Professor Kirstein Rummery


Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Kirstein Rummery

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About me

I joined the University in 2007, having worked previously at the Universities of Manchester, Birmingham and Kent. I am currently working on an NIHR/ESRC funded project on Dementia Friendly Neighbourhoods and a Big Lottery (DRILL) funded project on Costing Good Self-Directed Support. I have previously led research funded by the ESRC, Scottish Government, Dept of Health and Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Projects included comparative care policy and gender equality, disability support, women's politicisation, and partnership working between health and social care.


Fellow of Academy of Social Sciences

Fellow of Royal Society of Arts

Professional Career

Senior Fellow of Centre on Constitutional Change
University of Edinburgh

Research (6)

Gender; care policy; disability; health and social care partnerships; dementia; ageing; comparative social care policies; women's political participation; devolution and social policy


The costs and benefits of 'good' self-directed support
PI: Professor Kirstein Rummery
Funded by: Disability Research on Independent Living & Learning (Scotland)

Neighbourhoods and Dementia: A mixed methods study
PI: Professor Richard Ward
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The Constitutional Future of Scotland and the United Kingdom
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Enabling health and wellbeing among older people: capitalising on resource
PI: Professor Kirstein Rummery
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Self-directed support - evidence base
PI: Professor Kirstein Rummery
Funded by: Scottish Government

Preventing or delaying disablement amongst older adults: mapping the Scottish landscape of policies and programmes
Funded by: Scottish Government

Outputs (42)



Campbell S, Keady J, Manji K, Odzakovic E, Rummery K & Ward R (2023) ‘I can see what's going on without being nosey…’: What matters to people living with dementia about home as revealed through visual home tours. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38 (9), Art. No.: e5999.

Book Chapter

Ward R, Rummery K, Odzakovic E, Manji K, Kullberg A, Keady J, Clark A & Campbell S (2021) Enabling the neighbourhood: the case for rethinking dementia-friendly communities. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 94 -112.

Book Chapter

Odzakovic E, Kullberg A, Hellstrom I, Clark A, Campbell S, Manji K, Rummery K, Keady J & Ward R (2021) Making and maintaining neighbourhood connections when living alone with dementia. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and place: practices, experiences and connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 67-89.

Book Chapter

Clark A, Campbell S, Keady J, Kullberg A, Manji K, Odzakovic E, Rummery K & Ward R (2021) Understanding the meaning of neighbourhoodS for people living with dementia: the value of a relational lens. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and place: practices, experiences and connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 23- 43.

Book Chapter

Rummery K (2019) Disability and austerity: the perfect storm of attacks on social rights. In: Heins E, Needham C & Rees J (eds.) Social Policy Review 31: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2019. Social Policy Review, 31. Policy Press, pp. 29-46.

Research Report

Satsangi M, Theakstone D, Matthews P, Lawrence J, Rummery K, Mackintosh S, Baghirathan S & Boniface G (2018) The housing experiences of disabled people in Britain. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report Series. Equality and Human Rights Commission.


Rummery K & Greener I (2012) Introduction: UK Devolution. Social Policy and Administration, 46 (2), pp. 139-141.

Book Review

Rummery K (2008) Care, Community and Citizenship: Research and Practice in a Changing Policy Context. Review of: Care, Community and Citizenship: Research and Practice in a Changing Policy Context. Susan Balloch and Michael Hill. (Eds). The Policy Press, Bristol (2007), 304 pp. ISBN: 9781861348708. Health and Social Care in the Community, 16 (6), pp. 659-660.

Book Chapter

Rummery K, Gains F & Annesley C (2007) New Labour: Towards an Engendered Politics and Policy. In: Annesley C, Gains F & Rummery K (eds.) Women and New Labour: Engendering Politics and Policy?. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 231-249.

Book Chapter

Rummery K (2007) Modernising Services, Empowering Users: Adult Social Care in 2006. In: Clarke K, Maltby T & Kennett P (eds.) Social policy review 19. Analysis and debate in social policy, 2007. Social policy review, 19. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 67-83.


ASRP002 Research Design and Process SPCU9JM Disability and Society