Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Associate Professor

Institute for Social Marketing University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

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About me

Anne Marie completed a BSc Hons in Mathematics for Business Analysis at Caledonian University (formerly Glasgow Polytechnic). She joined the Institute for Social Marketing (formerly the Centre for Social Marketing at the University of Strathclyde) in 1991, where she specialises in the design of quantitative research and statistical analysis.

Research (27)

She has expertise in quantitative research methods, sampling techniques, questionnaire design, cognitive piloting and statistical analysis of large survey data sets. Anne Marie has undertaken surveys with young people on smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use and sexual behaviour. Current projects include the Youth Tobacco Policy Survey, a repeat cross-sectional survey examining young people's response to tobacco control policies and a longitudinal study examining adult drinkers' response to alcohol policy - Alcohol Policy in Scotland and England (APISE).


Examining the causal association between alcohol marketing and alcohol-related attitudes and consumption: A longitudinal cohort study with adults in the United Kingdom
PI: Dr Nathan Critchlow
Funded by: Department of Health

Youth Response to E-cigarettes and Emerging Nicotine Products
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK (E-PACKS): How is it used for product promotion, how is it perceived by consumers, and could it be changed to discourage youth while encouraging adult smokers to quit?
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Youth Tobacco Policy Survey (YTPS) - Wave 9 (2020)
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Impacts of e-cigarette regulation via the EU Tobacco Products Directive on young people's use of e-cigarettes: a natural experiment
PI: Ms Jennifer McKell
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Analysis of the 2019 Youth Alcohol Policy Survey
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Tobacco Controls and the Changing Profile of Smokers
Funded by: Department of Health

Evaluating the Impact of Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland: Observational Study of Small Retailers
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Centre for Tobacco Control Research 2015
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Improving Flu Vaccination Uptake by Healthcare Workers: a Study of Implementation and Attitudes
Funded by: Department of Health

Retail Audit to Evaluate Standardised Packaging and its Impact in the UK
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Determining the Impact of Smoking Point of sale Legislation Among Youth (DISPLAY) study
Funded by: National Institute for Health Research

Analysis of Youth Alcohol Policy Survey
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Pilot Research Study for the Policy Research Centre for Cancer Prevention, CRUK: Youth Policy Surveys
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Healthcare Retail Standard Evaluation
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Exploring the General Public's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviour to Responding to Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Funded by: Scottish Government

Young Adult's Perceptions of Cigarette Design
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research (CTCR)
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Alcohol Policy Interventions in Scotland and England: APISE
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Contribution to APISE drinking diaries Wave 1
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Medical Research Council and NHS Health Scotland

Plain and standardised' tobacco packaging
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Exploring the impact that using plain cigarette packaging in real world settings has upon young adult female smokers: an ecological study
PI: Professor Crawford Moodie
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK Centre for Tobacco Control Research
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

ITC project (International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project)
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

The Role of Tobacco Control Policy in the Denormalisation of Tobacco
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Cancer Research UK

The ITC Project (International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation project
PI: Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh
Funded by: Cancer Research UK, NHS Health Scotland and Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Buywell: Evaluation of a targeted marketing intervention to influence food purchase behaviour by low income consumers
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Outputs (98)


Research Report

Moodie C, Jones D, Angus K, MacKintosh AM, Ford A, O’Donnell R, Hunt K, Mitchell D, Alexandrou G, Stead M, Neve K, Champion T, Froguel A & Davies A (2023) Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK: How is it used for product promotion and perceived by consumers, to what extent does it comply with product regulations, and could it be used to better protect consumers?. Cancer Research UK. London.


Moore G, Hallingberg B, Brown R, McKell J, Van Godwin J, Bauld L, Gray L, Maynard O, Mackintosh A, Munafò M, Blackwell A, Lowthian E & Page N (2023) Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations on use of e-cigarettes in adolescents in Great Britain: a natural experiment evaluation. Public Health Research, 11 (5), pp. 1-102.


Critchlow N, Moodie C, MacKintosh AM, Gallopel-Morvan K, Stead M & Fitzgerald N (2022) Have restrictions on alcohol advertising in Ireland affected awareness among adults? A comparative observational study using non-probability repeat cross-sectional surveys. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.


