Research Report

Mapping of Child Exploitation Resources across Scotland



Fotopoulou M (2016) Mapping of Child Exploitation Resources across Scotland. WithScotland.

This mapping exercise provided a snapshot of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) resources across Scotland. The picture made up by Child Protection Committeess and third sector organisations’ responses highlights the multitude of activities and initiatives aimed at preventing and tackling CSE.  WithScotland’s contribution to CSE awareness raising activities on a national level is multifold. As stipulated in Scotland's National Action Plan to Prevent and Tackle Child Sexual Exploitation, the WithScotland website now hosts a section dedicated toCSE tools and resources, developments in policy and practice on a national and local level, related national, UK and international research as well as useful links.  In addition,WithScotland has produced a practice briefing on CSE(Webb and Laird, 2014), hosted events on CSE, facilitates the national CSE sub group of Child Protection Committees Scotland and has provided support/advice around the recent national CSE public awareness campaign.

Publication date30/06/2016
Publisher URL…report-june-2016