
International learning as a driver of innovation in local-level policy-making: achievements and challenges from peer review of local homelessness policies



Gosme L & Anderson I (2015) International learning as a driver of innovation in local-level policy-making: achievements and challenges from peer review of local homelessness policies. European Journal of Homelessness, 9 (1), pp. 37-59.

Analysis of housing and homelessness policies commonly focuses on the policy-making process at the national level, albeit recognising an important role for local agencies in policy implementation. This paper examines drivers for distinct local (city) level policy-making, and the potential role for international ‘peer review’ of local policies in sharing changing practice and enhancing the effectiveness of policy development and service delivery. The analysis reviews the first five years of annual peer reviews of city homelessness policies in Europe, mediated through the HABITACT European Exchange Forum on local homelessness strategies (2010-2014). After setting the context of EU-wide and national-level developments on homelessness policy, the paper examines the policy and practice responses of the case study cities that were subject to peer review, comparing city-level policy-making with the international research evidence base to reveal factors driving innovation at the local level. The process of peer review of city-level homelessness models is assessed through a comparison of the five reviews to date (each comprising an initial discussion paper, peer review workshop and post-workshop report) and the reflections of participating cities on the follow-up process, in order to assess the impact for both host and peer cities. The analysis confirms both the substantive role for local policy-making in meeting the needs of homeless people and the added value of a structured peer review process to support international lessonlearning and assess realistic prospects for the transferability of local policy innovations to peer cities with different national policy frameworks.

Homelessness; local policy-making; peer review processes; international lesson-learning

European Journal of Homelessness: Volume 9, Issue 1

FundersEuropean Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless
Publication date30/06/2015
Date accepted by journal09/04/2015
Publisher URL