Moodie C, Best C, Lund I, Scheffels J, Critchlow N, Stead M, McNeill A, Hitchman S & Mackintosh AM (2021) The response of smokers to health warnings on packs in the United Kingdom and Norway following the introduction of standardized packaging. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 23 (9), pp. 1551-1558.


Mitchell D, Moodie C, Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Critchlow N & Bauld L (2021) Youth perceptions of brand variant names on standardised cigarette packs, and responses to replacing these with numbers: A focus group study in Britain [Numbered packs for tobacco]. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy.


Boniface S, Critchlow N, Severi K, MacKintosh AM, Hooper L, Thomas C & Vohra J (2021) Underage Adolescents' Reactions to Adverts for Beer and Spirit Brands and Associations with Higher Risk Drinking and Susceptibility to Drink: A Cross-Sectional Study in the UK. Alcohol and Alcoholism.


Critchlow N, Newberry Le Vay J, MacKintosh AM, Hooper L, Thomas C & Vohra J (2021) Correction: Critchlow, N., et al. Adolescents' Reactions to Adverts for Fast-Food and Confectionery Brands That Are High in Fat, Salt, and/or Sugar (HFSS), and Possible Implications for Future Research and Regulation: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Survey of 11-19 Year Olds in the United Kingdom. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1689. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (6), Art. No.: 3181.

Research Report

Stead M, Hitchman SC, Angus K, Aleyan S, Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Purves R, Mitchell D, Hammond D, Fong GT, Driezen P, Reid J, Craig L, Chung-Hall J & Cummings KM (2021) E-cigarette marketing in the UK: evidence from adult and youth surveys and policy compliance studies. Cancer Research UK. London.


Moore G, Brown R, Page N, Hallingberg B, Maynard O, McKell J, Gray L, Blackwell A, Lowthian E, Munafo M, Mackintosh A & Bauld L (2020) Young people's use of e-cigarettes in Wales, England and Scotland before and after introduction of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations: a mixed-method natural experimental evaluation. International Journal of Drug Policy, 85, Art. No.: 102795.


Critchlow N, Jones D, Moodie C, MacKintosh AM, Fitzgerald N, Hooper L, Thomas C & Vohra J (2020) Awareness of product-related information, health messages and warnings on alcohol packaging among adolescents: A cross-sectional survey in the United Kingdom. Journal Of Public Health, 42 (3), pp. e223-e230.

Research Report

Stead M, Critchlow N, Eadie D, Fitzgerald N, Angus K, Purves R, McKell J, Marie MacKintosh A, Mitchell H, Sumpter C & Angus C (2020) Evaluating the impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing in Scotland: Observational study of small retailers. NHS Health Scotland/Public Health Scotland. Stirling.


Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Kuipers M, Hastings G & Bauld L (2020) Impact of a ban on the open display of tobacco products in retail outlets on never smoking youth in the UK: findings from a repeat cross-sectional survey before, during and after implementation. Tobacco Control, 29 (3), pp. 282-288.


AG Kuipers M, Best C, Wilson M, Currie D, Ozakinci G, Marie Mackintosh A, Stead M, Eadie D, MacGregor A, Pearce J, Amos A & Haw S (2020) Adolescents' perceptions of tobacco accessibility and smoking norms and attitudes in response to the tobacco point-of-sale display ban in Scotland: Results from the DISPLAY study. Tobacco Control, 29 (3), pp. 348-356.


Hallingberg B, Maynard O, Bauld L, Brown R, Gray L, Lowthian E, MacKintosh AM, Moore L, Munafò M & Moore G (2020) Have e-cigarettes renormalised or displaced youth smoking? Results of a segmented regression analysis of repeated cross sectional survey data in England, Scotland and Wales. Tobacco Control, 29 (2), pp. 207-216.


Critchlow N, Newberry Le Vay J, MacKintosh AM, Hooper L, Thomas C & Vohra J (2020) Adolescents' reactions to adverts for fast-food and confectionery brands that are high in fat, salt, and/or sugar (HFSS), and possible implications for future research and regulation: Findings from a cross-sectional survey of 11-19 year olds in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (5), Art. No.: 1689.

