Dr Tanya Beetham

Research Fellow

Social Work Stirling

Dr Tanya Beetham

Research (7)


Equalities, empowerment and the experience of care: An evaluation for the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Peer mentoring for young people leaving care
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Falkirk Council

The experiences of victims in the criminal justice system: a qualitative research project
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Services for Children Experiencing Domestic Abuse
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Action for Children

Peri-natal Evaluation
PI: Dr Sian Lucas
Funded by: Quarriers

Evaluation of the Safe Strong and Free Programme
PI: Professor Jane Callaghan
Funded by: Safe Strong and Free

Scottish Government - Child Trafficking
PI: Dr Paul Rigby
Funded by: Scottish Government

Research centres/groups