Policy Document

LGBT+ people, welfare, poverty and housing - A guide to completing Equality Impact Assessments



Matthews P (2024) LGBT+ people, welfare, poverty and housing - A guide to completing Equality Impact Assessments. University of Stirling. Stirling.

Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA), or Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments, are recognised as a way for public services to implement the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under the provisions of the Equality Act 2010. These are the duties to: • Eliminate unlawful discrimination towards people who share protected characteristics; • To advance equality for people who share protected characteristics; • And to promote good relations between people who share protected characteristics. “Sexual orientation” and “gender reassignment” are the two protected characteristics in the Act that cover LGBT+ people. LGBT+ is the commonly used acronym to describe the population that are not-heterosexual and not-cisgender (i.e. trans).

FundersThe Nuffield Foundation
Publication date07/11/2024
Publication date online07/11/2024
Place of publicationStirling