Project Report
Housing as a social determinant of health: Evidence from the Housing through Social Enterprise study
Garnham L & Rolfe S (2019) Housing as a social determinant of health: Evidence from the Housing through Social Enterprise study. Anderson I (Project Manager) Glasgow Centre for Population Health. Glasgow.
Newspaper / Magazine
Generation rent is a myth - housing prospects for millennials are determined by class
McKee K (2019) Generation rent is a myth - housing prospects for millennials are determined by class. The Conversation. 03.01.2019.
Inter-generational housing inequalities: 'Baby Boomers' versus the 'Millennials'
Hoolachan J & McKee K (2019) Inter-generational housing inequalities: 'Baby Boomers' versus the 'Millennials'. Urban Studies, 56 (1), pp. 210-225.
Implementing an Oral Health Intervention for People Experiencing Homelessness in Scotland: A Participant Observation Study
Beaton L, Anderson I, Humphris G, Rodriguez A & Freeman R (2018) Implementing an Oral Health Intervention for People Experiencing Homelessness in Scotland: A Participant Observation Study. Dentistry Journal, 6 (4), Art. No.: 68.
The Repoliticization of High-Rise Social Housing in the UK and the Classed Politics of Demolition
McCall V & Mooney G (2018) The Repoliticization of High-Rise Social Housing in the UK and the Classed Politics of Demolition. Built Environment, 43 (4), pp. 637-652.;
Governance and governmentality in community participation: The shifting sands of power, responsibility and risk
Rolfe S (2018) Governance and governmentality in community participation: The shifting sands of power, responsibility and risk. Social Policy and Society, 17 (4), pp. 579-598.
Website Content
BLOG: The UK Immigration Act and the Right to Rent: a landlord survey
Leahy S, Tokarczyk T & McKee K (2018) BLOG: The UK Immigration Act and the Right to Rent: a landlord survey. [Housing Studies Association] 11.09.2018.
Newspaper / Magazine
Cuba: private home ownership recognised for first time since the revolution
Anderson I & Serpa R (2018) Cuba: private home ownership recognised for first time since the revolution. The Conversation. 01.08.2018.
Research Report
Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people : An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project
McCall V, Hoyle L & Gunasinghe NS (2018) Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people : An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project. Wheatley Group.
Website Content
BLOG: HSA Sponsored Event - the Immigration Act and Public Services
McKee K & Leahy S (2018) BLOG: HSA Sponsored Event - the Immigration Act and Public Services. HSA: The Forum for Housing-Related Research and Debate (HSA News) [Blog post] 04.07.2018.
Generating Confusion, Concern, and Precarity through the Right to Rent Scheme in Scotland
Leahy S, McKee K & Crawford J (2018) Generating Confusion, Concern, and Precarity through the Right to Rent Scheme in Scotland. Antipode, 50 (3), pp. 604-620.
Research Report
The housing experiences of disabled people in Britain
Satsangi M, Theakstone D, Matthews P, Lawrence J, Rummery K, Mackintosh S, Baghirathan S & Boniface G (2018) The housing experiences of disabled people in Britain. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research Report Series. Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Newspaper / Magazine
How cities can really find the money to help the homeless
Serpa R (2018) How cities can really find the money to help the homeless. The Conversation. 17.05.2018.
Research Report
An Evaluation of Rent Regulation Measures within Scotland's Private Rented Sector
Robertson D & Young G (2018) An Evaluation of Rent Regulation Measures within Scotland's Private Rented Sector. Shelter Scotland. Edinburgh.
Hysteresis: Understanding the Housing Aspirations Gap
Crawford J & McKee K (2018) Hysteresis: Understanding the Housing Aspirations Gap. Sociology, 52 (1), pp. 182-197.
Privileging the "Objective": Understanding the State's Role in Shaping Housing Aspirations
Crawford J & McKee K (2018) Privileging the "Objective": Understanding the State's Role in Shaping Housing Aspirations. Housing, Theory and Society, 35 (1), pp. 94-112.
