Hippocampal damage disrupts the latent decision-making processes underlying approach-avoidance conflict processing in humans
Le Duc W, Butler CR, Argyropoulos G, Chu S, Hutcherson C, Ruocco A, Ito R & Lee A (2025) Hippocampal damage disrupts the latent decision-making processes underlying approach-avoidance conflict processing in humans. PLoS Biology, 23 (2), Art. No.: e3003033.
Editorial: The cerebellar role in psychiatric disorders: Emerging evidence and future perspectives
Argyropoulos GPD, Lupo M & Olivito G (2022) Editorial: The cerebellar role in psychiatric disorders: Emerging evidence and future perspectives. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 16, Art. No.: 1075679.
Conference Abstract
Pathological emotionalism following limbic encephalitis: the neural foundations of a novel disorder
Butler C, Argyropoulos G, Moore L, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C, Gurau O, Irani S & Zeman A (2022) Pathological emotionalism following limbic encephalitis: the neural foundations of a novel disorder. Association of British Neurologists Conference 2020, Online. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 93 (6), p. A7.
Consensus Paper: Novel Directions and Next Steps of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation of the Cerebellum in Health and Disease
Manto M, Argyropoulos GPD, Bocci T, Celnik PA, Corben LA, Guidetti M, Koch G, Priori A, Rothwell JC, Sadnicka A, Spampinato D, Ugawa Y, Wessel MJ & Ferrucci R (2021) Consensus Paper: Novel Directions and Next Steps of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation of the Cerebellum in Health and Disease. Cerebellum.
Functional Specialization of the Medial Temporal Lobes in Human Recognition Memory: Dissociating Effects of Hippocampal versus Parahippocampal Damage
Argyropoulos GPD, Dell’Acqua C, Butler E, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Almozel A, Drummond N, Lage-Martinez C, Cooper E, Henson RN & Butler CR (2021) Functional Specialization of the Medial Temporal Lobes in Human Recognition Memory: Dissociating Effects of Hippocampal versus Parahippocampal Damage. Cerebral Cortex.
Edited Book
Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders
Argyropoulos GPD (ed.) (2020) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders, 1st ed. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing.
Book Chapter
The Role of Memory Systems in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Language
Vogindroukas I, Koukouvinou S, Sasmatzoglou I & Argyropoulos GPD (2020) The Role of Memory Systems in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Language. In: Argyropoulos G (ed.) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing, pp. 69-80.
Book Chapter
Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders: State of the Art
Argyropoulos GPD (2020) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders: State of the Art. In: Argyropoulos G (ed.) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-4.
Book Chapter
Lesion-Symptom Mapping in Speech and Language Disorders: A Translational Perspective
Argyropoulos GPD (2020) Lesion-Symptom Mapping in Speech and Language Disorders: A Translational Perspective. In: Argyropoulos G (ed.) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing, pp. 241-257.
Volume reduction of caudate nucleus is associated with movement coordination deficits in patients with hippocampal atrophy due to perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia
Geva S, Jentschke S, Argyropoulos GPD, Chong WK, Gadian DG & Vargha-Khadem F (2020) Volume reduction of caudate nucleus is associated with movement coordination deficits in patients with hippocampal atrophy due to perinatal hypoxia-ischaemia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 28, Art. No.: 102429.
Does hippocampal atrophy explain anterograde and retrograde amnesia following autoimmune limbic encephalitis?
Argyropoulos GPD & Butler CR (2020) Does hippocampal atrophy explain anterograde and retrograde amnesia following autoimmune limbic encephalitis?. Hippocampus, 30 (9), pp. 1013-1017.
Website Content
Functional specialization of the medial temporal lobes in human recognition memory: dissociating effects of hippocampal vs parahippocampal damage
Argyropoulos GPD, Dell’Acqua C, Butler E, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Almozel A, Drummond N, Lage-Martinez C, Cooper E, Henson RN & Butler CR (2020) Functional specialization of the medial temporal lobes in human recognition memory: dissociating effects of hippocampal vs parahippocampal damage. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology [Preprint website] 11.07.2020.
Pathologic tearfulness after limbic encephalitis: A novel disorder and its neural basis
Argyropoulos GPD, Moore L, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C, Gurau O, Irani SR, Zeman A & Butler CR (2020) Pathologic tearfulness after limbic encephalitis: A novel disorder and its neural basis. Neurology, 94 (12), pp. e1320-e1335.
The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective/Schmahmann Syndrome: a Task Force Paper
Argyropoulos GPD, van Dun K, Adamaszek M, Leggio M, Manto M, Masciullo M, Molinari M, Stoodley CJ, Van Overwalle F, Ivry RB & Schmahmann JD (2020) The Cerebellar Cognitive Affective/Schmahmann Syndrome: a Task Force Paper. Cerebellum, 19 (1), pp. 102-125.
Network-wide abnormalities explain memory variability in hippocampal amnesia
Argyropoulos GPD, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C, Gurau O, Irani SR & Butler CR (2019) Network-wide abnormalities explain memory variability in hippocampal amnesia. eLife, 8, Art. No.: e46156.
Hippocampal network abnormalities explain amnesia after VGKCC-Ab related autoimmune limbic encephalitis
Loane C, Argyropoulos GPD, Roca-Fernández A, Lage C, Sheerin F, Ahmed S, Zamboni G, Mackay C, Irani SR & Butler CR (2019) Hippocampal network abnormalities explain amnesia after VGKCC-Ab related autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 90 (9), pp. 965-974.
Network-wide abnormalities explain memory variability in hippocampal amnesia
Argyropoulos GPD, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C, Gurau O, Irani SR & Butler CR (2019) Network-wide abnormalities explain memory variability in hippocampal amnesia. eLife, 8, Art. No.: e46156.
