Biological and Environmental Sciences

Outputs related to Biological and Environmental Sciences

Showing 3701 to 3800 of 4015

Book Chapter

Cusack M & Williams A (2007) Biochemistry and diversity of brachiopod shells. In: Selden PA (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology: Part H, Brachiopoda (Revised), vol. 6. Kansas: The Paleontological Institute, pp. 2373-2395.∂=Part%20H&-max=2147483647&-recid=32772&-find=

Book Chapter

Petrie K, Prodromou N & Zelent A (2007) Histone deacetylase inhibitors in APL and beyond. In: Pandolfi P & Vogt P (eds.) Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: Molecular Genetics, Mouse Models and Targeted Therapy. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 313. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 157-203.


Matallana-Surget S, Joux F, Lebaron P & Cavicchioli R (2007) Isolation and characterization of oligotrophic marine bacteria. Journal de la Societe de Biologie, 201 (1), pp. 41-50.;

Book Chapter

Tipping R (2007) Landscape history of the Don Valley and north east Scotland. In: Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments Scotland (ed.) In the Shadow of Bennachie: A Field Archaeology of the Valley of the Don. Field Archaeology of Donside, Aberdeenshire. Edinburgh: The Stationery Office, pp. 25-44.

Book Chapter

Tipping R, Haggart BA & Milburn P (2007) The interaction of site and landscape around Pict’s Knowe. In: Thomas J (ed.) Place and Memory: Excavations at the Pict’s Knowe, Holywood and Holm Farm, Dumfries & Galloway, 1994-8. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 6-36.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (2007) Long-term landscape evolution of the Wadis Dana, Faynan and Ghuwayr. In: Finlayson B & Mithen S (eds.) The Early Prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan. Levant Supplementary Series, 4. Oxford: Council for British Research in the Levant, pp. 14-46.

Book Chapter

Oslisly R & White L (2007) Human Impact and Environmental Exploitation In Gabon During The Holocene. In: Denham T T, Iriarte J & Vrydaghs L (eds.) Rethinking Agriculture: Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives. One World Archaeology Series. Walnut Creek, CA, USA: Left Coast Press, pp. 347-360.

Book Chapter

Lanjouw A, Edwards A & White L (2007) Protected area management and the role of research. In: White L & Edwards A (eds.) Conservation research in the African rain forests: a technical handbook. New York, NY, USA: Wildlife Conservation Society, pp. 1-14.


Murray H, Shepherd IAG, Lamb C, Kerr NW, Davies A, Jay M, Tipping R, Mukherjee AJ, Evershed RP & Richards MP (2007) Excavation of a beaker cist burial with meadowsweet at Home farm, Udny Green, Aberdeenshire. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 137, pp. 35-58.

Book Chapter

Oliver D, Heathwaite AL, Hodgson CJ & Chadwick DR (2007) Mitigation and current management attempts to limit pathogen survival and movement within farmed grassland. In: Sparks D (ed.) Advances in Agronomy. Advances in Agronomy, 93. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 95-152.;

Book Chapter

Blunn M, Cowie J, Cairns D, Wilson C & Davidson D (2007) Mobile decision making and knowledge management: supporting geoarchaelogists in the field. In: Cardoso J, Cordeiro J & Filipe J (eds.) ICEIS 2007 - Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems Volume AIDSS June 12-16, 2007, Funchal, Portugal. ICEIS - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems conference series. Denmark: Interaction Design Foundation, pp. 57-62.

Book Chapter

Dockrill SJ, Gater JA & Simpson I (2007) Beyond Mound 11: Investigations within the Tofts Ness Landscape. In: Dockrill S (ed.) Investigations in Sanday, Orkney Volume 2: Tofts Ness, Sanday - An island landscape through 3,000 years of prehistory. Edinburgh: The Orcadian Ltd and Historic Scotland, pp. 113-141.

Book Chapter

Simpson I, Dockrill SJ, Guttmann EB, Bull ID & Evershed RP (2007) Soils and the early cultural landscape. In: Dockrill S (ed.) Investigations in Sanday, Orkney Volume 2: Tofts Ness, Sanday - An island landscape through 3,000 years of prehistory. Edinburgh: The Orcadian Ltd and Historic Scotland, pp. 239-252.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Ntie S, Johnston AR, Mickala P, Jansen van Vuuren B, Bowkett AE, Telfer P, Wickings EJ, Maisels F, Ryder O & Anthony NM (2007) Molecular Identification of Central African Ungulates from Fecal Pellets. ConGen3: The 3rd Biannual International Symposium on Conservation Genetics, New York, NY, USA, 27.09.2007-29.09.2007.


