Professor Gerard Hastings

Emeritus Professor

Institute for Social Marketing University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Professor Gerard Hastings

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About me

Professor Gerard Hastings OBE Gerard Hastings is Professor Emeritus at Stirling University and also works with L'École des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, Rennes. He founded the Institute for Social Marketing which he directed for many years, and his academic career has focused on researching the impact of marketing on society - both for good and ill. This has involved him in advising Government and working with policy makers and civil society both nationally and internationally. He was a Special Advisor to the House of Commons Health Select Committee during its separate enquiries into the tobacco (2000), food (2004), pharmaceutical (2005), and alcohol industries (2010) and acts as a Temporary Advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) on both communicable and non-communicable disease on a regular basis. He has also been an expert witness in litigation against the tobacco industry in the UK and internationally, and in 2011 successfully challenged the Industry's right to access confidential research through Freedom of Information. He currently sits on the BMA Board of Science, is a member of the Lancet Obesity Commission, a Trustee of the UK Health Forum and a Schools Speaker for Amnesty International. He has published widely in academic outlets, especially in health and business journals. His latest books are Social Marketing: Rebels with a Cause (with Christine Domegan) and The Marketing Matrix: how the corporation gets its power and how we can reclaim it are published by Routledge. In 2009 he was awarded the OBE for services to health care. In 2014 he accepted the Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education on behalf of the University of Stirling for the ground-breaking critical marketing research conducted by the Institute for Social Marketing.