Becoming a landlord: strategies of property-based welfare in the private rental sector in Great Britain
Soaita AM, Searle BA, McKee K & Moore T (2017) Becoming a landlord: strategies of property-based welfare in the private rental sector in Great Britain. Housing Studies, 32 (5), pp. 613-637.
'Generation rent' and the ability to 'settle down': economic and geographical variation in young people's housing transitions
Hoolachan J, McKee K, Moore T & Soaita AM (2017) 'Generation rent' and the ability to 'settle down': economic and geographical variation in young people's housing transitions. Journal of Youth Studies, 20 (1), pp. 63-78.
Research Report
A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project
Greasley-Adams C, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2017) A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project. Life Changes Trust. Life Changes Trust.
Research Report
Household Changes and Housing Provision (invitee chapter)
Graham E, Fiori F & McKee K (2017) Household Changes and Housing Provision (invitee chapter). National Records for Scotland. Edinburgh.
Research Report
The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care
McCall V, McCabe L, Rutherford AC, Bu F, Wilson M & Woolvin M (2017) The Role of Volunteering in Dementia Care.
Lost Alternatives to Council Housing? An examination of Stirling's alternative housing initiatives, c. 1906-1939
Smyth J & Robertson D (2017) Lost Alternatives to Council Housing? An examination of Stirling's alternative housing initiatives, c. 1906-1939. Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 37 (2), pp. 117-135.
Place revisited: Class, stigma and urban restructuring in the case of Glasgow's Commonwealth Games
Paton K, McCall V & Mooney G (2017) Place revisited: Class, stigma and urban restructuring in the case of Glasgow's Commonwealth Games. Sociological Review, 65 (4), pp. 578-594.
Website Content
Control freakery: Understanding who really gets to take control
Rolfe S (2017) Control freakery: Understanding who really gets to take control. INLOGOV blog, 12.10.2017.
Edited Book
Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation
Bevir M, McKee K & Matthews P (eds.) (2017) Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation. Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy. New York and London: Routledge.
Research Report
Matching up? A pilot study of effectiveness of letting adapted social housing
Anderson I, Theakstone D, Baird C & Jago L (2017) Matching up? A pilot study of effectiveness of letting adapted social housing. Horizon Housing Association. University of Stirling.
Research Report
Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people: An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project
McCall V, Hoyle L & Gunasinghe N (2017) Bringing together health, social care and housing services for older people: An evaluation of the 415 Hub and Cluster Innovation project. Wheatley Group. Scotland: Wheatley Group.
The Precarity of Young People's Housing Experiences in a Rural Context
McKee K, Hoolachan JE & Moore T (2017) The Precarity of Young People's Housing Experiences in a Rural Context. Scottish Geographical Journal, 133 (2), pp. 115-129.
'Generation Rent' and The Fallacy of Choice
McKee K, Moore T, Soaita A & Crawford J (2017) 'Generation Rent' and The Fallacy of Choice. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41 (2), pp. 318-333.
Research Report
GCPH Briefing Paper 52: Housing through Social Enterprise
Rolfe S & Garnham L (2017) GCPH Briefing Paper 52: Housing through Social Enterprise. Briefing Paper, 52. Glasgow Centre for Population Health.
Research Report
Housing through Social Enterprise: Report of Phase 1 – Research Scoping Exercise
Rolfe S & Garnham L (2017) Housing through Social Enterprise: Report of Phase 1 – Research Scoping Exercise. CommonHealth Programme.
The Theory and Practice of Welfare Partnerships: The Case of the Cultural Sector
McCall V & Rummery K (2017) The Theory and Practice of Welfare Partnerships: The Case of the Cultural Sector. Social Policy and Administration, 51 (1), pp. 56-75.
The 'Arc of Prosperity' Revisted: Homelessness Policy Change in North Western Europe
Anderson I, Dyb E & Finnerty J (2016) The 'Arc of Prosperity' Revisted: Homelessness Policy Change in North Western Europe. Social Inclusion, 4 (4) p. 108-124.
