022) The Cold War in European museums - filling the 'empty battlefield'. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28 (2), pp. 180-199.
Edited Book
A Guide to Global Private International Law
Beaumont P & Holliday J (eds.) (2022) A Guide to Global Private International Law. Studies in Private International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
Feminist Peace Research in Europe: A Snapshot
Haastrup T (2022) Feminist Peace Research in Europe: A Snapshot. In: Stern M & Towns AE (eds.) Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic Institutions. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 55-74.
Divided Environments: An International Political Ecology of Climate Change, Water and Security
Selby J, Daoust G & Hoffmann C (2022) Divided Environments: An International Political Ecology of Climate Change, Water and Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book Chapter
'The 1790s: establishing the mind of government in 1820'
Macleod E (2022) 'The 1790s: establishing the mind of government in 1820'. In: Carruthers G, Gallagher KT, Lamont C & Smith G (eds.) 1820: Scottish Rebellion: Essays on a Nineteenth-Century Scottish Insurrection. Edinburgh: Birlinn, p. 18–35.
War Times: Layers of History in Russia's War against Ukraine
Nehring H (2022) War Times: Layers of History in Russia's War against Ukraine. Labour History Review, 87 (3), pp. 307-312.
Book Chapter
Time After Time: Imprisonment, Re-entry and Enduring Temporariness
McNeill F, Thomas PC, Frödén LC, Scott JC, Escobar O & Urie A (2022) Time After Time: Imprisonment, Re-entry and Enduring Temporariness. In: Time and Punishment. Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology. Springer International Publishing, pp. 171-201.
Preprint / Working Paper
G20: The Global South's New Status-Seeking Platform?
Jagtiani S, Hoffmann C, Prys-Hansen M & Bilgic A (2022) G20: The Global South's New Status-Seeking Platform?. GIGA Focus Global, 7. SSOAR.
Friedensbewegungen und Kriegserinnerungen: Deutschland im europäischen Kontext
Nehring H (2022) Friedensbewegungen und Kriegserinnerungen: Deutschland im europäischen Kontext. Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 35 (4), pp. 613-626.
Authored Book
Traducir derechos, traducir culturas
Andrade Ciudad L, de Pedro Ricoy R & Howard R (2022) Traducir derechos, traducir culturas. Estudios y ensayos. Lima: Editorial UPC.
The researcher as unreliable narrator: writing sociological crime fiction as a research method
Crockett Thomas P (2022) The researcher as unreliable narrator: writing sociological crime fiction as a research method. Law and Humanities.
Intervene or wait? A model evaluating the timing of intervention in conservation conflicts adaptive management under uncertainty
Bach A, Minderman J, Bunnefeld N, Mill A & Duthie A (2022) Intervene or wait? A model evaluating the timing of intervention in conservation conflicts adaptive management under uncertainty. Ecology and Society, 27 (3), Art. No.: 3.
Stir: Poetic field works from the Distant Voices project
Crockett Thomas P (2022) Stir: Poetic field works from the Distant Voices project. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 18 (1), pp. 40-51.
Website Content
Africa-Europe, Toil and Trouble?
Haastrup T (2022) Africa-Europe, Toil and Trouble?. Italian Institute for International Political Studies [Blog Post] 16.02.2022.
Safety in numbers: how social choice theory can inform avalanche risk management
Ebert PA & Morreau M (2022) Safety in numbers: how social choice theory can inform avalanche risk management. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.
The future of Africa-EU relations: Restoring momentum for effective partnership
Haastrup T, Dussey R, Maalim HM & Quintin B (2022) The future of Africa-EU relations: Restoring momentum for effective partnership. The future of Africa-EU relations: Restoring momentum for effective partnership, Online, 12.01.2022-12.01.2022.
Book Chapter
Addressing Environmental Harm in Conflicts within Africa: Scope for International Criminal Law?
Etone D (2021) Addressing Environmental Harm in Conflicts within Africa: Scope for International Criminal Law?. In: Paulose RM (ed.) Green Crimes and International Criminal Law. Series in Law. Wilmington, DE, USA: Vernon Press, pp. 65-106.
