Biological and Environmental Sciences

Outputs related to Biological and Environmental Sciences

Showing 3101 to 3200 of 4038

Book Chapter

Tutin CEG & White L (2011) Primates, phenology and frugivory: Present, past and future patterns in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon. In: Newbery D, Prins H & Brown N (eds.) Dynamics of tropical communities : the 37th symposium of the British Ecological Society. Symposia of the British Ecological Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 309-337.


Quilliam R, Williams AP, Avery LM, Malham SK & Jones DL (2011) Unearthing human pathogens at the agricultural-environment interface: A review of current methods for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 in freshwater ecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140 (3-4), pp. 354-360.


Rawlins BG, Scheib C, Beamish D, Webster R, Tyler A & Young ME (2011) Landscape-scale controls on the spatial distribution of caesium 137: A study based on an airborne geophysical survey across Northern Ireland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36 (2), pp. 158-169.;


Arvidson RE, Ashley JW, Bell III JF, Chojnacki M, Cohen J, Economou TET, Farrand WH, Fergason RL, Fleischer I, Geissler P, Gellert R, Golombek M, Grotzinger JP, Guinness EA & Schröder C (2011) Opportunity Mars Rover mission: Overview and selected results from Purgatory ripple to traverses to Endeavour crater. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 116 (E7), Art. No.: E00F15.


Neary MT, Reid DG, Mason MJ, Friscic T, Duer MJ & Cusack M (2011) Contrasts between organic participation in apatite biomineralization in brachiopod shell and vertebrate bone identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 8 (55), pp. 282-288.

Book Chapter

Cusack M, Chung P, Dauphin Y & Perez-Huerta A (2010) Brachiopod primary layer crystallography and nanostructure. In: Alvarez F & Curry G (eds.) Evolution and Development of the Brachiopod Shell. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84. Aberystwyth: Palaeontological Association, pp. 99-105.


Bradwell T (2010) REPLY: A response to Bradwell's commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry. Commentary on: Jomelli, V., Naveau, P., Cooley, D., Grancher, D., Brunstein, D., and Rabatel, A., 2010: A response to Bradwell’s commentary on recent statistical studies in lichenometry. Geogr. Ann. 92A (4): 485–487. Bradwell, T., 2009: Lichenometric dating: a commentary, in the light of some recent statistical studies. Geografiska Annaler, 91A: 61–69.. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 92 (4), pp. 488-488.

Book Chapter

Tipping R & Milburn P (2010) Reconstructing the late Bronze Age environment. In: Strachan D (ed.) Carpow in Context. A Late Bronze Age Logboat from the Tay. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 141-143.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (2010) Climate changes in Scotland from the Last Glacial Maximum c. 16000 yrs BP to c. 6000 BP. In: Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Panel (ed.) Scottish Archaeological Research Framework: Palaeolithic and Mesolithic panel - Environment. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Book Chapter

Tipping R (2010) Landscape, environment, climate. In: Neolithic Panel of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (ed.) Scottish Archaeological Research Framework: Neolithic - Lifeways and Lifestyles. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Book Chapter

Goulson D (2010) Bumblebees. In: Maclean N (ed.) Silent Summer: The State of Wildlife in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 415-429.

Conference Paper (published)

Goulson D (2010) Conservation of Bumblebees. In: Baxter JM & Galbraith CA (eds.) Species Management: Challenges and Solutions for the 21st Century. The National Heritage of Scotland series, 16. Species Management: Challenges and Solutions for the 21st Century, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, 29.10.2008-31.10.2008. Edinburgh: TSO, (The Stationery Office).

Book Chapter

Penuelas J, Filella I, Estiarte M, Ogaya R, Llusia J, Sardans J, Jump A, Yuste JC, Carnicer J, Rutishauser T, Rico L, Keenan TF, Garbulsky M, Coll M, Diaz de Quijano M, Seco R, Rivas-Ubach A, Lencart e Silva JD, Boada M, Stefanescu C, Lloret F & Terradas J (2010) Impactes, vulnerabilitat i retroalimentacions climàtiques als ecosistemes terrestres catalans. In: Llebot J (ed.) Segon informe sobre el canvi climàtic a Catalunya. Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans i Generalitat de Catalunya, pp. 373-407.

Book Chapter

Penuelas J, Estiarte M, Prieto P, Sardans J, Jump A, Moreno JM, Torres I, Cespedes B, Pla E, Sabate S & Gracia CA (2010) Projected Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity in Mediterranean Ecosystems. In: Settele J, Penev L, Georgiev T, Grabaum R, Grobelnik V, Hammen V, Klotz S, Kotarac M & Kuhn I (eds.) Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. Sofia: Pensoft, pp. 76-77.


Clark JM, Billett M, Coyle M, Croft S, Daniels S, Evans CD, Evans M, Freeman C, Gallego-Sala AV, Heinemeyer A, House JI, Monteith DT, Nayak D, Orr HG & Prentice IC (2010) Model inter-comparison between statistical and dynamic model assessments of the long-term stability of blanket peat in Great Britain (1940-2099). Climate Research, 45 (1), pp. 227-248.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Jump A (2010) Impacts of increasing drought on temperate forests: what we've seen so far and what may be yet to come. International Workshop on Adaptation of Perennial Plants to Episodic Drought: Impact on Ecosystems, Gottingen, Germany, 06.10.2010-08.10.2010.

Technical Report

Abernethy K & Ndong Obiang AM (2010) Bushmeat in Gabon. Ministry of Water and Forests, Government of Gabon.


Ruiz-Benito P, Cuevas JA, Bravo de la Parra R, Prieto F, Garcia del Barrio JM & Zavala MA (2010) Land use change in a Mediterranean metropolitan region and its periphery: Assessment of conservation policies through CORINE land cover data and Markov models. Forest Systems, 19 (3), pp. 315-328.

Book Chapter

Maisels F (2010) Case study 4: Monitoring of wildlife populations: lessons learned. In: Yanggen D, Angu K & Tchamou N (eds.) Landscape-Scale Conservation in the Congo Basin : Lessons Learned from the Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, pp. 335-343.

Book Chapter

Turner V, Burbidge CI & Simpson I (2010) Old Scatness: the Viking and Norse anthrosols. In: Dockrill S, Bond J, Turner V, Brown L, Bashford D, Cussans J & Nicholson R (eds.) The Pictish and Viking Settlement. Excavations at Old Scatness, Shetland, Volume 1. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publications, pp. 197-203.


Hunter P, Gilvear D, Tyler A, Willby N & Kelly A (2010) Mapping macrophytic vegetation in shallow lakes using the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 20 (7), pp. 717-727.;jsessionid=9A60C3A3A526B76FA9ABCD6D7B39D6C4.d03t03;