Policy Document

Haw S, Currie D, Eadie D, Pearce J, MacGregor A, Stead M, Amos A, Best C, Wilson M, Cherrie M, Purves R, Ozakinci G & Marie MacKintosh A (2020) Tobacco point-of-sale displays, brand awareness, and smoking and vaping among young people in Scotland Insights for policymakers from the DISPLAY project In. University of Stirling. Stirling.


Critchlow N, MacKintosh AM, Thomas C, Hooper L & Vohra J (2019) Participation with alcohol marketing and user-created promotion on social media, and the association with higher-risk alcohol consumption and brand identification among adolescents in the UK [Social media, higher-risk consumption, and brand identification]. Addiction Research and Theory, 27 (6), pp. 515-526.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Bauld L & Hastings G (2019) Youth response to e-cigarette marketing in the UK from 2014 to 2016. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) Europe 19th Annual Conference, Oslo, Norway, 12.09.2019-14.09.2019.


Critchlow N, Stead M, Moodie C, Angus K, Eadie D & MacKintosh AM (2019) Difference between Recommended Retail Price and Sales Price for tobacco products in independent and convenience (small) retailers before and after the introduction of standardised tobacco packaging in the UK [Standardised packaging and RRP]. Tobacco Control, 28 (4), pp. 449-456.


Critchlow N, MacKintosh AM, Thomas C, Hooper L & Vohra J (2019) Awareness of alcohol marketing, ownership of alcohol branded merchandise, and the association with alcohol consumption, higher-risk drinking, and drinking susceptibility in adolescents and young adults: a cross-sectional survey in the UK [Alcohol marketing and consumption in young people in the UK]. BMJ Open, 9 (3), Art. No.: e025297.


Critchlow N, Stead M, Moodie C, Angus K, Eadie D & MacKintosh AM (2019) Pricing of tobacco products during, and after, the introduction of standardized packaging: An observational study of retail price data from independent and convenience (small) retailers in the United Kingdom [Tobacco pricing and standardised packaging]. Addiction, 114 (3), pp. 523-533.

Conference Paper (published)

Ford A, MacKintosh AM & Moodie C (2019) Young people’s responses to standardised packaging one year after full implementation in the UK: a qualitative study. In: SRNT: 25th Anniversary - Abstracts. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 25th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 20.02.2019-23.02.2019. SRNT, p. 122.

Conference Abstract

Best C, Haseen F, Currie D, Ozakinci G, Mackintosh AM & Haw S (2018) Effect of seeing e-cigarettes in small shops on probability of e-cigarette experimentation by 1 year follow up in adolescents in Scotland, UK. 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Cape Town, South Africa. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 16 (1), Art. No.: 233.


Huckle T, Romeo JS, Wall M, Callinan S, Holmes J, Meier P, MacKintosh AM, Piazza M, Chaiyasong S, Cuong PV & Casswell S (2018) Socio-economic disadvantage is associated with heavier drinking in high but not middle-income countries participating in the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S63-S71.


Chaiyasong S, Huckle T, Mackintosh AM, Meier P, Parry C, Callinan S, Pham C, Kazantseva E, Gray-Phillip G, Parker K & Casswell S (2018) Drinking patterns vary by gender, age and country-level income: Cross-country analysis of the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S53-S62.


Gray-Phillip G, Huckle T, Callinan S, Parry CDH, Chaiyasong S, Cuong PV, MacKintosh AM, Meier P, Kazantseva E, Piazza M, Parker K & Casswell S (2018) Availability of alcohol: Location, time and ease of purchase in high- and middle-income countries: Data from the International Alcohol Control study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S36-S44.


Cuong PV, Casswell S, Parker K, Callinan S, Chaiyasong S, Kazantseva E, Meier P, MacKintosh AM, Piazza M, Gray-Phillip G & Parry CDH (2018) Cross-country comparison of proportion of alcohol consumed in harmful drinking occasions using the International Alcohol Control Study. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37 (S2), pp. S45-S52.