Divergence in Community Participation Policy: Analysing Localism and Community Empowerment Using a Theory of Change Approach
Rolfe S (2016) Divergence in Community Participation Policy: Analysing Localism and Community Empowerment Using a Theory of Change Approach. Local Government Studies, 42 (1), pp. 97-118.
Book Chapter
The Health of Homeless Women
Wolf J, Anderson I, van den Dries L & Filopovic Hrast M (2016) The Health of Homeless Women. In: Mayock P & Bretherton J (eds.) Women's Homelessness in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 155-178.;
Book Chapter
Governance jenseits des Neoliberalismus in Großbritannien (English Language Version)
Bevir M & McKee K (2016) Governance jenseits des Neoliberalismus in Großbritannien (English Language Version) [British Governance beyond Neoliberalism]. In: Biebricher T (ed.) Der Staat des Neoliberalismus. Staatsverständnisse, 92. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos, pp. 207-236.
Researching Homelessness: Challenging Exclusion
Anderson I, Filipovic Hrast M & Finnerty J (2016) Researching Homelessness: Challenging Exclusion. Social Inclusion, 4 (4), pp. 1-4.
Policy Document
CHR Briefings 5: Immigration Act 2016 - more harm than good?
Simeonova M, Leahy S & McKee K (2016) CHR Briefings 5: Immigration Act 2016 - more harm than good?. Unfunded. St Andrews, Scotland.
Preprint / Working Paper
CHR Briefing 4 - Housing Young People in Rural Areas
Hoolachan J, McKee K & Moore T (2016) CHR Briefing 4 - Housing Young People in Rural Areas. Centre for Housing Research. CHR Briefings, 4. St Andrews.
The Immigration Act and the ‘Right to Rent’: exploring governing tensions within and beyond the state (Policy Commentary)
Crawford J, Leahy S & McKee K (2016) The Immigration Act and the ‘Right to Rent’: exploring governing tensions within and beyond the state (Policy Commentary). People, Place and Policy Online, 10 (2), pp. 114-125.
Research Report
Exploring the 'Creating Conversations' toolkit: the impact of art-based activities on those living with dementia
Robertson J & McCall V (2016) Exploring the 'Creating Conversations' toolkit: the impact of art-based activities on those living with dementia. Scottish Funding Council; Artlink Central. Artlink Central.
Book Chapter
Social Housing and the "New Localism": A Strategy of Governance for Austere Times
McKee K (2016) Social Housing and the "New Localism": A Strategy of Governance for Austere Times. In: Bevir M (ed.) Governmentality After Neoliberalism. Routledge Studies in Governance and Public Policy, 25. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 111-134.
Presentation / Talk
Evaluating community participation policy and practice: Combining Theories of Change and Realist Evaluation methodologies to cope with complexity
Rolfe S (2016) Evaluating community participation policy and practice: Combining Theories of Change and Realist Evaluation methodologies to cope with complexity. UK Evaluation Society Annual Evaluation Conference 2016, London, 27.04.2016-28.04.2016.
Exploring the gap between museum policy and practice: a comparative analysis of Scottish, English and Welsh local authority museum services
McCall V (2016) Exploring the gap between museum policy and practice: a comparative analysis of Scottish, English and Welsh local authority museum services. Museum and Society, 14 (1), pp. 98-115.
Research Report
Transitions: Improving Employment, Education and Training Outcomes for Young People Leaving Care
Rigby P, McCall V & Shapira M (2015) Transitions: Improving Employment, Education and Training Outcomes for Young People Leaving Care. Glasgow City Council. University of Stirling.
Research Report
Service improvement through effective partnership and collaboration: An evaluation of the People Place Partnership
McCall V (2015) Service improvement through effective partnership and collaboration: An evaluation of the People Place Partnership. Scottish Funding Council. University of Stirling.
Exploring the use of large sporting events in the post-crash, post-welfare city: A 'legacy' of increasing insecurity?