Edited Book
The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T, Mah L & Duggan N (eds.) (2021) The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
Edited Book
The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T, Mah L & Duggan N (eds.) (2021) The Routledge Handbook of EU-Africa Relations. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Feminist Interventions
Ansorg N, Haastrup T & Wright KAM (2021) Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Feminist Interventions. In: Väyrynen T, Parashar S, Féron É & Confortini C (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research. Routledge Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 202-211.
Book Chapter
Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: The role of terminology translation in China’s contemporary identities and cultures. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 1-18.
Book Chapter
Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship
Li S & Hope W (2021) Introduction: A historical overview of terminology management and scholarship. In: Li S & Hope W (eds.) Terminology Translation in Chinese Contexts: Theory and Practice. Routledge Studies in Chinese Translation. London: Routledge, pp. 121-129.
Some reflections on the way ahead for UK private international law after Brexit
Beaumont P (2021) Some reflections on the way ahead for UK private international law after Brexit. Journal of Private International Law, 17 (1), pp. 1-17.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2021) Series Editor's Preface. In: The Hague Judgments Convention and Commonwealth Model Law: A Pragmatic Perspective. Studies in Private International Law, 31. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Navigating ontological (in)security in EU–Africa relations
Haastrup T, Duggan N & Mah L (2021) Navigating ontological (in)security in EU–Africa relations. Global Affairs, 7 (4), pp. 541-557.
Plantations by Land and Sea: North Channel communities of the Atlantic archipelago c.1550-1625
Cathcart A (2021) Plantations by Land and Sea: North Channel communities of the Atlantic archipelago c.1550-1625. Archipelagic Studies, 1. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Writing Sociological Crime Fiction: You Will Have Your Day In Court
Crockett Thomas P (2021) Writing Sociological Crime Fiction: You Will Have Your Day In Court. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 6 (1), pp. 218-250.
The Urbanization of Forced Displacement: UNHCR, Urban Refugees, and the Dynamics of Policy Change
Crawford NJW (2021) The Urbanization of Forced Displacement: UNHCR, Urban Refugees, and the Dynamics of Policy Change. McGill-Queen's Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Series, 6. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Book Chapter
April 1960: Aufbruch zum ersten Ostermarsch
Nehring H (2021) April 1960: Aufbruch zum ersten Ostermarsch. In: Langebach M (ed.) Protest: Deutschland 1949-2020. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, pp. 158-163.
Website Content
Is the EU a feminist actor?
Haastrup T (2021) Is the EU a feminist actor?. (Henrich Boll Stiftung Articles) [Blog post] 23.08.2021.
'You have to pick': Cotton and state-organized forced labour in Uzbekistan
McGuire D & Laaser K (2021) 'You have to pick': Cotton and state-organized forced labour in Uzbekistan. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 42 (3), pp. 552-572.
Edited Book
Scotland and the Wider World: Essays in honour of Allan I. Macinnes
McIntyre N & Cathcart A (eds.) (2022) Scotland and the Wider World: Essays in honour of Allan I. Macinnes. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer.
Book Chapter
Transatlantic Musical Performances for American Indian Sovereignty in Late Cold War Central Europe
Toth G (2021) Transatlantic Musical Performances for American Indian Sovereignty in Late Cold War Central Europe. In: Horn K, Lippert L, Saal I & Wiegmink P (eds.) American Cultures as Transnational Performance: Commons, Skills, Traces. Routledge Advances in Theatre and Performance Studies. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 64-82.
The InflateSAR Campaign: Testing SAR Vessel Detection Systems for Refugee Rubber Inflatables
Lanz P, Marino A, Brinkhoff T, Koster F & Moller M (2021) The InflateSAR Campaign: Testing SAR Vessel Detection Systems for Refugee Rubber Inflatables. Remote Sensing, 13 (8), Art. No.: 1487.
MANET performance optimization using network-based criteria and unmanned aerial vehicles
Gromova E, Kireev S, Lazareva A, Kirpichnikova A & Gromov D (2021) MANET performance optimization using network-based criteria and unmanned aerial vehicles. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 10 (1), Art. No.: 8.