Best C, Haseen F, Currie D, Ozakinci G, MacKintosh AM, Stead M, Eadie D, MacGregor A, Pearce J, Amos A, Frank J & Haw S (2018) Relationship between trying an electronic cigarette and subsequent cigarette experimentation in Scottish adolescents: a cohort study. Tobacco Control, 27 (4), pp. 373-378.;

Conference Paper (published)

Ford A, MacKintosh AM, Moodie C, Hastings G & Bauld L (2018) The impact of a tobacco point-of-sale display ban on youth in the United Kingdom: findings from a repeat cross-sectional survey pre-, mid- and post-implementation. In: 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health Abstract Book. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 16 (Supplement 1) 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Cape Town, South Africa, 07.03.2018-09.03.2018. Heraklion, Crete, Greece: International Society for the Prevention of Tobacco Induced Diseases, p. A539.


Stead M, MacKintosh AM, Findlay A, Sparks L, Anderson AS, Barton KL & Eadie D (2017) Impact of a targeted direct marketing price promotion intervention (Buywell) on food-purchasing behaviour by low income consumers: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 30 (4), pp. 524-533.

Conference Abstract

Haseeni F, Best C, Murray S, Ozakinci G, Currie D, van der Sluijs W, Eadie D, Stead M, MacKintosh AM, Pearce J, MacGregor A, Amos A, Frank J & Haw S (2016) Smoking in the social environment and adolescent brand awareness: Differential effects by gender. 14th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine "Behavioral Medicine: Making an Impact in the Modern World", Groningen. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 23 (Supplement 1), pp. S196-S197, Art. No.: O607.


Best C, Haseen F, van der Sluijs W, Ozakinci G, Currie D, Eadie D, Stead M, MacKintosh AM, Pearce J, Tisch C, MacGregor A, Amos A, Frank JW & Haw S (2016) Relationship between e-cigarette point of sale recall and e-cigarette use in secondary school children: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 16, Art. No.: 310.


Eadie D, Stead M, MacKintosh AM, Murray S, Best C, Pearce J, Tisch C, van der Sluijs W, Amos A, MacGregor A & Haw S (2016) Are Retail Outlets Complying with National Legislation to Protect Children from Exposure to Tobacco Displays at Point of Sale? Results from the First Compliance Study in the UK. PLoS ONE, 11 (3), Art. No.: e0152178.

Research Report

Stead M, Bauld L, Bogdanovica I, Eadie D, MacKintosh AM, Murray S, Angus K, Critchlow N, Miguel Rey J, Hausemer P, Wilhelm C, Berteletti F, Toma A, Burch J & Lester R (2016) Study: An Assessment of Citizens' Exposure to Tobacco Marketing. European Commission. Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety. Health Programme, No. EAHC/2013/HEALTH/10 No. 2014 62 03. Publications Office of the European Union.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ford A, Moodie C & MacKintosh AM (2014) Female perceptions of cigarette design: a qualitative study. SRNT Europe, Santiago de Compostela, 18.09.2014-20.09.2014.


Haw S, Amos A, Eadie D, Frank JW, MacDonald L, MacKintosh AM, MacGregor A, Miller M, Pearce J, Sharp C, Stead M, Tisch C & van der Sluijs W (2014) Determining the impact of smoking point of sale legislation among youth (Display) study: A protocol for an evaluation of public health policy. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), Art. No.: 251.


Stead M, Stradling R, MacNeil M, MacKintosh AM, Minty S, McDermott L & Eadie D (2010) Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 17 (1), pp. 1-20.;


Harris F, MacKintosh AM, Anderson S, Hastings G, Borland R, Fong GT, Hammond D & Cummings KM (2006) Effects of the 2003 advertising/promotion ban in the United Kingdom on awareness of tobacco marketing: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey. Tobacco Control, 15 (supplement 3), pp. 26-33.


Hastings G, Ryan H, Teer P & MacKintosh AM (1994) Cigarette advertising and children's smoking: Why Reg was withdrawn. BMJ, 309 (6959), pp. 933-937.

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