McIntosh I, Punch S & Tandy C (2024) Paying to Be at the Bridge Table: An Exploration of the Bridge Playing-Sponsor Experience in Mindsport. Sociological Research Online.
Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Colin Bell Building, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA
I am currently developing a new field of study: the Sociology of Mind-Sports with the card game bridge as the driving case study. This research includes an exploration of the social interactions and power dynamics of the mind-sport; the benefits of bridge; participation and learning bridge across the lifecourse; the potential links between bridge and delayed onset of dementia (in partnership with English Bridge Education and Development) and gender inequalities within the mind sport. Furthermore I have established the Global Keep Bridge Alive Network, and Bridge: A MindSport for All.
I have a keen interest in interdisciplinarity and cross-world dialogue, in particular learning across majority world and minority world childhoods. Previously I have researched the sustainable use of aquatic resources and rural livelihoods in China, Vietnam and India (EC funded, multi-partner project). With Ruth Emond and Ian McIntosh we developed food based training materials and intervention tools for carers of looked after children in Scotland (ESRC funded impact project) which follows on from a previous ESRC study of children's food practices in residential care.
I have undertaken a follow-up study on migration and young people's livelihoods in rural Bolivia by tracking down the children from my doctoral research after a ten year gap (British Academcy funded). My PhD included two years' ethnographic fieldwork on rural childhoods in Bolivia, exploring children’s daily lives at work, home, play and school. Since then I have also carried out research on young people’s problems in Scotland, youth transitions, children's experiences of sibling relationships and birth order in the UK, and gender and household livelihoods in peri-urban Kolkata, India.
Sociology of Childhood Sociology of Development Sociology of Bridge and Mind Sports Qualitative methodologies Migration and youth transitions in the majority world Learning across majority world and minority world childhoods Interdisciplinary, cross-world dialogue Gender and rural livelihoods in China, Vietnam and India Children's work and household livelihoods in Latin America Sibling relationships and birth order in Bolivia and the UK Young people and food practices in residential care homes
Bridge: A MindSport for All
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: Donors (UK) and Donors (O.S)
Bridging Juniors: Learning, Education and Development in Bridge
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: The Davenport Foundation
Enabling Bridge to Thrive in Schools: Exploring the Benefits, Opportunities & Challenges
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: The Davenport Foundation
Sociology of Bridge: Understanding Dynamics and Interactions of the Bridge World
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: World Bridge Federation
Food for Thought: Food based training, assessment and intervention tools for carers of looked after young people
PI: Professor Ruth Emond
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council
Highland aquatic resources conservation and sustainable development
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)
Learning about alcohol: influences of the family context
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Food Practices in an Institutional Context: Children, Care and Control
PI: Professor Samantha Punch
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council
McIntosh I, Punch S & Tandy C (2024) Paying to Be at the Bridge Table: An Exploration of the Bridge Playing-Sponsor Experience in Mindsport. Sociological Research Online.
Situating bridge: Understanding older adults’ digital leisure practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
Snellgrove M & Punch S (2024) Situating bridge: Understanding older adults’ digital leisure practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Leisure Research, pp. 1-22.
Scott DS & Punch S (2024) The physicality of mindsports through elite bridge players’ sensorial experiences: Presence, confidence and bodies. The Sociological Review, 72 (1), pp. 194-212.
Book Chapter
Card Confessions: Digital Forms of Deviance in the Mindsport Bridge
Maclean J, Punch S & Xu M (2023) Card Confessions: Digital Forms of Deviance in the Mindsport Bridge. In: Leisure Studies in a Global Era. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 53-73.
Bridging brains: exploring neurosexism and gendered stereotypes in a mindsport
Punch S, Snellgrove M, Graham E, McPherson C & Cleary J (2023) Bridging brains: exploring neurosexism and gendered stereotypes in a mindsport. Leisure/Loisir, 47 (3), pp. 459-485.
Bridging time: negotiating serious leisure in intimate couple relationships
Punch S & Snellgrove M (2023) Bridging time: negotiating serious leisure in intimate couple relationships. Annals of Leisure Research.
Punch S, Russell Z & Graham E (2022) Serious Leisure Experience in a Dyadic Pursuit: Elite Player Motivations and Participation in Tournament Bridge. Leisure Studies, 41 (1), pp. 12-27.