Re-writing punishment? Songs and narrative problem-solving
Crockett Thomas P, McNeill F, Cathcart Frödén L, Collinson Scott J, Escobar O & Urie A (2021) Re-writing punishment? Songs and narrative problem-solving. Incarceration, 2 (1), Art. No.: 263266632110002.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel to the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership: The Meaning and Content of Duties to be Considered for Inclusion in the Bill
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel to the National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership: The Meaning and Content of Duties to be Considered for Inclusion in the Bill. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. Scottish Government.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper: Access to Justice for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Principles of Adjudication 1 September 2020
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper: Access to Justice for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Principles of Adjudication 1 September 2020. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. The Scottish Government.
Research Report
Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper Access to Remedy – Systemic Issues and Structural Orders 30 November 2020
Boyle K (2021) Academic Advisory Panel Briefing Paper Access to Remedy – Systemic Issues and Structural Orders 30 November 2020. National Task Force on Human Rights Leadership. The Scottish Government.
A Comparative Study of the Control Mechanisms within the Major International Arbitration Institutions
Yu H & Chen J (2021) A Comparative Study of the Control Mechanisms within the Major International Arbitration Institutions [主要國際仲裁機構設立案件內控專責組織之比較 分析]. CAA Arbitration Journal, 111, pp. 79-136.
Effects of stakeholder empowerment on crane population and agricultural production
Nilsson L, Bunnefeld N, Minderman J & Duthie AB (2021) Effects of stakeholder empowerment on crane population and agricultural production. Ecological Modelling, 440, Art. No.: 109396.
'Red' nations: Marxists and the Native American sovereignty movement of the late Cold War
Tóth G (2020) 'Red' nations: Marxists and the Native American sovereignty movement of the late Cold War. Cold War History, 20 (2), pp. 197-221.
Book Chapter
Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums
Dee M (2020) Group Dynamics and Interplay in UN Disarmament Forums. In: Laatikainen K & Smith K (eds.) Group Politics in UN Multilateralism. Diplomatic Studies, 16. Leiden: Brill | Nijhoff, pp. 177-195.
Red Power at 50: Re-Evaluations and Memory
Kyrova L & Toth G (2020) Red Power at 50: Re-Evaluations and Memory. Comparative American Studies, 17 (2), pp. 107-116.
Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War: Immigration Restriction and Mass Repatriation
Jenkinson J (2020) Colonial, Refugee and Allied Civilians after the First World War: Immigration Restriction and Mass Repatriation. Routledge Studies in First World War History. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2020) Series Editor's Preface. In: Viarengo I & Villata FC (eds.) Planning the Future of Cross Border Families A Path Through Coordination. Studies in Private International Law, 29. Oxford: Hart, pp. vii-ix.
The fragmentation of (mutual) trust in Commonwealth Africa - a foreign judgments perspective
Okoli PN (2020) The fragmentation of (mutual) trust in Commonwealth Africa - a foreign judgments perspective. Journal of Private International Law, 16 (3), pp. 519-548.
Book Chapter
Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change
Skrimizea E, Lecuyer L, Bunnefeld N, Butler JRA, Fickel T, Hodgson I, Holtkamp C, Marzano M, Parra C, Pereira L, Petit S, Pound D, Rodríguez I, Ryan P & Staffler J (2020) Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change. In: Bohan DA & Vanbergen AJ (eds.) The Future of Agricultural Landscapes, Part I. Advances in Ecological Research, 63. London: Academic Press, pp. 255-311.
Conference Paper (published)
Hybridisation and cross-cultural transfer of management practices: Chinese organisations in Africa
Siebers L (2020) Hybridisation and cross-cultural transfer of management practices: Chinese organisations in Africa. In: EURAM 202:The Business of Now: the future starts here. The 20th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM), Trinity College Dublin, 04.12.2020-06.12.2020. European Academy of Management.
El largo proceso de personalización de la política: Hacia una genealogía de la mediatización del lazo social en Francia
Olivera G (2020) El largo proceso de personalización de la política: Hacia una genealogía de la mediatización del lazo social en Francia [The Long Process of Personalisation of Politics: Toward a Genealogy of Mediatization of the Social Bond in France]. DeSignis, (33), pp. 231-244.
Research Report
Development of a population model tool to predict shooting levels of Greenland barnacle geese on Islay
Bunnefeld N, Pozo RA, Cusack JJ, Duthie AB & Minderman J (2020) Development of a population model tool to predict shooting levels of Greenland barnacle geese on Islay. NatureScot. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report, 1039. Inverness.
