Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa
Ncube S, Wilson A, Petersen L, Black G, Abrams A, Carden K, Dick L, Dickie J, Gibson L, Hamilton-Smith N, Ireland A, Lamb G, Mpofu-Mketwa T, Piper L & Swanson D (2023) Understanding resilience capitals, agency and habitus in household experiences of water scarcity, floods and fire in marginalized settlements in the Cape Flats, South Africa. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8 (1), Art. No.: 100710.
How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?
Ireland A, Pennacchia J, Watson C & Bathmaker A (2022) How is the role of student governor understood in further education colleges in the UK?. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46 (4), pp. 561-573.
Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice
Husband G & Ireland A (2022) Contextualising Further Education Governance In Northern Ireland: History, Policy And Practice. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 27 (3), pp. 351-372.
Project Report
Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing
Watson C, Husband G, Hill R, Ireland A, Gilbert E, Bathmaker A, Pennacchia J, James D & Gardner S (2021) Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing. ESRC. Stirling: University of Stirling.
Postpartum opportunistic advice in primary care for women who have had gestational diabetes: a qualitative study of health care professionals' views
Evans JMM, Ireland AV, Cameron DM, Clarke KM & Eades CE (2021) Postpartum opportunistic advice in primary care for women who have had gestational diabetes: a qualitative study of health care professionals' views. BMC Family Practice, 22 (1), Art. No.: 209.
Boards in action: processes and practices of 'strategising' in the Boardroom
Watson C & Ireland A (2021) Boards in action: processes and practices of 'strategising' in the Boardroom. Journal of Management and Governance, 25 (3), pp. 933-966.
Reviewing the strategic influence of governance professionals in UK colleges: Acting as the translator of the conduct of conduct
Hill R, Garner S & Ireland A (2021) Reviewing the strategic influence of governance professionals in UK colleges: Acting as the translator of the conduct of conduct. Educational Management Administration and Leadership.
Opening the 'black box': what does observational research reveal about processes and practices of governing?
Watson C, Husband G & Ireland A (2021) Opening the 'black box': what does observational research reveal about processes and practices of governing?. Journal of Management and Governance, 25 (1), pp. 189-221.
A posthuman ecology of simulated human patients: Eidolons, empathy and fidelity in the uncanny embodiment of nursing practice
Ireland A (2020) A posthuman ecology of simulated human patients: Eidolons, empathy and fidelity in the uncanny embodiment of nursing practice. Explorations in Media Ecology, 19 (3), pp. 299-318.
Walking groups for women with breast cancer: Mobilising therapeutic assemblages of walk, talk and place
Ireland A, Finnegan-John J, Hubbard G, Scanlon K & Kyle R (2019) Walking groups for women with breast cancer: Mobilising therapeutic assemblages of walk, talk and place. Social Science and Medicine, 231, pp. 38-46.
Modes of knowing in simulated human pedagogies: The uncanny double of performance in nursing education
Ireland A (2019) Modes of knowing in simulated human pedagogies: The uncanny double of performance in nursing education. Doctor of Philosophy. University of Stirling.
Research Report
An Exploration of Curriculum Reform in the Republic of Croatia
Priestley M & Ireland A (2018) An Exploration of Curriculum Reform in the Republic of Croatia. British Council. Stirling.
How active are women who play bingo: A cross-sectional study from the Well!Bingo project
Ryde G, Gorely T, Jepson R, Gray C, Shepherd A, Mackison D, Ireland A, Williams B, McMurdo MET & Evans J (2017) How active are women who play bingo: A cross-sectional study from the Well!Bingo project. BMC Women's Health, 17 (1), Art. No.: 57.
Simulated human patients and patient-centredness: The uncanny hybridity of nursing education, technology, and learning to care
Ireland A (2017) Simulated human patients and patient-centredness: The uncanny hybridity of nursing education, technology, and learning to care. Nursing Philosophy, 18 (1), Art. No.: e12157.
Accessing and engaging women from socio-economically disadvantaged areas: A participatory approach to the design of a public health intervention for delivery in a Bingo club
Evans J, Ryde G, Jepson R, Gray C, Shepherd A, Mackison D, McMurdo MET, Ireland A & Williams B (2016) Accessing and engaging women from socio-economically disadvantaged areas: A participatory approach to the design of a public health intervention for delivery in a Bingo club. BMC Public Health, 16, Art. No.: 345.
The Simulated Human: An Actor-Network exploration of the materialities of mobilising practice learning in uncanny spaces
Ireland A (2015) The Simulated Human: An Actor-Network exploration of the materialities of mobilising practice learning in uncanny spaces. Masters by Research. University of Stirling.
Conference Abstract
Shoulder-to-Shoulder Support: Using Walking Interviews To Understand the Significance of a Peer-led Walking Group Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors
Ireland A, Finnegan-John J, Scanlon K, Knight C, Taylor-Sturdy L, Hubbard G & Kyle R (2015) Shoulder-to-Shoulder Support: Using Walking Interviews To Understand the Significance of a Peer-led Walking Group Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors. 2015 World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Washington, DC, 28/07/2015 - 01/08/2015. Psycho-Oncology, 24 (Supplement S2), pp. 290-291.;jsessionid=ABFE4FD182F1FEB2E0E980E73CF19A77.f01t01;
Experiences of recruiting to a pilot trial of Cardiac Rehabilitation In patients with Bowel cancer (CRIB) with an embedded process evaluation: Lessons learned to improve recruitment
Hubbard G, Campbell A, Davies Z, Munro J, Ireland A, Leslie S, Watson A & Treweek S (2015) Experiences of recruiting to a pilot trial of Cardiac Rehabilitation In patients with Bowel cancer (CRIB) with an embedded process evaluation: Lessons learned to improve recruitment. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 1 (1), Art. No.: 15.