Biological and Environmental Sciences

Outputs related to Biological and Environmental Sciences

Showing 2601 to 2700 of 4015


Bussiere L, Tinsley MC & Laugen A (2013) Female preferences for facial masculinity are probably not adaptations for securing good immunocompetence genes. Commentary on: Scott IML, Clark AP, Boothroyd LG, Penton-Voak IS. 2012. Do men’s faces really signal heritable immunocompetence? Behav Ecol. 24:579–589.. Behavioral Ecology, 24 (3), pp. 593-594.


Drew S, Waldron S, Gilvear D, Grieve I, Armstrong A, Bragg O, Brewis F, Cooper M, Dargie T, Duncan C, Harris L, Wilson L, McIver C, Padfield R & Shah N (2013) The price of knowledge in the knowledge economy: Should development of peatland in the UK support a research levy?. Land Use Policy, 32, pp. 50-60.

Conference Proceeding

Saunders AT, Formia A, Maisels F, Boussamba F, Mounguengui GA, Ngouessono S, Mabert BDK & Parnell RJ (2013) Eight years of outreach in coastal Gabon: feeling the sea turtle love. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA NMFS-SEFSC-645. Thirty-Third Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 05.02.2013-08.02.2013. Miami, Florida, USA: NOAA Fisheries Service, p. 80.

Book Chapter

Larsen A, Dyhrfjeld-Johnsen MD, Batt C, Bond JM, Brown LD, Edwards KJ, Hamlet L, McDonnell G, MacLeod-Rivers M, Outram Z, Schofield JE, Summers JR, Simpson I, Steele VG & Turner V (2013) The excavation at Belmont, Wadbister, Unst, Shetland. In: Turner V, Bond J & Larsen A (eds.) Viking Unst: Excavation and Survey in Northern Shetland 2006-2010. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publication, pp. 181-216.

Book Chapter

Bond JM, Dockrill SJ, Outram Z, Batey CE, Summers JR, Friel R, Brown L, Brown LD, Campbell E, Cussans JE, Cook G, Legg RJ, Marshall WA, McDonnell J & Simpson I (2013) Excavations at Hamar and Underhoull. In: Turner V, Bond J & Larsen A (eds.) Viking Unst: Excavation and Survey in Northern Shetland 2006-2010. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publication, pp. 123-179.

Book Chapter

Turner V & Simpson I (2013) In search of the infields: Viking - Norse field systems in Unst. In: Turner V, Bond J & Larsen A (eds.) Viking Unst: Excavation and Survey in Northern Shetland 2006-2010. Lerwick: Shetland Heritage Publication, pp. 39-73.

Book Chapter

Williamson EA, Maisels F, Groves C, Fruth B, Humle T, Morton FB, Richardson M, Russon A & Singleton I (2013) Family Hominidae (Great Apes). In: Mittermeier R, Rylands A & Wilson D (eds.) Handbook of the Mammals of the World Volume 3: Primates. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, p. 792–843.

Conference Proceeding

Karhu K, Auffret M, Dungait J, Fraser F, Hopkins D, Prosser J, Singh B, Subke J, Wookey P, Agren G & Hartley I (2013) Microbial adaptation to temperature increases the vulnerability of carbon stocks in Arctic and Boreal soils to climate change. In: EGU General Assembly 2013. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07.04.2013-12.04.2013. Munich, Germany: European Geosciences Union, pp. EGU2013-2624.

Authored Book

Morgan D, Sanz C, Greer D, Rayden T, Maisels F & Williamson EA (2013) Great apes and FSC: Implementing 'ape friendly' practices in Central Africa's logging concessions [Les grands singes et le FSC: Mise en œuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale]. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, 49. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group.

Technical Report

Morgan D, Sanz C, Greer D, Rayden T, Maisels F & Williamson EA (2013) Les grands singes et le FSC: Mise en oeuvre de pratiques d’exploitation favorables aux grands singes dans les concessions forestières en Afrique centrale. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Document occasionnel de la Commission de la sauvegarde des espèces de l’UICN, 49. Groupe de spécialistes des primates CSE/UICN.


Lyche-Solheim A, Feld CK, Birk S, Phillips G, Carvalho L, Morabito G, Mischke U, Willby N, Sondergaard M, Hellsten S, Kolada A, Mjelde M, Bohmer J, Miler O & Pusch MT (2013) Ecological status assessment of European lakes: A comparison of metrics for phytoplankton, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish. Hydrobiologia, 704 (1), pp. 57-74.