Punch S & Rogers A (2022) Building, not Burning Bridges in Research: Insider/Outsider Dilemmas and Engaging with the Bridge Community. Journal of Leisure Research, 53 (2), pp. 272-289.
Negotiating insider research through reactive collaboration: challenges, issues and failures
Snellgrove M & Punch S (2022) Negotiating insider research through reactive collaboration: challenges, issues and failures. Qualitative Research Journal, 22 (4), pp. 548-558.
Between equality and discrimination: the paradox of the women’s game in the mind-sport bridge
Rogers A, Snellgrove M & Punch S (2022) Between equality and discrimination: the paradox of the women’s game in the mind-sport bridge. World Leisure Journal, 64 (4), pp. 342-360.
Playing with emotions: emotional complexity in the social world of elite tournament bridge
Punch S & Russell Z (2022) Playing with emotions: emotional complexity in the social world of elite tournament bridge. Emotions and Society, 4 (2), pp. 238-256.
Between equality and discrimination: the paradox of the women's game in the mind-sport bridge
Rogers A, Snellgrove M & Punch S (2022) Between equality and discrimination: the paradox of the women's game in the mind-sport bridge. World Leisure Journal.
Blurring the Boundaries between Leisure and Work: Professionals as Devotees in the Mind-Sport Bridge
Russell Z, Punch S & McIntosh I (2022) Blurring the Boundaries between Leisure and Work: Professionals as Devotees in the Mind-Sport Bridge. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 5 (1), pp. 13-32.
Authored Book
Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens
Punch S (2021) Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens. Toronto: Master Point Press.
Playing Your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge
Punch S & Snellgrove M (2021) Playing Your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge. Sociological Research Online, 26 (3), pp. 601-619.
(Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community
Punch S, Russell Z & Cairns B (2021) (Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56 (6), pp. 804-822.
Website Content
Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice
Punch S, Ballinger C & Rees T (2021) Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice. University of Stirling Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 11.06.2021.
Punch S (2020) Why have generational orderings been marginalised in the social sciences including childhood studies?. Childrens Geographies, 18 (2), pp. 128-140.
Project Report
Challenges Issues and Solutions Facing National Bridge Organisations in Europe
Snellgrove M & Punch S (2020) Challenges Issues and Solutions Facing National Bridge Organisations in Europe. European Bridge League. Online.
'I see a totally different picture now': an evaluation of knowledge exchange in childcare practice
Emond R, George C, McIntosh I & Punch S (2019) 'I see a totally different picture now': an evaluation of knowledge exchange in childcare practice. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 15 (1), pp. 67-83.
'Global/local' research on children and childhood in a 'global society'
Hanson K, Abebe T, Aitken SC, Balagopalan S & Punch S (2018) 'Global/local' research on children and childhood in a 'global society'. Childhood, 25 (3), pp. 272-296.
Research Report
Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis
McDonnell D, Punch S & Small C (2017) Individual Wellbeing and Bridge: An Empirical Analysis. English Bridge Education and Development (EBED). Aylesbury: English Bridge Education & Development (EBED).
Transitions from Undergraduate to Taught Postgraduate Study: Emotion, Integration and Ambiguity
McPherson C, Punch S & Graham E (2017) Transitions from Undergraduate to Taught Postgraduate Study: Emotion, Integration and Ambiguity. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, 5 (2), pp. 42-50.
Cox R, Emond R, Punch S, McIntosh I, Hall K, Simpson A & Skouteris H (2017) "It's not as easy as saying, 'just get them to eat more veggies'": Exploring healthy eating in residential care in Australia. Appetite, 117, pp. 275-283.
Book Chapter
Creating Spaces to Care: Children's Rights and Food Practices in Residential Care
McIntosh I, Punch S & Emond R (2016) Creating Spaces to Care: Children's Rights and Food Practices in Residential Care. In: Kallio K, Mills S & Skelton T (eds.) Politics, Citizenship and Rights. Geographies of Children and Young People, 7. Singapore: Springer, pp. 39-53.
Book Chapter
Sugden F & Punch S (2016) Changing Aspirations, Education, and Migration: Young People’s Declining Agroecological Knowledge in Rural Asia. In: Ansell N, Klocker N & Skelton T (eds.) Geographies of Global Issues: Change and Threat. Geographies of Children and Young People, 8. Singapore: Springer, pp. 483-499.
