Genetic parameters for shell growth and survival in Portuguese oyster 1 (Crassostrea angulata) larvae, juveniles, and adults
Le T, Boudry P, O'connor W, Potts R, Gheyas AA, Htoo H, Nguyen T, Geist J, Vu IV, La TT, Cao G, Do HM, Khanh T, Dam AT, Nguyen AM, Aini S & Van Vu S (2025) Genetic parameters for shell growth and survival in Portuguese oyster 1 (Crassostrea angulata) larvae, juveniles, and adults. Aquaculture International.
High-density linkage map and single nucleotide polymorphism association with whole weight, meat yield, and shell shape in the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulate
Vu S, Kumar M, Rastas P, Boudry P, Gheyas A, Bean T, Nguyen M, Tran K, Geist J, Nguyen H, O’Connor W, Tran H, Le T, Cao G, Nguyen T & Vu I (2024) High-density linkage map and single nucleotide polymorphism association with whole weight, meat yield, and shell shape in the Portuguese oyster, Crassostrea angulate. Aquaculture International, 32, p. 10109–10122.
Genomic analysis of Nigerian indigenous chickens reveals their genetic diversity and adaptation to heat-stress
Rachman MP, Bamidele O, Dessie T, Smith J, Hanotte O & Gheyas AA (2024) Genomic analysis of Nigerian indigenous chickens reveals their genetic diversity and adaptation to heat-stress. Scientific Reports, 14, Art. No.: 2209.
Ecological niche modelling as a tool to identify candidate indigenous chicken ecotypes of Tigray (Ethiopia)
Gebru G, Belay G, Vallejo-Trujillo A, Dessie T, Gheyas A & Hanotte O (2022) Ecological niche modelling as a tool to identify candidate indigenous chicken ecotypes of Tigray (Ethiopia). Frontiers in Genetics, 13, Art. No.: 968961.
Conference Paper (published)
Whole genome sequencing reveals genetic diversity and heat-stress adaptation in Nigerian indigenous chickens
Gheyas AA, Rachman M, Bamidele O, Dessie T, Smith J & Hanotte O (2022) Whole genome sequencing reveals genetic diversity and heat-stress adaptation in Nigerian indigenous chickens. In: WCGALP 2022, Rotterdam, 03.07.2022-08.07.2022.
Ecological niche modelling for delineating livestock ecotypes and exploring environmental genomic adaptation: the example of Ethiopian village chicken
Vallejo-Trujillo A, Kebede A, Lozano-Jaramillo M, Dessie T, Smith J, Hanotte O & Gheyas A (2022) Ecological niche modelling for delineating livestock ecotypes and exploring environmental genomic adaptation: the example of Ethiopian village chicken. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, Art. No.: 866587.
Whole genome sequences of 234 indigenous African chickens from Ethiopia
Gheyas A, Vallejo-Trujillo A, Kebede A, Dessie T, Hanotte O & Smith J (2022) Whole genome sequences of 234 indigenous African chickens from Ethiopia. Scientific Data, 9 (1), Art. No.: 53.
Genetic variation in chicken interferon signalling pathway genes in research lines showing differential viral resistance
Mountford J, Gheyas A, Vervelde L & Smith J (2022) Genetic variation in chicken interferon signalling pathway genes in research lines showing differential viral resistance. Animal Genetics, 53 (5), pp. 640-656.
Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022
Smith J, Alfieri JM, Anthony N, Arensburger P, Athrey GN, Balacco J, Balic A, Bardou P, Barela P, Bigot Y, Blackmon H, Borodin PM, Carroll R, Casono MC & Gheyas AA (2022) Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 162 (8-9), pp. 405-528.
Integrated Environmental and Genomic Analysis Reveals the Drivers of Local Adaptation in African Indigenous Chickens
Gheyas AA, Vallejo-Trujillo A, Kebede A, Lozano-Jaramillo M, Dessie T, Smith J & Hanotte O (2021) Integrated Environmental and Genomic Analysis Reveals the Drivers of Local Adaptation in African Indigenous Chickens. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38 (10), pp. 4268-4285.