Mooney G, McCall V & Paton K (2015) Exploring the use of large sporting events in the post-crash, post-welfare city: A 'legacy' of increasing insecurity?. Local Economy, 30 (8), pp. 910-924.
An Introduction to the Special Issue – The Big Society, Localism and Housing Policy: Recasting State–Citizen Relations in an Age of Austerity
McKee K (2015) An Introduction to the Special Issue – The Big Society, Localism and Housing Policy: Recasting State–Citizen Relations in an Age of Austerity. Housing, Theory and Society, 32 (1), pp. 1-8.
Exploring the stigmatization of energy efficiency in the UK: An emerging research agenda
Reid L, McKee K & Crawford J (2015) Exploring the stigmatization of energy efficiency in the UK: An emerging research agenda. Energy Research & Social Science, 10, pp. 141-149.
Poverty, Territorial Stigmatisation and Social Insecurities as Social Harms: the Commonwealth Games and the East End of Glasgow
Mooney G, McCall V & Paton K (2015) Poverty, Territorial Stigmatisation and Social Insecurities as Social Harms: the Commonwealth Games and the East End of Glasgow. Scottish Justice Matters, 3 (3), pp. 27-28.
Research Report
Growing older in Scotland: health, housing and care
Griffiths D & McCall V (2015) Growing older in Scotland: health, housing and care. Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Newspaper / Magazine
Demolishing iconic tower blocks is an attack on whole idea of social housing
McCall V, Mooney G & Paton K (2015) Demolishing iconic tower blocks is an attack on whole idea of social housing. The Conversation. 09.10.2015.
Community anchor housing associations: illuminating the contested nature of neoliberal governing practices at the local scale
McKee K (2015) Community anchor housing associations: illuminating the contested nature of neoliberal governing practices at the local scale. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 33 (5), pp. 1076-1091.
Project Report
Affordable Housing Need in Scotland, Final Report - September 2015
Powell R, Dunning R, McKee K & Ferrari E (2015) Affordable Housing Need in Scotland, Final Report - September 2015. Shelter Scotland, CIH Scotland and SFHA. Edinburgh.
Preprint / Working Paper
CHR Briefing 3: Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland
McKee K, Moore T & Crawford J (2015) CHR Briefing 3: Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland. Scottish Government. University of St Andrews.
Mind the Housing Wealth Gap WS4: summary research design
McKee K (2015) Mind the Housing Wealth Gap WS4: summary research design. Leverhulme. University of St Andrews.
Project Report
Understanding the Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland
McKee K, Moore T & Crawford J (2015) Understanding the Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland. Scottish Government. Social Research Series. Edinburgh.
Presentation / Talk
What does community participation policy actually do? The messy outcomes of Localism and Community Empowerment
Rolfe S (2015) What does community participation policy actually do? The messy outcomes of Localism and Community Empowerment. Social Policy Association Annual Conference 2015, Belfast, 06.07.2015-08.07.2015.
International learning as a driver of innovation in local-level policy-making: achievements and challenges from peer review of local homelessness policies
Gosme L & Anderson I (2015) International learning as a driver of innovation in local-level policy-making: achievements and challenges from peer review of local homelessness policies. European Journal of Homelessness, 9 (1), pp. 37-59.
Research Report
Housing Generation Rent: what are the challenges facing Housing Policy in Scotland?
McKee K & Hoolachan J (2015) Housing Generation Rent: what are the challenges facing Housing Policy in Scotland? . The Carnegie Trust. St Andrews.
Research Report
Housing 'Generation Rent'
McKee K & Hoolachan J (2015) Housing 'Generation Rent'. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. CHR Briefing, 2. St Andrews.
Policy Document
Young people: tenure choices and welfare - summary findings
Soaita AM & McKee K (2015) Young people: tenure choices and welfare - summary findings. Leverhulme. St Andrews.