Cross-world and Cross-disciplinary Dialogue: A More Integrated, Global Approach to Childhood Studies
Punch S (2016) Cross-world and Cross-disciplinary Dialogue: A More Integrated, Global Approach to Childhood Studies. Global Studies of Childhood, 6 (3), pp. 352-364.
Book Chapter
Interviewing Children at Home: Exploring the Use of Individual and Focus Group Interviews
Punch S & Graham E (2016) Interviewing Children at Home: Exploring the Use of Individual and Focus Group Interviews. In: Evans, R H, L & Skelton T (eds.) Methodological Approaches: Geographies of Children and Young People, Volume 2. Geographies of Children and Young People, 2. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-23.;
Book Chapter
Exploring Children’s Agency across Majority and Minority World Contexts
Punch S (2016) Exploring Children’s Agency across Majority and Minority World Contexts. In: Esser F, Baader M, Betz T & Hungerland B (eds.) Reconceptualising Agency and Childhood: New Perspectives in Childhood Studies. Routledge Research in Education, 161. London: Routledge, pp. 183-196.
Book Chapter
Children, Food and Care Research
Punch S, Emond R, McIntosh I & Lightowler C (2015) Children, Food and Care Research. In: Täubig V (ed.) Essen und Bildung. Ein vergessenes Feld erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Siegen, Germany: Beltz Juventa.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2015) Possibilities for Learning between Childhoods and Youth in the Minority and Majority Worlds: Youth transitions as an example of cross-world dialogue. In: Wyn J & Cahill H (eds.) Handbook of Children and Youth Studies. Singapore: Springer, pp. 689-701.
Punch S (2015) Youth transitions and migration: negotiated and constrained interdependencies within and across generations. Journal of Youth Studies, 18 (2), pp. 262-276.
Edited Book
Children and Young People’s Relationships: Learning Across Majority and Minority Worlds
Punch S & Tisdall EKM (eds.) (2014) Children and Young People’s Relationships: Learning Across Majority and Minority Worlds. London: Routledge.
Sugden F & Punch S (2014) The Challenges and Benefits of Employing a Mobile Research Fellow to Faciliate Team Work on a large, interdisciplinary, multi-sited Project. Research in Comparative and International Education, 9 (4), pp. 441-453.
Food and Feelings in Residential Child Care
Emond R, McIntosh I & Punch S (2014) Food and Feelings in Residential Child Care. British Journal of Social Work, 44 (7), pp. 1840-1856.
Book Chapter
Fengbo C & Punch S (2014) Moving from boats to housing on land: intergenerational transformations of fisher households in southern China. In: Vanderbeck R R & Worth N (eds.) Intergenerational Space. Routledge Studies in Human Geography Series. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2014) Young Migrant Trajectories from Bolivia to Argentina: Changes and Continuities in an era of Globalization. In: Veale A & Dona G (eds.) Child and Youth Migration: Mobility-in-Migration in an Era of Globalization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-43.
Sugden F & Punch S (2014) Capitalist Expansion and the Decline of Common Property Ecosystems: Lessons from China, Vietnam and India. Development and Change, 45 (4), pp. 656-684.
Punch S & McIntosh I (2014) 'Food is a funny thing within residential childcare': Intergenerational relationships and food practices in residential care. Childhood, 21 (1), pp. 72-86.
Punch S & Sugden F (2013) Work, education and out-migration among children and youth in upland Asia: changing patterns of labour and ecological knowledge in an era of globalisation. Local Environment, 18 (3), pp. 255-270.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2013) Resilience and well-being. In: Montgomery H (ed.) Local Childhoods, Global Issues. 2nd ed. Open University Childhood Series. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 205-252.
Book Chapter
Punch S & Marsh I (2013) Sociological Thinking. In: Punch S, Marsh I, Keating M & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 5th ed. London: Pearson, pp. 3-41.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2013) Families and Relationships. In: Punch S, Marsh I, Keating M & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 5th ed. London: Pearson, pp. 453-496.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2013) Age. In: Punch S, Marsh I, Keating M & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 5th ed. London: Pearson, pp. 298-333.
