Ms Chris Gray

PhD Researcher

Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection Room 3T37 RG Bomont Building

Ms Chris Gray

About me

After completing a Masters Degree in Psychology at the University of Glasgow, I worked within Psychological Services in the NHS providing evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to adults in primary care. I have worked with Rape Crisis Scotland and within their network for over ten years and most recently was responsible for developing a young person and families service within Perth and Kinross. I am a registered Social Worker and have worked in Children and Family services in several Local Authorities including South Lanarkshire and Perth and Kinross.

I am now based in the Centre for Child Wellbeing and Protection within the University of Stirling where I am completing an ESRC funded PhD using 'standpoint' and Institutional Ethnography as a way of foregrounding marginalised populations and exploring knowledge production . I also teach on the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Social Work programmes and I'm an Associate Tutor responsible for a small group of post-graduate Social Work students. I am currently involved several research projects which include evaluating a mentoring programme aimed at raising the attainment of young people at risk of experiencing care, young people with care experience, and young carers. I am interested in exploring the varying values we attach to knowledge and using participatory and feminist research methods as a way of disrupting the dominant discourse.

Professional membership

Graduate Member of British Psychological Association

Scottish Social Services Council

University Contribution

Co-Chair of Fixed Term Researcher Forum