Neocerebellar Crus I Abnormalities Associated with a Speech and Language Disorder Due to a Mutation in FOXP2
Argyropoulos GPD, Watkins KE, Belton-Pagnamenta E, Liégeois F, Saleem KS, Mishkin M & Vargha-Khadem F (2019) Neocerebellar Crus I Abnormalities Associated with a Speech and Language Disorder Due to a Mutation in FOXP2. Cerebellum, 18 (3), pp. 309-319.
Conference Abstract
Emotional lability in hippocampal atrophy due to autoimmune limbic encephalitis
Argyropoulos GP, Moore L, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C & Butler CR (2019) Emotional lability in hippocampal atrophy due to autoimmune limbic encephalitis. The British Neuropsychiatry Association – Annual Meeting. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 90 (Suppl 2), pp. A15-A16.
Emotional lability in focal hippocampal damage
Argyropoulos G, Moore L, Loane C, Roca-Fernandez A, Lage-Martinez C & Butler CR (2019) Emotional lability in focal hippocampal damage. BNA Festival of Neuroscience 2019, Dublin, 14.04.2019-17.04.2019.
Book Chapter
Experimental Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Relation to the Cerebellum and Language
Argyropoulos GPD (2016) Experimental Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Relation to the Cerebellum and Language. In: Argyropoulos G (ed.) The Linguistic Cerebellum. Elsevier, pp. 377-407.
The cerebellum, internal models and prediction in 'non-motor' aspects of language: A critical review
Argyropoulos GPD (2016) The cerebellum, internal models and prediction in 'non-motor' aspects of language: A critical review. Brain and Language, 161, pp. 4-17.
Neocerebellar abnormalities in a neonate with the FOXP2 mutation
Argyropoulos G, Elward R, Saini M, Mishkin M & Vargha-Khadem F (2016) Neocerebellar abnormalities in a neonate with the FOXP2 mutation. 2016 Mid-Year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society, London, 06.07.2016-08.07.2016.
Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (ctDCS): A Novel Approach to Understanding Cerebellar Function in Health and Disease
Grimaldi G, Argyropoulos GP, Bastian A, Cortes M, Davis NJ, Edwards DJ, Ferrucci R, Fregni F, Galea JM, Hamada M, Manto M, Miall RC, Morales-Quezada L, Pope PA & Priori A (2016) Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (ctDCS): A Novel Approach to Understanding Cerebellar Function in Health and Disease. The Neuroscientist, 22 (1), pp. 83-97.
Non-invasive Cerebellar Stimulation - a Consensus Paper
Grimaldi G, Argyropoulos GP, Boehringer A, Celnik P, Edwards MJ, Ferrucci R, Galea JM, Groiss SJ, Hiraoka K, Kassavetis P, Lesage E, Manto M, Miall RC, Priori A & Sadnicka A (2014) Non-invasive Cerebellar Stimulation - a Consensus Paper. Cerebellum, 13 (1), pp. 121-138.
The neostriatum and response selection in overt sentence production: An fMRI study
Argyropoulos GP, Tremblay P & Small SL (2013) The neostriatum and response selection in overt sentence production: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 82, pp. 53-60.
Effects of Cerebellar Stimulation on Processing Semantic Associations
Argyropoulos GP & Muggleton NG (2013) Effects of Cerebellar Stimulation on Processing Semantic Associations. Cerebellum, 12 (1), pp. 83-96.
Processing lexical semantics and phonology in epilepsy
Argyropoulos G, Kouvatsou Z, Pita R, Vlaikidis ND & Kimiskidis VK (2013) Processing lexical semantics and phonology in epilepsy. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26 (1), pp. 149-159.
Conference Paper (published)
Cortico-cortical and cortico-cerebellar computations in language change
Argyropoulos G (2012) Cortico-cortical and cortico-cerebellar computations in language change. In: Scott-Phillips TC, Tamariz M, Cartmill EA & Hurford JR (eds.) The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference (EVOLANG9). 9th International Conference (EVOLANG9), Kyoto, Japan, 13.03.2012-16.03.2012. World Scientific, pp. 11-18.
Theta-burst stimulation of the right neocerebellar vermis selectively disrupts the practice-induced acceleration of lexical decisions.
Argyropoulos GP, Kimiskidis VK & Papagiannopoulos S (2011) Theta-burst stimulation of the right neocerebellar vermis selectively disrupts the practice-induced acceleration of lexical decisions.. Behavioral Neuroscience, 125 (5), pp. 724-734.
Cerebellar Theta-Burst Stimulation Selectively Enhances Lexical Associative Priming
Argyropoulos GP (2011) Cerebellar Theta-Burst Stimulation Selectively Enhances Lexical Associative Priming. Cerebellum, 10 (3), pp. 540-550.
Conference Paper (published)
Is Grammaticalization Glossogenetic?
Argyropoulos GP (2010) Is Grammaticalization Glossogenetic?. In: Smith ADM, Schouwstra M, de Boer B & Smith K (eds.) The Evolution of Language: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (EVOLANG8). 8th International Conference (EVOLANG8), Utrecht, Netherlands, 14.04.2010-17.04.2010. World Scientific, pp. 3-10.
Conference Paper (published)
The subcortical foundations of grammaticalization
Argyropoulos GP (2008) The subcortical foundations of grammaticalization. In: Smith ADM, Smith K & Cancho RFi (eds.) The Evolution of Language. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (EVOLANG7), Barcelona, Spain, 12.03.2008-15.03.2008. World Scientific, pp. 10-17.
Past and future, human and non–human, semantic/procedural and episodic
Hurford JR, Flaherty M & Argyropoulos G (2007) Past and future, human and non–human, semantic/procedural and episodic. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30 (3), pp. 324-325.