Edited Book
Sociology: Making Sense of Society
Punch S, Marsh I, Keating M & Harden J (eds.) (2013) Sociology: Making Sense of Society, 5th ed. London: Pearson.
Edited Book
Children's Food Practices in Families and Institutions
Punch S, McIntosh I & Emond R (eds.) (2012) Children's Food Practices in Families and Institutions. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2012) Gender Divisions in the Home. In: Smith S, Elsinga M, Fox OL, Seow EO, Wachter S & Dowling R (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Vol 2. Oxford: Elsevier, p. 264–268.
Punch S, McIntosh I & Emond R (2012) 'You have a right to be nourished and fed, but do I have a right to make sure you eat your food?': Children's rights and food practices in residential care. International Journal of Human Rights, 16 (8), pp. 1250-1262.
Exploring children and young people's relationships across Majority and Minority Worlds
Punch S & Tisdall EKM (2012) Exploring children and young people's relationships across Majority and Minority Worlds. Children's Geographies, 10 (3), pp. 241-248.
Not so 'new'? Looking Critically at Childhood Studies
Tisdall EKM & Punch S (2012) Not so 'new'? Looking Critically at Childhood Studies. Children's Geographies, 10 (3), pp. 249-264.
Research Report
Exploring Children's Experiences of Migration: Movement and Family Relationships
de Lima P, Punch S & Whitehead A (2012) Exploring Children's Experiences of Migration: Movement and Family Relationships. University of Edinburgh. CRFR Research Briefing, 61. Edinburgh: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.
Studying Transnational Children: A Multi-sited, Longitudinal, Ethnographic Approach
Punch S (2012) Studying Transnational Children: A Multi-sited, Longitudinal, Ethnographic Approach. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38 (6), pp. 1007-1023.
Hidden struggles of fieldwork: Exploring the role and use of field diaries
Punch S (2012) Hidden struggles of fieldwork: Exploring the role and use of field diaries. Emotion, Space and Society, 5 (2), pp. 86-93.
Book Review
The Right to be Properly Researched: How to do Rights-based, Scientific Research with Children
Punch S (2012) The Right to be Properly Researched: How to do Rights-based, Scientific Research with Children. Review of: Judith Ennew, with Tatek Abebe, Rattana Bangyai, Parichart Karapituck, Anne Trine Kjørholt, Thanakorn Noonsup, with additional material from Harriot Beazley, Sharon Bessell, Patima Daengchart-Kushanoglu and Roxana Waterson (2010)
Bangkok: Knowing Children. (Boxed set of 10 paperback manuals) ISBN 9786167333007.. Childhood, 19 (1), pp. 145-147.
Book Review
Punch S (2012) Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces. Review of: Kate Swanson, Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador’s Urban Spaces, (Athens, GA, and London: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 146, ISBN 978-0-8203-3180-5. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44 (1), pp. 201-202.
Book Chapter
McIntosh I, Dorrer N, Punch S & Emond R (2011) 'I know we can't be a family, but as close as you can get': Displaying Families within an Institutional Context. In: Dermott E E & Seymour J (eds.) Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-194.
McIntosh I, Punch S, Dorrer N & Emond R (2010) 'You don't have to be watched to make your toast': surveillance and food practices within residential care for young people. Surveillance and Society, 7 (3/4), pp. 287-300.
Book Chapter
Moving for a Better Life: To stay or to go?
Punch S (2010) Moving for a Better Life: To stay or to go?. In: Kassem D, Murphy L & Taylor E (eds.) Key Issues in Childhood and Youth Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 202-215.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2010) Children’s Experiences of Sibship and Birth Order: "Someone to look up to and someone to look down on". In: Müller F (ed.) Childhood in Perspective/ Infancia em Perspectiva: Politicas, Pesquisas e Instituicoes. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Cortez Editora, pp. 187-222.
Research Report
Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts
Eadie D, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Heim D, Forsyth A & Punch S (2010) Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Children's food practices in families and institutions
Punch S, McIntosh I & Emond R (2010) Children's food practices in families and institutions. Children's Geographies, 8 (3), pp. 227-231.
Discussant piece: food and schools
McIntosh I, Emond R & Punch S (2010) Discussant piece: food and schools. Children's Geographies, 8 (3), pp. 289-290.
