All Outputs

Showing 33301 to 33400 of 35850

Book Chapter

Edwards R, Harrison R & Tait A (1998) Introduction: telling tales in guidance and counselling in learning. In: Edwards R, Harrison R & Tait A (eds.) Telling Tales: Perspectives on Guidance and Counselling in Learning. London: Routledge, pp. 1-6.

Research Report

Tipping R, Long DJ & Watson F (1998) Holocene Woodland History of Mull. Scottish Natural Heritage. Scottish Natural Heritage.

Book Chapter

Peltenburg E, Peters C, Thomas G & Tipping R (1998) Structures and Other Occupational Evidence from the Aceramic Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age. In: Peltenburg E (ed.) Lemba Archaeological Project Volume II.1A: Excavations at Kissonerga-Mosphilia, 1979-1992. University of Edinburgh Department of Archaeology Occasional Paper, 19. Edinburgh: Lemba Archaeological Project, pp. 22-64.

Book Chapter

Tipping R & McCullagh RPJ (1998) A dynamic landscape. In: McCullagh R & Tipping R (eds.) The Lairg Project 1988-1996: The Evolution of an Archaeological Landscape in Northern Scotland. STAR Monograph, 3. Edinburgh: Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, pp. 202-214. 978-0951934456.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (1998) Pollen analyses from on-site contexts. In: McCullagh R & Tipping R (eds.) The Lairg Project 1988-1996: The Evolution of an Archaeological Landscape in Northern Scotland. STAR Monograph, 3. Edinburgh: Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, pp. 172-175.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (1998) Pollen analysis of the Late Iron Age buried soil. In: Lowe C (ed.) St. Boniface Church, Orkney: Coastal Erosion and Archaeological Assessment. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, pp. 162-169.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (1998) Fine-resolution pollen analyses across the soil/peat boundary within House 3. In: McCullagh R & Tipping R (eds.) The Lairg Project 1988-1996: The Evolution of an Archaeological Landscape in Northern Scotland. STAR Monograph Series, 3. Edinburgh: Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, pp. 161-165.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (1998) The present landscape around Lairg. In: McCullagh R & Tipping R (eds.) The Lairg Project 1988-1996: The Evolution of an Archaeological Landscape in Northern Scotland. STAR Monograph Series, 3. Edinburgh: Scottish Trust for Archaeological Research, pp. 8-11.

Book Chapter

Burnes B & Dale B (1998) Developing Partnerships: Epilogue. In: Burnes B & Dale B (eds.) Working in Partnership: Best Practice in Customer-supplier Relations. Aldershot: Gower Publishing, pp. 149-162.

Book Chapter

Dale B & Burnes B (1998) Customer-Supplier Relations - Tools, Techniques and Systems. In: Burnes B & Dale B (eds.) Working in Partnership: Best Practice in Customer-supplier Relations. Aldershot: Gower Publishing, pp. 111-148.

Book Chapter

Burnes B & New S (1998) Developing the Partnership Concept for the Future. In: Burnes B & Dale B (eds.) Working in Partnership: Best Practice in Customer-supplier Relations. Aldershot: Gower Publishing, pp. 101-110.

Book Chapter

Burnes B & Dale B (1998) Introduction. In: Burnes B & Dale B (eds.) Working in Partnership: Best Practice in Customer-supplier Relations. Aldershot: Gower Publishing, pp. 1-8.

Research Report

McIvor G & Barry M (1998) Social Work and Criminal Justice: Probation - Research Findings. Scottish Office. Social Work Research Findings, 18. Scottish Office Central Research Unit.

Book Chapter

Watterson A (1998) Toxicology in the working environment. In: Rose J (ed.) Environmental Toxicology: Current Developments. Environmental Topics, Volume 7. London: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 229-254.

Book Chapter

Dimeo P (1998) Race, colonialism and the emergence of football in India. In: Allison M, Horne J & Jackson L (eds.) Sport, Leisure and Society. First ed. Scottish Centre Research Papers in Sport, Leisure and Society, Vol. 3 - 1998/1999. Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh, pp. 15-30.

Book Chapter

Dimeo P & Finn GPT (1998) Scottish Racism, Scottish Identities: the case of Partick Thistle. In: Brown A (ed.) Fanatics! Power, Identity and Fandom in Football. First ed. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 124-138.


Gomez-Gil B, Roque A, Turnbull J & Inglis V (1998) A review on the use of microorganisms as probiotics. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia, 40 (3-4), pp. 166-172.

Conference Proceeding

Kolberg M & Magill E (1998) Service and feature interactions in TINA. In: Kimbler K & Bouma L (eds.) Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems V. Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems V, Lund, Sweden, 29.09.1998-01.10.1998. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 78-84.

Conference Proceeding

Sinnott R & Kolberg M (1998) Business-Oriented Development of Telecommunication Services. In: OOPSLA '98 Conference Proceedings. OOPSLA '98 Conference: Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Vancouver, British Columbia, 18.10.1998-22.10.1998. New York: ACM Press Books, pp. 237-246.

Conference Proceeding

Chan D, McFarlane NJB, Hockaday S, Tillett RD & Ross L (1998) Image processing for underwater measurement of salmon biomass. In: IEE Colloquium on Underwater Applications of Image Processing. 1998/217. IEE Colloquium on Underwater Applications of Image Processing, London, 25.03.1998-25.03.1998. Red Hook, NJ: IEE, pp. 12/1-12/6.

Conference Proceeding

Ochoa G (1998) On genetic algorithms and lindenmayer systems. In: Eiben A, Back T, Schoenauer M & Schwefel H (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN V: 5th International Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands September 27–30, 1998 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1498. 5th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature — PPSN 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27.09.1998-30.09.1998. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 335-344.


