
Improving our understanding of e-cigarette and refill packaging in the UK (E-PACKS): How is it used for product promotion, how is it perceived by consumers, and could it be changed to discourage youth while encouraging adult smokers to quit?

Funded by Cancer Research UK.

The project aims are “to determine whether further regulations on e-cigarette packaging are needed in the UK, and if so, provide recommendations to help the UK Government in developing guidelines that help make e-cigarette packaging both more appealing to their intended audience (people who smoke) but also less appealing to young people and people who don’t smoke.” To meet these aims, two studies will be conducted. The first will involve an e-cigarette pack collection, to explore how packs are being promoted. The second will involve focus groups with youth and also adult non-smokers, smokers who use e-cigarettes and smokers who do not use e-cigarettes, to explore how e-cigarette packs are perceived and how they could be used to encourage smoking cessation.

Total award value £78,636.09

People (3)

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor Crawford Moodie

Professor, ISM

Dr Allison Ford

Dr Allison Ford

Associate Professor, Institute for Social Marketing

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Ms Anne Marie MacKintosh

Associate Professor, Institute for Social Marketing