Functional evolution of the colony‐stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) and its ligands in birds
Hume DA, Gutowska‐Ding MW, Garcia‐Morales C, Kebede A, Bamidele O, Trujillo AV, Gheyas AA & Smith J (2020) Functional evolution of the colony‐stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) and its ligands in birds. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 107 (2), pp. 237-250.
Analysis of the Progeny of Sibling Matings Reveals Regulatory Variation Impacting the Transcriptome of Immune Cells in Commercial Chickens
Freem L, Summers KM, Gheyas AA, Psifidi A, Boulton K, MacCallum A, Harne R, O’Dell J, Bush SJ & Hume DA (2019) Analysis of the Progeny of Sibling Matings Reveals Regulatory Variation Impacting the Transcriptome of Immune Cells in Commercial Chickens. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, Art. No.: 1032.
Reviving rare chicken breeds using genetically engineered sterility in surrogate host birds
Woodcock ME, Gheyas AA, Mason AS, Nandi S, Taylor L, Sherman A, Smith J, Burt DW, Hawken R & McGrew MJ (2019) Reviving rare chicken breeds using genetically engineered sterility in surrogate host birds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (42), pp. 20930-20937.
Genome-wide characterization of genetic variants and putative regions under selection in meat and egg-type chicken lines
Boschiero C, Moreira GCM, Gheyas AA, Godoy TF, Gasparin G, Mariani PDSC, Paduan M, Cesar ASM, Ledur MC & Coutinho LL (2018) Genome-wide characterization of genetic variants and putative regions under selection in meat and egg-type chicken lines. BMC Genomics, 19 (1), Art. No.: 83.
Commercial chicken breeds exhibit highly divergent patterns of linkage disequilibrium
Pengelly RJ, Gheyas AA, Kuo R, Mossotto E, Seaby EG, Burt DW, Ennis S & Collins A (2016) Commercial chicken breeds exhibit highly divergent patterns of linkage disequilibrium. Heredity, 117 (5), pp. 375-382.
Gene expression comparison of resistant and susceptible Atlantic salmon fry challenged with Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis virus reveals a marked contrast in immune response
Robledo D, Taggart J, Ireland J, McAndrew B, Starkey W, Haley CS, Hamilton A, Guy DR, Mota-Velasco JC, Gheyas AA, Tinch AE, Verner-Jeffreys DW, Paley RK, Rimmer GSE, Tew IJ, Bishop SC, Bron J & Houston RD (2016) Gene expression comparison of resistant and susceptible Atlantic salmon fry challenged with Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis virus reveals a marked contrast in immune response. BMC Genomics, 17, Art. No.: 279.
Animal genomics and infectious disease resistance in poultry: -EN- -FR- La génomique animale et la résistance aux maladies infectieuses chez les volailles -ES- Genómica animal y resistencia a las enfermedades infecciosas en las aves de corral
SMITH J, GHEYAS A & BURT D (2016) Animal genomics and infectious disease resistance in poultry: -EN- -FR- La génomique animale et la résistance aux maladies infectieuses chez les volailles -ES- Genómica animal y resistencia a las enfermedades infecciosas en las aves de corral. Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE, 35 (1), pp. 105-119.
Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2015
Schmid M, Smith J, Burt DW, Aken BL, Antin PB, Archibald AL, Ashwell C, Blackshear PJ, Boschiero C, Brown CT, Burgess SC, Cheng HH, Chow W, Coble DJ, Cooksey A, Crooijmans RP, Damas J, Davis RV, de Koning D, Delany ME, Derrien T, Desta TT, Dunn IC, Dunn M, Ellegren H, Eöry L, Erb I, Farré M, Fasold M, Fleming D, Flicek P, Fowler KE, Frésard L, Froman DP, Garceau V, Gardner PP, Gheyas AA, Griffin DK, Groenen MA, Haaf T, Hanotte O, Hart A, Häsler J, Hedges SB, Hertel J, Howe K, Hubbard A, Hume DA, Kaiser P, Kedra D, Kemp SJ, Klopp C, Kniel KE, Kuo R, Lagarrigue S, Lamont SJ, Larkin DM, Lawal RA, Markland SM, McCarthy F, McCormack HA, McPherson MC, Motegi A, Muljo SA, Münsterberg A, Nag R, Nanda I, Neuberger M, Nitsche A, Notredame C, Noyes H, O'Connor R, O'Hare EA, Oler AJ, Ommeh SC, Pais H, Persia M, Pitel F, Preeyanon L, Prieto Barja P, Pritchett EM, Rhoads DD, Robinson CM, Romanov MN, Rothschild M, Roux P, Schmidt CJ, Schneider A, Schwartz MG, Searle SM, Skinner MA, Smith CA, Stadler PF, Steeves TE, Steinlein C, Sun L, Takata M, Ulitsky I, Wang Q, Wang Y, Warren WC, Wood JM, Wragg D & Zhou H (2015) Third Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2015. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, 145 (2), pp. 78-179.
Detection and characterization of small insertion and deletion genetic variants in modern layer chicken genomes
Boschiero C, Gheyas AA, Ralph HK, Eory L, Paton B, Kuo R, Fulton J, Preisinger R, Kaiser P & Burt DW (2015) Detection and characterization of small insertion and deletion genetic variants in modern layer chicken genomes. BMC Genomics, 16, Art. No.: 562.
Functional classification of 15 million SNPs detected from diverse chicken populations
Gheyas AA, Boschiero C, Eory L, Ralph H, Kuo R, Woolliams JA & Burt DW (2015) Functional classification of 15 million SNPs detected from diverse chicken populations. DNA Research, 22 (3), pp. 205-217.
SNP and INDEL detection in a QTL region on chicken chromosome 2 associated with muscle deposition
Godoy TF, Moreira GCM, Boschiero C, Gheyas AA, Gasparin G, Paduan M, Andrade SCS, Montenegro H, Burt DW, Ledur MC & Coutinho LL (2015) SNP and INDEL detection in a QTL region on chicken chromosome 2 associated with muscle deposition. Animal Genetics, 46 (2), pp. 158-163.
Variant discovery in a QTL region on chromosome 3 associated with fatness in chickens
Moreira GCM, Godoy TF, Boschiero C, Gheyas A, Gasparin G, Andrade SCS, Paduan M, Montenegro H, Burt DW, Ledur MC & Coutinho LL (2015) Variant discovery in a QTL region on chromosome 3 associated with fatness in chickens. Animal Genetics, 46 (2), pp. 141-147.
Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken
Kranis A, Gheyas AA, Boschiero C, Turner F, Yu L, Smith S, Talbot R, Pirani A, Brew F, Kaiser P, Hocking PM, Fife M, Salmon N, Fulton J, Strom TM, Haberer G, Weigend S, Preisinger R, Gholami M, Qanbari S, Simianer H, Watson KA, Woolliams JA & Burt DW (2013) Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken. BMC Genomics, 14 (1), Art. No.: 59.
Microarray resources for genetic and genomic studies in chicken: A review
Gheyas AA & Burt DW (2013) Microarray resources for genetic and genomic studies in chicken: A review. genesis, 51 (5), pp. 337-356.
A High Resolution Genome-Wide Scan for Significant Selective Sweeps: An Application to Pooled Sequence Data in Laying Chickens
Qanbari S, Strom TM, Haberer G, Weigend S, Gheyas AA, Turner F, Burt DW, Preisinger R, Gianola D & Simianer H (2012) A High Resolution Genome-Wide Scan for Significant Selective Sweeps: An Application to Pooled Sequence Data in Laying Chickens. Singh N (Editor) PLoS ONE, 7 (11), Art. No.: e49525.
