
Children's food practices in families and institutions



Punch S, McIntosh I & Emond R (2010) Children's food practices in families and institutions. Children's Geographies, 8 (3), pp. 227-231.

First paragraph: Food and food practices lend themselves to sociological and geographical analysis. In particular the study of the relationships that develop around and through food interactions and rituals can bring into focus practices that are often hidden from view; part of an everyday and mundane world frequently so taken for granted that their meaning becomes lost. Research in this growing field brings to light the significance of food and food practices, and the manner in which their study can provide a lens to explore other facets of social life (Jackson 2009a) within a range of different contexts. Food is of course obviously linked to caring, nutrition and the body (Cunningham 2003, Metcalfe et al. 2008). The rituals of mealtimes provide scaffolding around which time is organised and through which families and other social groups interact and to a large extent 'do' family. However the significance of the role of food can often be forgotten, partly as a consequence of how fundamental it is, and thus left in the background of sociological analysis. Food practices then are powerful mechanisms of socialisation and can convey a power that can emerge strongly in a range of differing contexts.

food; food practices; families; institutions; children; childhood; residential child care

Output Type: Editorial

Children's Geographies: Volume 8, Issue 3

FundersEconomic and Social Research Council
Publication date31/08/2010
PublisherTaylor and Francis