
Outputs related to Psychology

Showing 1901 to 2000 of 3517


Dombrowski SU, Prior ME, Duncan EM, Cuthbertson BH, Bellingan G, Campbell MK, Rose L, Binning AR, Gordon AC, Wilson P, Shulman R & Francis JJ (2013) Clinical components and associated behavioural aspects of a complex healthcare intervention: Multi-methods study of selective decontamination of the digestive tract in critical care. Australian Critical Care, 26 (4), pp. 173-179.


Lyall DM, Royle NA, Harris SE, Bastin ME, Maniega SM, Murray C, Lutz MW, Saunders AM, Roses AD, del Valdés Hernández MC, Starr JM, Porteous DJ, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2013) Alzheimer’s Disease Susceptibility Genes APOE and TOMM40, and Hippocampal Volumes in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. PLoS ONE, 8 (11), p. e80513.


Farquharson B, Bell C, Johnston D, Jones M, Schofield P, Allan J, Ricketts I, Morrison K & Johnston M (2013) Nursing stress and patient care: real-time investigation of the effect of nursing tasks and demands on psychological stress, physiological stress, and job performance: study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69 (10), pp. 2327-2335.


Fernando M, Crowther R, Lazzarini P, Sangla K, Cunningham M, Buttner P & Golledge J (2013) Biomechanical characteristics of peripheral diabetic neuropathy: A systematic review and meta-analysis of findings from the gait cycle, muscle activity and dynamic barefoot plantar pressure. Clinical Biomechanics, 28 (8), pp. 831-845.


Dombrowski SU, Mackintosh JE, Sniehotta FF, Araujo-Soares V, Rodgers H, Thomson RG, Murtagh MJ, Ford GA, Eccles MP & White M (2013) The impact of the UK 'Act FAST' stroke awareness campaign: Content analysis of patients, witness and primary care clinicians' perceptions. BMC Public Health, 13 (1), Art. No.: 915.


Booth T, Bastin ME, Penke L, Maniega SM, Murray C, Royle NA, Gow AJ, Corley J, Henderson RD, Valdés Hernández MdC, Starr JM, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2013) Brain white matter tract integrity and cognitive abilities in community-dwelling older people: The Lothian Birth Cohort, 1936. Neuropsychology, 27 (5), pp. 595-607.


Buchanan-Smith HM, Griciute J, Daoudi S, Leonardi R & Whiten A (2013) Interspecific interactions and welfare implications in mixed species communities of capuchin (sapajus apella) and squirrel monkeys (saimiri sciureus) over 3 years. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 147 (3-4), pp. 324-333.


Morton FB, Lee PC, Buchanan-Smith HM, Brosnan SF, Thierry B, Paukner A, de Waal FBM, Widness J, Essler JL & Weiss A (2013) Personality Structure in Brown Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus apella): Comparisons With Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Orangutans (Pongo spp.), and Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 127 (3), pp. 282-298.


Ietswaart M (Editor), Butler A (Editor), Jackson PL (Editor) & Edwards MG (Editor) (2013) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Research Topic: Mental Practice: clinical and experimental research is imagery and action observation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7.


Sandeman EM, Hernandez MdCV, Morris Z, Bastin ME, Murray C, Gow AJ, Corley J, Henderson R, Deary IJ, Starr JM & Wardlaw JM (2013) Incidental Findings on Brain MR Imaging in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects Are Common but Serious Medical Consequences Are Rare: A Cohort Study. PLoS ONE, 8 (8), Art. No.: e71467.

Conference Proceeding

Delaney L, Kleczkowski A, Maharaj S, Rasmussen S & Williams L (2013) Reflections on a virtual experiment addressing human behavior during epidemics. In: SummerSim '13 2013 Summer Simulation Multiconference Toronto, Canada — July 07 - 10, 2013. Simulation series, 45.11. Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2013, Toronto, Canada, 07.07.2013-10.07.2013. Vista, CA: Society for Modeling & Simulation International.


Shires KL, Hawthorne JP, Hope AMJ, Dudchenko P, Wood ER & Martin SJ (2013) Functional connectivity between the thalamus and postsubiculum: Analysis of evoked responses elicited by stimulation of the laterodorsal thalamic nucleus in anesthetized rats. Hippocampus, 23 (7), pp. 559-569.


Penn L, Dombrowski SU, Sniehotta FF & White M (2013) Participants' perspectives on making and maintaining behavioural changes in a lifestyle intervention for type 2 diabetes prevention: A qualitative study using the theory domain framework. BMJ Open, 3 (6), Art. No.: e002949.


Little A, DeBruine LM & Jones BC (2013) Environment contingent preferences: Exposure to visual cues of direct male–male competition and wealth increase women's preferences for masculinity in male faces. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34 (3), pp. 193-200.


Evans J, Mackison D, Swanson V, Donnan PT, Emslie-Smith AM & Lawton J (2013) Self-monitoring among non-insulin treated patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Patients' behavioural responses to readings and associations with glycaemic control. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 100 (2), pp. 235-242.

Book Chapter

Morton FB, Williamson EA & Russon A (2013) Bornean Orangutan Pongo pygmaeus. In: Mittermeier R, Rylands A & Wilson D (eds.) Handbook of the Mammals of the World Volume 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, p. 844–845.