Policy Document
CHR Briefing 2: Housing 'Generation Rent'
McKee K & Hoolachan J (2015) CHR Briefing 2: Housing 'Generation Rent'. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. St Andrews.
Briefing 6: Young People, Homeownership and the Fallacy of Choice
McKee K (2015) Briefing 6: Young People, Homeownership and the Fallacy of Choice. not applicable. St Andrews.
Online Focus Groups and Qualitative Research: their merits and limitations in a study of housing and youth
Moore T, McKee K & McLoughlin P (2015) Online Focus Groups and Qualitative Research: their merits and limitations in a study of housing and youth. People, Place and Policy, 9 (1), pp. 17-28.
Website Content
The Continuing Danger of the Right to Buy – how housing is on the election agenda for the wrong reasons
McCall V (2015) The Continuing Danger of the Right to Buy – how housing is on the election agenda for the wrong reasons. Blog for Critical Urbanists, 15.04.2015.
Research Report
Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner- Occupiers
Satsangi M, McCall V & Greasley-Adams C (2015) Understanding the Housing Needs of Older Owner- Occupiers. Stirling Council. University of Stirling.
Research Report
Peer review on homelessness policies in Athens City (Greece)
Anderson I (2014) Peer review on homelessness policies in Athens City (Greece). European Federation of National Homelessness Associations (FEANTSA) Peer Review Series - Discussion Papers, 5 (2014). HABITACT, FEANTSA.
Book Chapter
Social housing in Scotland
Robertson D & Serpa R (2014) Social housing in Scotland. In: Scanlon K, Whitehead C & Fernandez-Arrigoitia M (eds.) Social Housing in Europe. Real Estate Issues. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 43-60.
Museums and the 'new museology': Theory, practice and organisational change
McCall V & Gray C (2014) Museums and the 'new museology': Theory, practice and organisational change. Museum Management and Curatorship, 29 (1), pp. 19-35.
Book Chapter
Communities, land-ownership, housing and planning: reflections from the Scottish experience
Satsangi M (2014) Communities, land-ownership, housing and planning: reflections from the Scottish experience. In: Gallent N & Ciaffi D (eds.) Community action and planning: Contexts, drivers and outcomes. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 117-130.
The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform
McCall V, Mooney G, Rutherford P & Gilmour A (2014) The Potential of Online Academic Communities for Teaching Staff: Findings from a Pilot Study of the SocialLearn Platform. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 10 (4), pp. 404-425.
The Ownership of Assets by Place-based Community Organisations: political rationales, geographies of social impact and future research agendas
Moore T & McKee K (2014) The Ownership of Assets by Place-based Community Organisations: political rationales, geographies of social impact and future research agendas. Social Policy and Society, 13 (4), pp. 1-13.;
Preprint / Working Paper
Briefing 2: Localism and New Housing Futures
Moore T & McKee K (2014) Briefing 2: Localism and New Housing Futures. ESRC. St Andrews.
Policy Document
Briefing 1: The Big Society and Welfare Reform
McKee K, Moore T & Muir J (2014) Briefing 1: The Big Society and Welfare Reform. ESRC. The Big Society, Localism and Housing Policy, ES/J021172/1. Swindon.
Presentation / Talk
The double helix of community participation policy: Applying a Theory of Change approach to the Big Society and Community Empowerment
Rolfe S (2014) The double helix of community participation policy: Applying a Theory of Change approach to the Big Society and Community Empowerment. Social Policy Association Annual Conference 2014, Sheffield, 14.07.2014-16.07.2016.
Newspaper / Magazine
Behind the fence: the side of Glasgow games you’re not meant to see
Mooney G, Paton K & McCall V (2014) Behind the fence: the side of Glasgow games you’re not meant to see. The Conversation. 30.06.2014.
Policy Document
Report on Seminar 3: The Big Society, Localism and the Future of Social Housing
McKee K & Moore T (2014) Report on Seminar 3: The Big Society, Localism and the Future of Social Housing. ESRC. St Andrews.
