Science and Engineering Practices: a Comparative Analysis of Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese Science Curricula
Prasoplarb T, Faikhamta C, Khan S, Lertdechapat K, Van Bien N, El Islami RAZ, Xue S, Khwaengmek V & Hennessy A (2024) Science and Engineering Practices: a Comparative Analysis of Indonesian, Thai and Vietnamese Science Curricula. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 10, pp. 350-380.
Project Report
Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood
Whincup H, Cusworth L, Grant M, Jacobs P, Hooper J, Critchley A, Hennessy A & Matthews B (2024) Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children: Phase 2 Middle Childhood. Nuffield Foundation. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Research Report
Ramjan C, Hennessy A & Priestley A (2022) THE YOUNG STEM LEADER PROGRAMME Programme Evaluation. SSERC. Stirling.
Research Report
Developing Partnerships between schools, students’ families, and the wider community
Hennessy A, Ramjan C, Priestley A, Bradfield K & Schuler B (2021) Developing Partnerships between schools, students’ families, and the wider community [THE IMPACT OF SUPPORTING SCHOOLS USING CONNECT’S PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS SCOTLAND (PSS) PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARENTS/CARERS]. Connect (Scottish Parent Teacher Council). Edinburgh.
Policy Document
Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes. Insights for policymakers and practitioners
Cusworth L, Bieha N, Whincup H, Grant M & Hennessy A (2019) Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes. Insights for policymakers and practitioners. University of Stirling. Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland. Stirling.
Project Report
Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes
Cusworth L, Biehal N, Whincup H, Grant M & Hennessy A (2019) Children looked after away from home aged five and under in Scotland: experiences, pathways and outcomes. Commissioned by an anonymous donor. Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Research Report
Overcoming mathematical misconceptions with conceptual maths
Hennessy A (2016) Overcoming mathematical misconceptions with conceptual maths. Winning Scotland Foundation.
Research Report
Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children
Hennessy A (2016) Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children. CELCIS. CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.
Teaching Resource
Looked after and learning : improving the learning journey of looked after children
Connelly G, Hennessy A, Farrugia B & Kennedy LA (2015) Looked after and learning : improving the learning journey of looked after children. CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.
Research Report
Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : The Perspectives of Designated Managers for Looked after Children
Hennessy A, Connelly G & Welch V (2014) Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : The Perspectives of Designated Managers for Looked after Children. CELCIS. Resarch Briefing, RB:2014:09:01. CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.
Research Report
Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : Use of 'Improvement Methodology'
Hennessy A & Connelly G (2014) Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : Use of 'Improvement Methodology'. CELCIS. Research Briefing, RB:2014:09:02. CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.
Topical application of acidified nitrite to the nail renders it antifungal and causes nitrosation of cysteine groups in the nail plate
Finnen MJ, Hennessy A, McLean S, Bisset Y, Mitchell R, Megson IL & Weller R (2007) Topical application of acidified nitrite to the nail renders it antifungal and causes nitrosation of cysteine groups in the nail plate. British Journal of Dermatology, 157 (3), pp. 494-500.
Ultraviolet Radiation Sensitivity in Vitiligo and Adjacent Normal Skin
Oh C, Hennessy A & Rees J (2006) Ultraviolet Radiation Sensitivity in Vitiligo and Adjacent Normal Skin. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 86 (4), pp. 380-380.
The photoadaptive response to ultraviolet exposure in human skin using ultraviolet spectrophotometry
Hennessy A, Oh C, Rees J & Diffey B (2005) The photoadaptive response to ultraviolet exposure in human skin using ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology and Photomedicine, 21 (5), pp. 229-233.
Eumelanin and pheomelanin concentrations in human epidermis before and after UVB irradiation
Hennessy A, Oh C, Diffey B, Wakamatsu K, Ito S & Rees J (2005) Eumelanin and pheomelanin concentrations in human epidermis before and after UVB irradiation. Pigment Cell Research, 18 (3), pp. 220-223.
The Time Course of Photoadaptation and Pigmentation Studied Using a Novel Method to Distinguish Pigmentation from Erythema
Oh C, Hennessy A, Ha T, Bisset Y, Diffey B & Rees JL (2004) The Time Course of Photoadaptation and Pigmentation Studied Using a Novel Method to Distinguish Pigmentation from Erythema. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 123 (5), pp. 965-972.
In-Situ SAXS/WAXS and Turbidity Studies of the Structure and Composition of Multihomologousn-Alkane Waxes Crystallized in the Absence and Presence of Flow Improving Additive Species
Hennessy A, Neville A & Roberts KJ (2004) In-Situ SAXS/WAXS and Turbidity Studies of the Structure and Composition of Multihomologousn-Alkane Waxes Crystallized in the Absence and Presence of Flow Improving Additive Species. Crystal Growth and Design, 4 (5), pp. 1069-1078.
New pressure flow cell to monitor BaSO4precipitation using synchrotronin situangle-dispersive X-ray diffraction
Hennessy A, Graham G, Hastings J, Siddons DP & Zhong Z (2002) New pressure flow cell to monitor BaSO4precipitation using synchrotronin situangle-dispersive X-ray diffraction. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 9 (5), pp. 323-324.
The effect of additives on the co-crystallisation of calcium with barium sulphate
Hennessy AJ & Graham GM (2002) The effect of additives on the co-crystallisation of calcium with barium sulphate. Journal of Crystal Growth, 237-239, pp. 2153-2159.
An examination of additive-mediated wax nucleation in oil pipeline environments
Hennessy AJ, Neville A & Roberts KJ (1999) An examination of additive-mediated wax nucleation in oil pipeline environments. Journal of Crystal Growth, 198-199, pp. 830-837.
Anyone for Tea?
Hennessy A (1998) Anyone for Tea?. Chemistry and Industry, 13, pp. 518-519.