Maisels F, Aba'a R, Abitsi G, Bechem M, Latour S, Pambou Makaya Q, Mihindou Y, Leduc Yeno S, Bout N, Kuehl H, Walsh P, Akou ME, Bezangoye AN & Koulangoye M (2007) Premiers résultats d’une série de sondages au Gabon: ligne de base pour le monitoring à long-terme (Presentation) Atelier sur l’application de la réglementation de la filière viande de brousse au Gabon, Libreville, Gabon, 16.04.2007-17.04.2007.


Bout N & Maisels F (2007) Précision de la limite Sud de la répartition géographique des primates présents dans la mosaïque de forêts et de savanes du Parc National des Plateaux Batéké (Gabon) [Accuracy of the southern limit of the geographical distribution of primates present in the mosaic of forests and savannas of Batéké Plateaux National Park (Gabon)]. 20th Meeting of the Francophone Society of Primatology, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, 22.10.2007-24.10.2007.

Book Chapter

Gilvear D, Francis R, Willby N & Gurnell A (2007) Gravel bars: a key habitat of gravel-bed rivers for vegetation. In: Habersack H, Piegay H & Rinaldi M (eds.) Gravel-Bed Rivers VI: From Process Understanding to River Restoration. Developments in Earth Surface Processes, 11. Elsevier, pp. 677-700.

Book Chapter

Salt C (2007) Radionuclides in grassland, heath, mire and mountain ecosystems. In: Shaw G (ed.) Radioactivity in the Terrestrial Environment. Radioactivity in the Environment, 10. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 97-125.

Book Chapter

Adderley WP, Simpson I, Barrett R & Wess TJ (2007) Archaeological soils and sediments: Application of microfocus synchrotron X-ray scattering, diffraction and fluorescence analyses in thin section. In: Glascock MD, Speakman RJ & Popelka-Filcoff RS (eds.) Archaelogical Chemistry : Analytical Techniques and Archaeological Interpretation. ACS symposium series, 968. Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, pp. 194-209.

Conference Proceeding

Hagermann A, Nadalini R, Spohn T, Richter L, Ambrosi R, Ball AJ, Hall C, Knollenberg J, Lichopoj A, Messina G, Mucklow M, Romstedt J, Sohl F & Zarnecki J (2007) HP3: An instrument suite to explore the subsurface of terrestrial planets: Prototype development and test campaign results. In: International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007. 2. International Astronautical Federation - 58th International Astronautical Congress 2007, 24.09.2007-28.09.2007. Hyderabad India: International Astronautical Federation, pp. 892-904.


Vives i Batlle J, Balonov MI, Beaugelin-Seiller K, Beresford NA, Brown J, Cheng J, Copplestone D, Doi M, Filistovic V, Golikov V, Horyna J, Hosseini A, Howard BJ, Jones SR, Kamboj S, Kryshev AI, Nedveckaite T, Prohl G, Sazykina T, Ulanovsky AV, Vives Lynch S, Yankovich TL, Yu C & Olyslaegers G (2007) Inter-comparison of absorbed dose rates for non-human biota. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 46 (4), pp. 349-373.

Meeting Abstract

Klingelhöfer G, Morris R, Rodionov DS, Schröder C, Fleischer I, Yen AS & Ming DW (2007) Jarosite and goethite identified by Mossbauer spectroscopy on the surface of Mars: Mineralogical evidence for aqueous processes. 17th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference Cologne, Germany August 2007, Cologne, 19/08/2007 - 24/08/3007. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (S15), pp. A494-A494.


Hagermann A, Rosenberg PD, Towner MC, Garry JRC, Svedhem HK, Leese MR, Hathi B, Lorenz RD & Zarnecki JC (2007) Speed of sound measurements and the methane abundance in Titan's atmosphere. Icarus, 189 (2), pp. 538-543.;


Novis PM, Whitehead D, Gregorich EG, Hunt JE, Sparrow AD, Hopkins D & Elberling B (2007) Annual carbon fixation in terrestrial populations of Nostoc commune (Cyanobacteria) from an Antarctic dry valley is driven by temperature regime. Global Change Biology, 13 (6), pp. 1224-1237.;


Clark BC, Arvidson RE, Gellert R, Morris RV, Ming DW, Richter L, Ruff SW, Michalski JR, Farrand WH, Yen AS, Herkenhoff KE, Li R, Squyres SW, Schröder C, Klingelhoefer G & Bell III JF (2007) Evidence for montmorillonite or its compositional equivalent in Columbia Hills, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 112 (E6), Art. No.: E06S01.