Website Content
The Security Dimension of EU-Africa Relations
Haastrup T (2020) The Security Dimension of EU-Africa Relations. Italian Institute for International Political Studies (Published version) [Internet] 21.12.2020.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Emerging market firms’ responses to institutional complexities in emerging economies
Siebers L, Umoru U & Mangena M (2020) Emerging market firms’ responses to institutional complexities in emerging economies. The 20th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 04.12.2020-06.12.2020.
Website Content
Dr Gyorgy Toth - An interview with Christine Nobiss, aka Sikowis, a US activist for indigenous rights, race relations, and the environment
Toth G (2020) Dr Gyorgy Toth - An interview with Christine Nobiss, aka Sikowis, a US activist for indigenous rights, race relations, and the environment. History at Stirling [Canvas online videos] 02.11.2020.
Skelping away
Sutherland E (2020) Skelping away. Journal of the Law Society of Scotland, 65 (10).
Trafficked Children: Towards a Social Work Human Rights Response
Rigby P & Malloch M (2020) Trafficked Children: Towards a Social Work Human Rights Response. Critical and Radical Social Work, 8 (2), pp. 223-239.
Crime as an assemblage
Crockett Thomas P (2020) Crime as an assemblage. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 12 (2), pp. 68-79.
Newspaper / Magazine
Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump
Hoffmann C (2020) Le conflit entre la Turquie et la Grèce en Méditerranée orientale est moins une affaire de gaz que du vide laissé par Trump. Collot J (Translator) Le Grand Continent. 28.08.2020.
Website Content
Radical Friendship and the Transatlantic Alliance for Native American Sovereignty
Toth G (2020) Radical Friendship and the Transatlantic Alliance for Native American Sovereignty. History Workshop Online [Website/online magazine/blog] 20.08.2020.
Book Chapter
Unmarried cohabitation
Sutherland E (2020) Unmarried cohabitation. In: George R & Eekelaar J (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy. 2nd ed. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 61-70.
Research Report
Make A Change: An evaluation of the implementation of an early response intervention for those who have used abusive behaviours in their intimate relationships.
Callaghan J, Morran D, Alexander J, Bellussi L, Beetham T & Hooper J (2020) Make A Change: An evaluation of the implementation of an early response intervention for those who have used abusive behaviours in their intimate relationships.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Research Report
Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.
Callaghan J & Bellussi L (2020) Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Research Report
Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.
Callaghan J, Bellussi L & Alexander J (2020) Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Book Chapter
Interaction of the Brussels IIa and Maintenance Regulations with (Possible) Litigation in Non-EU States: Including Brexit Implications
Beaumont P (2020) Interaction of the Brussels IIa and Maintenance Regulations with (Possible) Litigation in Non-EU States: Including Brexit Implications. In: Viarengo I & Villata FC (eds.) Planning the Future of Cross Border Families: A Path Through Coordination. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 29. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 331-344.
Website Content
Article review of Reetta Humalajoki, “Tearing Down the ‘Buckskin Curtain’: Domestic Policy-Making and Indigenous Intellectuals in the Cold War United States and Canada”
Toth G (2020) Article review of Reetta Humalajoki, “Tearing Down the ‘Buckskin Curtain’: Domestic Policy-Making and Indigenous Intellectuals in the Cold War United States and Canada”. H-Diplo Discussions [Online Review] 30.06.2020.
On memory and activism with guest speaker Dr Gyorgy Toth (University of Stirling)
Toth G (2020) On memory and activism with guest speaker Dr Gyorgy Toth (University of Stirling) [Connecting Memories Podcast "On memory and activism with guest speaker Dr Gyorgy Toth (University of Stirling)]. Conneting Memories podcast on Spotify. [Podcast on Spotify] 08.06.2020.
Judgments Convention: Application to Governments
Beaumont PR (2020) Judgments Convention: Application to Governments. Netherlands International Law Review, 67 (1), p. 121–137.
Mediating Punishment? Prisoners’ Songs as Relational ‘Problem-Solving’ Devices
Crockett Thomas P, Collinson Scott J, McNeill F, Escobar O, Cathcart Froden L & Urie A (2020) Mediating Punishment? Prisoners’ Songs as Relational ‘Problem-Solving’ Devices. Law Text Culture, 24 (1), pp. 138-162.