Housing Studies

Outputs related to Housing Studies

Showing 201 to 239 of 239

Edited Book

Anderson I & Sim D (eds.) (2011) Housing and inequality. Practice studies. Coventry: Chartered Institute of Housing. http://www.cih.co.uk/publication/display/vpathDCR/templatedata/cih/publication/data/Housing_and_Inequality

Consultancy Report

McKee K (2011) Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations' Response to the Scottish Government's Regeneration Discussion Document: Building a Sustainable Future. Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations. Glasgow: Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum. https://research-repository.st-andrews.ac.uk/handle/10023/1849

Research Report

Satsangi M & Crawford J (2009) Investigation of Occupancy Controls in Rural Housing. Scottish Government - Governance & Communities - Housing & Regneration, Culture and Commonwealth Games. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2009/01/08143447/0

Book Review

Anderson I (2009) International Perspectives on Rural Homelessness. Review of:
P. Milbourne, P. Cloke (Eds.), London, Routledge, (2006). 324 pp., ISBN: 0415343720.. Journal of Rural Studies, 25 (2), pp. 251-252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2008.09.002

Book Review

Satsangi M (2008) The Private Rented Housing Market, Regulation or Deregulation?. Review of: The Private Rented Housing Market, Regulation or Deregulation? David Hughes & Stuart Lowe (Eds), Aldershot, Ashgate, 2007, 168+ xiv pp. ISBN 978 0 7546 4835 2. Housing Studies, 23 (6), pp. 941-943. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673030802423383

Book Chapter

Satsangi M (2007) Housing allowances in France. In: Kemp P (ed.) Housing Allowances in Comparative Perspective. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, pp. 135-157.

Research Report

McIvor G, Malloch M, Brown A, Murray C, Eley S, Piacentini L & Walters R (2004) The Hamilton Sheriff Youth Court Pilot: The First Six Months. Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2004/07/19573/39757

Book Chapter

Satsangi M (2002) Rental Housing Supply in Rural Scotland: The Role of Private Landowners. In: Hughes D & Lowe S (eds.) The Privately Rented Sector in a New Century: Revival or False Dawn?. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 79-94. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781861343482

Book Chapter

Satsangi M (2000) Housing. In: Allmendinger P, Prior A & Raemaekers J (eds.) Introduction to Planning Practice. London: John Wiley, pp. 173-190. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471985228.html

Authored Book

Gibb K, Munro M & Satsangi M (1999) Housing Finance in the UK: An Introduction. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?is=0333664361

Book Chapter

Satsangi M & Munro M (1999) Les Villes Ecossaises. In: Haumont N, Jalowiecki B, Munro M & Szirmai V (eds.) Villes Nouvelles et Villes Traditionnelles: Une Comparaison Internationale. Habitat et sociétés. Paris: Editions l'Harmattan, pp. 291-330. http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=9835

Research Report

McIvor G & Taylor M (1994) Making it Out: Supported Accommodation for Ex-Offenders - identifying effective practice. University of Stirling. Department of Applied Social Science. http://www.scie-socialcareonline.org.uk/making-it-out-supported-accommodation-for-ex-offenders-in-scotland-identifying-effective-practice/r/a11G00000017wr6IAA

Edited Book

Satsangi M (ed.) (1991) Changing Housing Finance Systems. Studies in Housing, 3. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Centre for Housing Research.