
Outputs related to Psychology

Showing 1701 to 1800 of 3517

Conference Proceeding

Maisels F, Strindberg S, Blake S, Wittemyer G, Hart J, Williamson EA, Aba'a R, Abitsi G, Ambahe R, Amsini F, Bakabana PC, Hicks T, Bayogo R, Bechem M & Beyers R (2014) Massive loss of forests elephants in central Africa. In: Malhi Y (ed.) Megafauna and Ecosystem Function: from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene Conference Abstracts. Megafauna and Ecosystem Function: From the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 18.03.2014-20.03.2014. Oxford: Environmental change institute, Oxford University, p. 18.

Extended Abstract

Cameron L, Ozakinci G, Zawadzki MJ, Wiebe D & Cameron L (2014) Innovations in emotion regulation and health. International Congress of Behavioural Medicine 2014, Groningen International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (August Supplement), pp. S191-S192, Art. No.: S648.


Anderson AS, Macleod M, Mutrie N, Sugden J, Dobson H, Treweek S, O'Carroll R, Thompson AM, Kirk A, Brennan G & Wyke S (2014) Breast cancer risk reduction - is it feasible to initiate a randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle intervention programme (ActWell) within a national breast screening programme?. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11 (1), Art. No.: 156.


Whiteman B, Turner A, Szczepura A, Grunfeld B, Baines D, Radford M, Ozakinci G, Young A & Cree I (2014) Acceptability of new generic blood tests for early tumour detection and development of an associated on-line peer-support programme (eCOPE). The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer conference 2014, Liverpool, 02.11.2014-05.11.2014.


Whelehan P & Ozakinci G (2014) Women's experiences of mammography: a qualitative exploration. The NCRI Cancer conference, UK, 02.11.2014-05.11.2014.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA & Macfie EJ (2014) Guidelines for best practice in great ape tourism. In: Russon A & Wallis J (eds.) Primate Tourism: A Tool for Conservation?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 292-310.


Caes L, Vervoort T, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Goubert L (2014) Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: Implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia-related medical procedures. Clinical Journal of Pain, 30 (9), pp. 787-799.


Lyall DM, Harris SE, Bastin ME, Muñoz Maniega S, Murray C, Lutz MW, Saunders AM, Roses AD, Valdés Hernández MdC, Royle NA, Starr JM, Porteous DJ, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2014) Are APOE ɛ genotype and TOMM40 poly-T repeat length associations with cognitive ageing mediated by brain white matter tract integrity?. Translational Psychiatry, 4 (9), Art. No.: e449.

Meeting Abstract

Hoddinott P, Morgan H, Thomson G, Crossland N & Dombrowski SU (2014) A ladder logic model to inform the design of incentive trials for women around childbirth. ICBM 2014: 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, Germany, 20/08/2014 - 23/08/2014. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (Supplement 1), p. S139.;


Laidlaw A, Hunter J, Turvey T, Stillman M, Warren R & Ozakinci G (2014) The development and evaluation of a flexible training course “understanding and developing compassion”. Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies, 14 (2), pp. 149-157.


Chambers J, O'Carroll R, Cook A, Cavanagh J, Archibald D & Millar R (2014) A pilot telephone intervention to increase uptake of breast cancer screening in socially deprived areas in Scotland (TELBRECS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), Art. No.: 824.


Caes L, Goubert L, Devos P, Verlooy J, Benoit Y & Vervoort T (2014) The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 39 (7), pp. 677-686.

Meeting Abstract

Ozakinci G, Watson E, Sharpe N & Humphris G (2014) Regulating fears of recurrence. "Innovation in Behavioral Medicine" : International Congress of Behavioural Medicine 2014, Groningen. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21 (Supplement 1), pp. S192-S192.


Morris D, Rodriguez A, Moxon JV, Cunningham M, McDermott M, Myers J, Leeper N, Jones R & Golledge J (2014) Association of lower extremity performance with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with peripheral artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Heart Association, 3 (4), Art. No.: e001105.


Farquharson B, Dombrowski SU, Pollock A, Johnston M, Treweek S, Williams B, Smith K, Dougall N, Jones C & Pringle S (2014) Reducing patient delay with symptoms of acute coronary syndrome: a research protocol for a systematic review of previous interventions to investigate which behaviour change techniques are associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 1 (1).


Fernando M, Crowther R, Pappas E, Lazzarini P, Cunningham M, Sangla K, Buttner P & Golledge J (2014) Plantar Pressure in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients with Active Foot Ulceration, Previous Ulceration and No History of Ulceration: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), Art. No.: e99050.


Pakpour AH, Yekaninejad MS, Sniehotta FF, Updegraff JA & Dombrowski SU (2014) The Effectiveness of Gain- Versus Loss-Framed Health Messages in Improving Oral Health in Iranian Secondary Schools: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 47 (3), pp. 376-387.


Smiseth PT, Andrews CP, Mattey SN & Mooney R (2014) Phenotypic variation in resource acquisition influences trade-off between number and mass of offspring in a burying beetle: Trade-off between number and mass of offspring. Journal of Zoology, 293 (2), pp. 80-83.


Lyall DM, Harris SE, Bastin ME, Muñoz Maniega S, Murray C, Lutz MW, Saunders AM, Roses AD, Valdés Hernández MdC, Royle NA, Starr JM, Porteous DJ, Wardlaw JM & Deary IJ (2014) Alzheimer's disease susceptibility genes APOE and TOMM40, and brain white matter integrity in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Neurobiology of Aging, 35 (6), pp. 1513.e25-1513.e33.


Robertson J, Molloy G, Bollina PR, Kelly D, McNeill SA & Forbat L (2014) Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of couple-based psychosexual support following prostate cancer surgery: Study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial. Trials, 15, Art. No.: 183.