Citizenship and Museum Workers: a comparative study of Scotland, England and Wales
McCall V (2013) Citizenship and Museum Workers: a comparative study of Scotland, England and Wales. Engage, 32.
The right to settled accommodation for homeless people in Scotland: a triumph of rational policy making?
Anderson I & Serpa R (2013) The right to settled accommodation for homeless people in Scotland: a triumph of rational policy making?. European Journal of Homelessness, 7 (1), pp. 13-39.
Synthesizing feminist and critical realist approaches to housing studies
Satsangi M (2013) Synthesizing feminist and critical realist approaches to housing studies. Housing, Theory and Society, 30 (2), pp. 193-207.
Book Chapter
Policies to Address Homelessness: Rights-Based Approaches
Anderson I (2012) Policies to Address Homelessness: Rights-Based Approaches. In: Smith S, Elsinga M, O'Mahony L, Eng O, Wachter S & Fitzpatrick S (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Vol 5. International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 5. Oxford: Elsevier Science, pp. 249-254.
Culture and the Scottish Household Survey
McCall V & Playford C (2012) Culture and the Scottish Household Survey. Cultural Trends, 21 (2), pp. 149-172.;
Young People, Homeownership and Future Welfare
McKee K (2012) Young People, Homeownership and Future Welfare. Housing Studies, 27 (6), pp. 853-862.
Class, Citizenship and Regeneration: Glasgow and the Commonwealth Games 2014
Paton K, Mooney G & McKee K (2012) Class, Citizenship and Regeneration: Glasgow and the Commonwealth Games 2014. Antipode, 44 (4), pp. 1470-1489.
Re-conceptualising Approaches to Meeting the Health Needs of Homeless People
Anderson I & Ytrehus S (2012) Re-conceptualising Approaches to Meeting the Health Needs of Homeless People. Journal of Social Policy, 41 (3), pp. 551-568.
Book Chapter
Foucauldian Analysis
McKee K (2012) Foucauldian Analysis. In: Smith SJ (ed.) International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Creating sustainable communities through tenure-mix: the responsibilisation of marginal homeowners in Scotland
McIntyre Z & McKee K (2012) Creating sustainable communities through tenure-mix: the responsibilisation of marginal homeowners in Scotland. GeoJournal, 77 (2), pp. 235-247.
Book Chapter
Social Housing and Homelessness Policies: reconciling social justice and social mix
McKee K & Phillips D (2012) Social Housing and Homelessness Policies: reconciling social justice and social mix. In: Mooney G & Scott G (eds.) Social Justice and Social Policy in Scotland. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 227-242.
Research Report
Housing Associations and the Big Society: lessons from Scotland's community housing sector
McKee K (2012) Housing Associations and the Big Society: lessons from Scotland's community housing sector. University of St Andrews. St Andrews, Scotland.
Empowering Local Communities? An International Review of Community Land Trusts
Moore T & McKee K (2012) Empowering Local Communities? An International Review of Community Land Trusts. Housing Studies, 27 (2), pp. 280-290.
Challenging the Norm? The ‘Ethopolitics’ of Low-cost Homeownership in Scotland
McKee K (2011) Challenging the Norm? The ‘Ethopolitics’ of Low-cost Homeownership in Scotland. Urban Studies, 48 (16), pp. 3399-3413.
Feminist Epistemologies and the Social Relations of Housing Provision
Satsangi M (2011) Feminist Epistemologies and the Social Relations of Housing Provision. Housing, Theory and Society, 28 (4), pp. 398-409.
Book Chapter
Re-focusing on inequality
Anderson I (2011) Re-focusing on inequality. In: Anderson I & Sim D (eds.) Housing and inequality. Practice studies. Coventry: The Chartered Institute of Housing, pp. 21-38.
Book Chapter
Introduction: inequality and housing
Anderson I & Sim D (2011) Introduction: inequality and housing. In: Anderson I & Sim D (eds.) Housing and inequality. Practice studies. Coventry: Chartered Institute of Housing, pp. 1-20.