Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Outputs related to Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Showing 601 to 700 of 1061

Book Chapter

Punch S & Graham E (2016) Interviewing Children at Home: Exploring the Use of Individual and Focus Group Interviews. In: Evans, R H, L & Skelton T (eds.) Methodological Approaches: Geographies of Children and Young People, Volume 2. Geographies of Children and Young People, 2. Singapore: Springer, pp. 1-23.;

Book Chapter

Graham H & White R (2016) The Ethics of Innovation in Criminal Justice. In: Jacobs J & Jackson J (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Criminal Justice Ethics. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 267-281.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Schaefer A, Miranda D & Smolovic-Jones O (2016) Challenged bodies: ethical identity at the frontline. EBEN - European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference and PRME UK, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, 19.06.2016-22.06.2016.

Website Content

Treanor MC (2016) Addressing vulnerability by putting cash in mums' pockets. Glasgow Centre for Population Health Blog, 09.06.2016.

Research Report

McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Electronic Monitoring in Scotland. European Commission.

Authored Book

Graham H (2016) Rehabilitation Work: Supporting Desistance and Recovery. International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation, 10. London: Routledge.


Miranda D, Schaefer A & Smolovic-Jones O (2016) Ethical Practice in Policing. Inaugural Conference “Evidence into Practice”, Centre for Policing Research and Learning, The Open University, Milton Keynes, 11.05.2016.

Research Report

Hucklesby A, Beyens K, Boone M, Dunkel F, McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Créativité et efficacité dans l'utilisation de la surveillance électronique: une étude de cas portant sur cinq juridictions européennes. European Commission. University of Leeds.

Research Report

Holmes J, Lovatt M, Ally AK, Brennan A & Meier P (2016) A new approach to measuring drinking cultures in Britain. Alcohol Research UK. Alcohol Insights, 133. University of Sheffield.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Miranda D (2016) Criminal identification practices, power relations and rights. BSA (British Sociological Association) Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, 06.04.2016-08.04.2016.


Munro W (2016) Blind Justice: What does that mean?. Scottish Justice Matters, 4 (1), pp. 4-6.


Malloch M & Munro W (2016) (Re)imagining Punishment and Justice. Scottish Justice Matters, 4 (1), pp. 2-3.

Research Report

McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Electronic Monitoring in Scotland. European Commission. University of Stirling and the European Commission.

Book Chapter

Punch S (2016) Exploring Children’s Agency across Majority and Minority World Contexts. In: Esser F, Baader M, Betz T & Hungerland B (eds.) Reconceptualising Agency and Childhood: New Perspectives in Childhood Studies. Routledge Research in Education, 161. London: Routledge, pp. 183-196.

Research Report

Treanor MC, Naven L & Egan J (2016) A 'pockets' approach to addressing financial vulnerability. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships; Glasgow Centre for Population Health. CRFR Research briefing, 83. Centre for Research on Families and Relationships.

Edited Book

Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) (2016) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Book Chapter

Malloch M & Rigby P (2016) Postscript. In: Malloch M & Rigby P (eds.) Human Trafficking: The Complexities of Exploitation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 246-252.

Book Chapter

McDonnell D & Macknight E (2015) Policy, principles and practice: co-operative studies in higher education. In: Woodin T (ed.) Co-operation, Learning and Co-operative Values: Contemporary Issues in Education. London: Routledge, pp. 147-160.

Book Chapter

Simmons R, Yuill B & Booth J (2015) Governing Resilient Co-operatives: Agricultural Co-operatives in Scotland. In: Novkovic S & Miner K (eds.) Co-operative Governance Fit to Build Resilience in the Face of Complexity. Brussels: International Co-operative Alliance, pp. 35-48.

Book Chapter

Simmons R (2015) Measuring Member Engagement: Building a Model of Change. In: Brown L, Carini C, Gordon-Nembhard J, Hammond-Ketilson L, Hicks E, McNamara J, Novkovic S, Rixon D & Simmons R (eds.) Co-operatives for Sustainable Communities. Ottawa: Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, pp. 239-265.

Edited Book

Brown L, Carini C, Gordon Nembhard J, Ketilson LH, Hicks E, McNamara J, Novkovic S, Rixon D & Simmons R (eds.) (2015) Co-operatives for Sustainable Communities. Ottawa: Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada.

Book Chapter

Punch S, Emond R, McIntosh I & Lightowler C (2015) Children, Food and Care Research. In: Täubig V (ed.) Essen und Bildung. Ein vergessenes Feld erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Siegen, Germany: Beltz Juventa.

Book Chapter

Matthews P & O'Brien D (2015) Connecting community to a post-regeneration era. In: O'Brien D & Matthews P (eds.) After Urban Regeneration: Communities, policy and place. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 27-44.

Book Chapter

Matthews P & O'Brien D (2015) Introduction. In: O'Brien D & Matthews P (eds.) After Urban Regeneration: Communities, policy and place. Connected Communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-6.

Book Chapter

Griffiths D & Lambert P (2015) Social Capital and the Social Relations of Occupational Structure. In: Li Y (ed.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Social Capital. Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 204-224.

Book Chapter

Lambert P, Browne W & Michaelides D (2015) Contemporary developments in statistical software for social scientists. In: Halfpenny P & Procter R (eds.) Innovations in Digital Research Methods. London: SAGE, pp. 143-160.


McDonnell D & Karlsson P (2015) Protect and survive. Public RM, 2015 (4), pp. 15-17.

Authored Book

Chamberlain J (2015) Criminological Theory in Context. Sage Publications.

Book Chapter

Burman M, Malloch M & McIvor G (2015) A comparison: criminalised women in Scotland. In: Annison J, Brayford J & Deering J J (eds.) Women and the Criminal Justice System: From the Corston Report to Transforming Rehabilitation. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 59-80.

Website Content

Treanor MC (2015) Recent Changes to Measuring Child Poverty. Challenge Poverty Week 2015, 17.10.2015.