Book Chapter

The Role of Memory Systems in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Language



Vogindroukas I, Koukouvinou S, Sasmatzoglou I & Argyropoulos GPD (2020) The Role of Memory Systems in Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Language. In: Argyropoulos G (ed.) Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. Springer International Publishing, pp. 69-80.

Developmental language disorder (DLD) and developmental dyslexia (DD), two of the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorders of language, have been associated with a core procedural learning impairment. In this chapter, we briefly review highlights from studies supporting the procedural deficit hypothesis (PDH) in accounting for the brain and behavioural correlates of DLD and DD. We finally discuss a number of translational predictions generated by this framework, in particular with respect to designing intervention programs.

neurodevelopmental disorders; developmental language disorder; dyslexia; procedural memory; declarative memory;

Title of seriesContemporary Clinical Neuroscience
Publication date31/12/2020
Publication date online28/02/2020
PublisherSpringer International Publishing