McEvoy L, Estevez A, Bell JG, Shields RJ, Gara B & Sargent JR (1998) Influence of dietary levels of eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids on the pigmentation success of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) and halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada, 98 (4), pp. 17-20.


Stottrup JG, Shields RJ, Gillespie MJS, Gara B, Sargent JR, Bell JG, Henderson RJ, Tocher DR, Naess T, Mangor-Jensen A, Naas KE, van der Meeren T, Harboe T, Sanchez-Vazquez FJ, Sorgeloos P, Dhert P & Fitzgerald RD (1998) The production and use of copepods in larval rearing of halibut, turbot and cod. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada, 98 (4), pp. 41-45.

Book Chapter

Sutherland EE (1998) Scotland: From Birth to Death. In: Bainham A (ed.) International Survey of Family Law: 1996. The International Survey of Family Law Series, 3. The Hague, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 383-400.

Book Chapter

Foster S (1998) Discovery, recovery, context and display. In: Foster S (ed.) The St Andrews Sarcophagus: A Pictish Masterpiece and its International Connections. Dublin: Four Courts Press, pp. 36-62.

Conference Proceeding

Shankland C (1998) The Tree Identification Protocol of P1394. In: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. Third International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 25.05.1998-26.05.1998. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: CWI, pp. 299-319.

Book Chapter

Muloko-Ntoutoume N, Abernethy K, White L, Petit RJ & Maley J (1998) Utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires dans la reconstruction de l'histoire de la forêt tropicale humide gabonaise : le modèle Aucoumea klaineana. In: Nasi R, Amsallem I & Drouineau S (eds.) La gestion des forêts denses africaines aujourd'hui : compte rendu du séminaire FORAFRI. Montpellier: CIRAD.

Edited Book

Li S (ed.) (1998) CET4 Guide [四级阅读简答翻译]. Dalian, Liaoning Province, China: Dalian Technology University Publishing.

Book Chapter

Spencer A (1998) Peterhead Prison Program. In: Marshall W, Fernandez Y, Hudson S & Ward T (eds.) Sourcebook of Treatment Programs for Sexual Offenders. Applied Clinical Psychology. New York: Springer, pp. 29-46.

Edited Book

Gilbert S & Mack D (eds.) (1998) Queen Hynde by James Hogg. The Stirling/South Carolina Research Edition of the Collected Works of James Hogg. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Eklund R (1998) Social physique anxiety. In: Blechman E & Brownell K (eds.) Behavioral Medicine and Women: A Comprehensive Handbook. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 374-379.

Book Chapter

Dow S (1998) Monetary Interpretations of the Great Depression. In: Samuels W & Biddle J (eds.) Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Vol.16. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 16. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 259-264.

Book Chapter

Izod J & Kilborn R (1998) Redefining cinema: Other Genres - the documentary film. In: Hill J & Church GP (eds.) The Oxford Guide to Film Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 426-434.

Book Chapter

Robertson D (1998) Scotland's new towns: a modernist experiment in state corporatism. In: Foster S, MacInnes A & MacInnes R (eds.) Scottish Power Centres: From the Early Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Print Networks, 2. Glasgow: Cruithne Press, pp. 210-239.

Working Paper

Bauld L, Chesterman J, Davies B, Judge K & Mangalore R (1998) Outcomes for Users and Carers. PSSRU Discussion Paper, 1449.

Working Paper

Bauld L, Chesterman J, Davies B, Judge K & Mangalore R (1998) Care Management at the Case Level. PSSRU Discussion Paper, 1430.

Edited Book

Dedenbach-Salazar S, Arellano Hoffmann C, Konig E & Prumers H (eds.) (1998) 50 Años de Estudios Americanistas en la Universidad de Bonn. Nuevas contribuciones a la arqueología, etnohistoria, etnolingüística y etnografía de las Américas [50 Years of Americanist Studies at the University of Bonn. New contributions to the archaeology, ethnohistory, ethnolinguistics and ethnography of the Americas]. Bonner Amerikanistische Studien / Estudios Americanistas de Bonn / Bonn Americanist Studies, 30. Markt Schwaben: Verlag Anton Saurwein.

Book Chapter

Boyle R & Haynes R (1998) Modernising tradition? the changing face of British football. In: Merkel U, Lines G & McDonald I (eds.) The production and consumption of sport cultures: leisure, culture and commerce.. Leisure Studies Association, 62. Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association, pp. 21-36.

Book Chapter

Jones S (1998) Identities in Practice: Towards an Archaeolgical Perspective on Jewish Identity in Antiquity. In: Jones S & Pearce S (eds.) Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman Period. The Library of Second Temple Studies. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 29-49.

Edited Book

Jones S & Pearce S (eds.) (1998) Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman World. Journal for the Study of the Pseudopigrapha Supplement Series. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Book Chapter

Pearce S & Jones S (1998) Introduction: Jewish local identities and patriotism in the Graeco-Roman period. In: Jones S & Pearce S (eds.) Jewish Local Patriotism and Self-Identification in the Graeco-Roman Period. The Library of Second Temple Studies. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, pp. 13-28.

Book Chapter

Hadland A (1998) After Hong Kong, Taiwan Resists Growing Pressure to Unify. In: Chen CJ (ed.) After Hong Kong: Whither Taiwan? World Press Perspectives on the Republic of China's Future in the Wake of the Hong Kong Transition. Taipei: Government Information Office.

Book Chapter

Dawson J & Burt S (1998) European Retailing : Dynamics, Restructuring and Development Issues. In: Pinder D (ed.) The New Europe: Economy, Society and Environment. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 157-176.,descCd-tableOfContents.html