Children and food practices in residential care: Ambivalence in the 'institutional' home
Dorrer N, McIntosh I, Punch S & Emond R (2010) Children and food practices in residential care: Ambivalence in the 'institutional' home. Children's Geographies, 8 (3), pp. 247-259.
Edited Book
Sociology: Making Sense of Society
Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) (2009) Sociology: Making Sense of Society, 4th ed. London: Pearson.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2009) Child Labour. In: Kitchin R & Thrift N (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 45-49.
Children’s Views on Food in Residential Care: Information Leaflet for Children and Young People
Emond R, Dorrer N, Punch S & McIntosh I (2009) Children’s Views on Food in Residential Care: Information Leaflet for Children and Young People. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Research Report
Punch S, Dorrer N, Emond R & McIntosh I (2009) Food Practices in Residential Children's Homes: The Views and Experiences of Staff and Children: A Resource Handbook for Reflection. Economic and Social Research Council. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2009) 'Families and Households'. In: Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Harlow UK: Pearson Longman, pp. 445-484.
Book Chapter
Punch S (2009) Global Divisions. In: Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 4th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman, pp. 357-404.
Book Chapter
Researching Childhoods in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2009) Researching Childhoods in Rural Bolivia. In: Tisdall K, Davis J & Gallagher M (eds.) Researching with Children and Young People: Research Design, Methods and Analysis. London: SAGE, pp. 89-96.
Book Chapter
Food and Relationships: Children's Experiences in Residential Care
Punch S, McIntosh I, Emond R & Dorrer N (2009) Food and Relationships: Children's Experiences in Residential Care. In: James A, Kjørholt A & Tingstad V (eds.) Children, Food and Identity in Everyday Life. Studies in Childhood and Youth. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 149-171.
'Barter', 'deals', 'bribes' and 'threats': Exploring Sibling Interactions
McIntosh I & Punch S (2009) 'Barter', 'deals', 'bribes' and 'threats': Exploring Sibling Interactions. Childhood, 16 (1), pp. 49-65.
Book Chapter
"I Felt they were Ganging up on me": Interviewing Siblings at Home
Punch S (2008) "I Felt they were Ganging up on me": Interviewing Siblings at Home. In: van Blerk L & Kesby M (eds.) Doing Children’s Geographies: Methodological Issues in Research with Young People. London: Routledge, pp. 26-41.
Book Chapter
Negotiating Migrant Identities: Young People in Bolivia and Argentina
Punch S (2008) Negotiating Migrant Identities: Young People in Bolivia and Argentina. In: Aitken S, Lund R & Kjørholt A (eds.) Global Childhood: Globalization, Development and Young People. London: Routledge, pp. 95-112.
Book Chapter
Negotiating the Birth Order: Children's Experiences
Punch S (2008) Negotiating the Birth Order: Children's Experiences. In: Klett-Davies M (ed.) Putting Sibling Relationships on the Map: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective. Research and Policy for the Real World. London: Family and Parenting Institute, pp. 30-49.
Punch S (2008) "You can do nasty things to your brothers and sisters without a reason": Siblings' Backstage Behaviour. Children and Society, 22 (5), pp. 333-344.
Edited Book
Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives
Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (eds.) (2007) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives. Routledge Studies in Human Geography. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
From Difference to Dialogue: Conceptualising Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth
Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (2007) From Difference to Dialogue: Conceptualising Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth. In: Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives. Routledge Studies in Human Geography. London: Routledge, pp. 1-13.
Book Chapter
Conclusions and Future Directions for Studying Young Rural Lives
Robson E, Panelli R & Punch S (2007) Conclusions and Future Directions for Studying Young Rural Lives. In: Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives. Routledge Studies in Human Geography. London: Routledge, pp. 219-228.
"I Felt they were Ganging up on me": Interviewing Siblings at Home
Punch S (2007) "I Felt they were Ganging up on me": Interviewing Siblings at Home. Children's Geographies, 5 (3), pp. 219-234.
Book Chapter
Generational Power Relations in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2007) Generational Power Relations in Rural Bolivia. In: Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, 17. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge UK), pp. 151-164.
Book Chapter
Power and Place for Rural Young People
Punch S, Bell S, Costello L & Panelli R (2007) Power and Place for Rural Young People. In: Panelli R, Punch S & Robson E (eds.) Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth: Young Rural Lives. Routledge Studies in Human Geography. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge UK), pp. 205-218.
