Research Report

Child neglect, wellbeing and resilience: Adopting arts based practices



Fotopoulou M (2016) Child neglect, wellbeing and resilience: Adopting arts based practices. WithScotland.

First paragraph: Neglect remains the most common form of child mistreatment in the UK, with studies suggesting that one in 10 children suffer from neglect, while it is the most common reason for a child being subject to child protection measures (Burgess et al., 2014). According to the 2012 review of child neglect in Scotland, 'for every 100 children living in our communities, someone has a concern that one child is experiencing some degree of neglect ' (Daniel et al., 2012, p.5). In the UK and specifically Scotland, it has consistently been found to be a background factor in children and families whose circumstances formed the subject of Significant, or Serious Case Reviews (Brandon et al., 2012; Vincent and Petch, 2012).

Publication date30/06/2016