Dr Stephen Bowman

Lecturer in British Political History

History D25, Pathfoot Building, Division of History, Heritage and Politics, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Stephen Bowman

Contact details

About me

Stephen completed his undergraduate and Masters degrees at Stirling before going on to complete his PhD at Northumbria University in Newcastle in 2014. He has worked in the early modern period but has since largely settled in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In addition to previous spells working at Stirling, he has taught at Northumbria University, Newcastle University, Durham University, and at the Centre for History at the University of the Highlands and Islands.

Divisional / Faculty Contribution

Divisional Chief Examiner

External Examiners and Validations

External Examiner, Institute for Northern Studies, University of the Highlands and Islands
University of the Highlands and Islands

Other Academic Activities

Advisory Board Member, Scottish Political Archive

Founder and Co-Chair, Creative Histories Research Group, University of Stirling

History UK Steering Committee Member