Professor Torgrim Guttormsen

Honorary Professor

History Stirling

Professor Torgrim Guttormsen

About me

Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen PhD is Research Professor at Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research. He is trained in archaeology and heritage studies with research emphasis on cultural heritage management and politics, heritage and planning, urban heritage, immigrant heritage, difficult heritage, public archaeology and the history of archaeology. With his focus on studying memorials, commemorations and exhibitions his research also interfaces memory studies and museum studies. His edited books include ‘Heritage and Sustainable Urban Transformations. Deep Cities’ (Routledge, 2020) and ‘Heritage, Democracy and the Public. Nordic Approaches’ (Routledge, 2016).

Torgrim is an Honorary Professor at the University of Stirling Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy for the period 2021-2027. He was a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Land and Cultural Resources Research at Fudan University in China for the period 2017-2022 and has been a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies, the Australian National University in 2019. In 2025, he will fulfill his commitments as a Norwegian Fulbright researcher associated with the Department of Community and Regional Planning (CRP) and the Preservation and Cultural Heritage Program at Iowa State University in the USA.

Torgrim is a member of the Scientific Committee for The European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes (CPCL), as well as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites (CMAS).

Research programmes

Research themes