Effect of a major QTL affecting IPN resistance on production traits in Atlantic salmon: Effect of IPN-QTL on production traits
Gheyas AA, Haley CS, Guy DR, Hamilton A, Tinch AE, Mota-Velasco JC & Woolliams JA (2010) Effect of a major QTL affecting IPN resistance on production traits in Atlantic salmon: Effect of IPN-QTL on production traits. Animal Genetics, 41 (6), pp. 666-668.
Segregation of infectious pancreatic necrosis resistance QTL in the early life cycle of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Segregation of IPN resistance QTL
Gheyas AA, Houston RD, Mota-Velasco JC, Guy DR, Tinch AE, Haley CS & Woolliams JA (2010) Segregation of infectious pancreatic necrosis resistance QTL in the early life cycle of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar): Segregation of IPN resistance QTL. Animal Genetics, 41 (5), pp. 531-536.
The susceptibility of Atlantic salmon fry to freshwater infectious pancreatic necrosis is largely explained by a major QTL
Houston RD, Haley CS, Hamilton A, Guy DR, Mota-Velasco JC, Gheyas AA, Tinch AE, Taggart J, Bron J, Starkey W, McAndrew B, Verner-Jeffreys DW, Paley RK, Tew IJ & Bishop SC (2010) The susceptibility of Atlantic salmon fry to freshwater infectious pancreatic necrosis is largely explained by a major QTL. Heredity, 105 (3), pp. 318-327.
Heritability estimation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) harvest traits using microsatellite based parentage assignment
Gheyas AA, Woolliams JA, Taggart J, Sattar MA, Das TK, McAndrew B & Penman D (2009) Heritability estimation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) harvest traits using microsatellite based parentage assignment. Aquaculture, 294 (3-4), pp. 187-193.;
Book Chapter
Detection and confirmation of a major QTL affecting resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar)
Houston RD, Gheyas AA, Hamilton A, Guy DR, Tinch AE, Taggart J, McAndrew B, Haley CS & Bishop SC (2008) Detection and confirmation of a major QTL affecting resistance to infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar). In: Pinard M, Gay C, Patoret P & Dodet B (eds.) Animal Genomics for Animal Health: Paris, France, 25-27 October 2007. Developments in Biologicals, 132. Basel: Karger, pp. 199-204.;
Characterization of microsatellite loci in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), and cross-amplification in other cyprinid species
Gheyas AA, Cairney M, Gilmour AE, Sattar MA, Das TK, McAndrew B, Penman D & Taggart J (2006) Characterization of microsatellite loci in silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), and cross-amplification in other cyprinid species. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6 (3), pp. 656-659.
Applications of Microsatellite Markers to Genetic Management of Carps in Aquaculture
Gheyas A (2006) Applications of Microsatellite Markers to Genetic Management of Carps in Aquaculture. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Stirling.
Detection of hybridization between Chinese carp species (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis) in hatchery broodstock in Bangladesh, using DNA microsatellite loci
Mia MY, Taggart J, Gilmour AE, Gheyas AA, Das TK, Kohinoor AHM, Rahman MA, Sattar MA, Hussain MG, Mazid MA, Penman D & McAndrew B (2005) Detection of hybridization between Chinese carp species (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis) in hatchery broodstock in Bangladesh, using DNA microsatellite loci. Aquaculture, 247 (1-4), pp. 267-273.
A comparative study on the embryonic development of gynogen, triploid, haploid and normal diploid embryos of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis
Gheyas AA, Islam MS, Mollah MFA & Hussain MG (2002) A comparative study on the embryonic development of gynogen, triploid, haploid and normal diploid embryos of stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research, 6 (2), pp. 107-115.
Cold-Shock Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis in Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis
Gheyas AA, Mollah MFA, Islam MS & Hussain MG (2001) Cold-Shock Induction of Diploid Gynogenesis in Stinging Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 11 (4), pp. 27-40.
Triploidy Induction in Stinging Catfish Heteropneustes fossilis Using Cold Shock
GHEYAS A, MOLLAH M & HUSSAIN M (2001) Triploidy Induction in Stinging Catfish Heteropneustes fossilis Using Cold Shock. Asian Fisheries Science, 14 (3).