Negotiating Migrant Identities: Young People in Bolivia and Argentina
Punch S (2007) Negotiating Migrant Identities: Young People in Bolivia and Argentina. Children's Geographies, 5 (1 & 2), pp. 95-112.
Book Chapter
The Generationing of Power: A Comparison of Child-Parent and Sibling Relations in Scotland
Punch S (2005) The Generationing of Power: A Comparison of Child-Parent and Sibling Relations in Scotland. In: Bass L (ed.) Sociological Studies of Children and Youth. Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Volume 10, 10. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 169-188.;
Authored Book
McIntosh I & Punch S (2005) Get Set for Sociology. Get Set for University Series. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
The impact of primary education on school-to-work transitions for young people in rural Bolivia
Punch S (2004) The impact of primary education on school-to-work transitions for young people in rural Bolivia. Youth and Society, 36 (2), pp. 163-182.
Book Chapter
Negotiating Autonomy: Children's Use of Time and Space in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2004) Negotiating Autonomy: Children's Use of Time and Space in Rural Bolivia. In: Lewis V, Kellett M, Robinson C, Fraser S & Ding S S (eds.) The Reality of Research with Children and Young People. London: SAGE, pp. 94-114.
Book Chapter
Scrambling through the Ethnographic Forest: Research Commentary
Punch S (2004) Scrambling through the Ethnographic Forest: Research Commentary. In: Lewis V, Kellett M, Robinson C, Fraser S & Ding S S (eds.) The Reality of Research with Children and Young People. London: SAGE, pp. 115-119.
Book Chapter
Young People and Welfare: Negotiating Pathways
Hallett C, Punch S & Murray C (2003) Young People and Welfare: Negotiating Pathways. In: Hallett C & Prout A (eds.) Hearing the Voices of Children: Social Policy for a New Century. London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 123-138.
Childhoods in the Majority World: Miniature Adults or Tribal Children?
Punch S (2003) Childhoods in the Majority World: Miniature Adults or Tribal Children?. Sociology, 37 (2), pp. 277-295.
Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults?
Punch S (2002) Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults?. Childhood, 9 (3), pp. 321-341.
Youth Transitions and Interdependent Adult-child Relations in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2002) Youth Transitions and Interdependent Adult-child Relations in Rural Bolivia. Journal of Rural Studies, 18 (2), pp. 123-133.;
Punch S (2002) Interviewing Strategies with Young People: The 'Secret Box', Stimulus Material and Task-based Activities. Children and Society, 16 (1), pp. 45-56.;
Book Chapter
La emigracion como estrategia para jovenes: escape o expulsion
Punch S (2001) La emigracion como estrategia para jovenes: escape o expulsion [Migration as a Youth Strategy: Escape or Explusion?]. In: Beck S, Paniagua N & Preston D (eds.) Historia, Ambiente y Sociedad en Tarija, Bolivia. La Paz, Bolivia: Instituto de Ecología, UMSA, pp. 123-144.
Household Division of Labour: Generation, Gender, Age, Birth Order and Sibling Composition
Punch S (2001) Household Division of Labour: Generation, Gender, Age, Birth Order and Sibling Composition. Work, Employment and Society, 15 (4), pp. 803-823.
Book Chapter
Multiple Methods and Research Relations with Young People in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2001) Multiple Methods and Research Relations with Young People in Rural Bolivia. In: Limb M & Dwyer C (eds.) Qualitative Methodologies for Geographers: Issues and Debates. London: Hodder Arnold, pp. 165-180.
Book Chapter
Negotiating Autonomy: Childhoods in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2001) Negotiating Autonomy: Childhoods in Rural Bolivia. In: Alanen L & Mayall B (eds.) Conceptualising Child-Adult Relations. The Future of Childhood Series. London: Taylor & Francis (RoutledgeFalmer UK), pp. 23-36.
Book Chapter
Children's Strategies for Creating Playspaces: Negotiating Independence in Rural Bolivia
Punch S (2000) Children's Strategies for Creating Playspaces: Negotiating Independence in Rural Bolivia. In: Holloway SL & Valentine G (eds.) Children's Geographies: Playing, Living, Learning. Critical Geographies. Abingdon, Oxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge UK), pp. 41-53.
SPC911 Social Differentiation
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