Siegert M & Bradwell T (2013) Antarctic earth sciences: Preface. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104 (1), p. 1.


Garrett KA, Dobson A, Kroschel J, Natarajan B, Orlandini S, Tonnang HEZ & Valdivia C (2013) The effects of climate variability and the color of weather time series on agricultural diseases and pests, and on decisions for their management. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 170, pp. 216-227.


Brown EA, Pilkington JG, Nussey DH, Watt KA, Hayward A, Tucker R, Graham A, Paterson S, Beraldi D, Pemberton JM & Slate J (2013) Detecting genes for variation in parasite burden and immunological traits in a wild population: testing the candidate gene approach. Molecular Ecology, 22 (3), pp. 757-773.


Gilliland K, Simpson I, Adderley WP, Burbidge CI, Cresswell AJ, Sanderson DCW, Coningham R, Manuel M, Strickland K, Gunawardhana P & Adikari G (2013) The dry tank: development and disuse of water management infrastructure in the Anuradhapura hinterland, Sri Lanka. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40 (2), pp. 1012-1028.


Payne R, Dise NB, Stevens CJ, Gowing DJ, Dupre C, Dorland E, Gaudnik C, Bleeker A, Diekmann M, Alard D, Bobbink R, Fowler D, Corcket E, Mountford JO, Vandvik V, Aarrestad PA & Muller S (2013) Impact of nitrogen deposition at the species level. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (3), pp. 984-987.


Mitchell EAD, Payne R, van der Knaap WO, Lamentowicz L, Gabka M & Lamentowicz M (2013) The performance of single- and multi-proxy transfer functions (testate amoebae, bryophytes, vascular plants) for reconstructing mire surface wetness and pH. Quaternary Research, 79 (1), pp. 6-13.

Book Chapter

Gomez JM, Abdelaziz Mohamed M, Fernandez-Carmona J, Munoz-Pajares AJ & Perfectti F (2012) Biología de la polinización de erysimum endémicos de la alta montaña de sierra nevada: introgresión y extinción silenciosa. In: Ramírez L & Asensio B (eds.) Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: 2008-2011. Barcelona: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, p. 26.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Greenwood S, Chen T, Chen J & Jump A (2012) Causes and consequences of rapid shifts in species distributions above the closed forest zone in the Central Mountain Range, Taiwan. Vulnerable Isalnds in the Sky: Science and Management of Tropical Island Alpine and Sub-Alpine Ecosystems - Tropical Mountain Conference 2012, Hilo, HI, USA, 04.08.2012-08.08.2012.

Book Chapter

Gutlich P & Schröder C (2012) Mössbauer Spectroscopy. In: Schäfer R & Schmidt P (eds.) Methods in Physical Chemistry. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, pp. 351-389.


Engone Obiang N, Ngomanda A, White L, Jeffery KJ, Chezeaux E & Picard N (2012) A growth model for azobe, Lophira alata, in Gabon [Un modèle de croissance pour l’azobé, Lophira alata, au Gabon]. Bois et Forets des Tropiques, 66 (314), pp. 65-72.


Mitchard ETA, Saatchi SS, White L, Abernethy K, Jeffery KJ, Lewis SL, Collins M, Lefsky MA, Leal ME, Woodhouse IH & Meir P (2012) Mapping tropical forest biomass with radar and spaceborne LiDAR in Lope National Park, Gabon: overcoming problems of high biomass and persistent cloud. Biogeosciences, 9 (1), pp. 179-191.


Abernethy K, Coad LM, Starkey M, Wilkie DS, Hymas O, White L, Ndong Obiang AM, Ndong K, Nsame Effa E, Noungou A, Mbazonga M, Van Vliet N, Milner-Gulland EJ, Kuempel N & Maisels F (2012) Bushmeat hunting: Extent and consequences (Presentation) Climate change, deforestation and the future of African forests, Oxford, UK, 04.01.2012-06.01.2012.

Book Chapter

Hedges S, Maisels F & Blake S (2012) Estimating Absolute Densities of Elephant Populations Using Dung Counts Along Line Transects: Field Methods. In: Hedges S (ed.) Monitoring elephant populations and assessing threats: a manual for researchers, managers and conservationists. Himayatnagar, Hyderabad, India: Universities Press, pp. 172-213.

Research Report

Douglas-Hamilton I, Maisels F, Stiles D & Wittemyer G (2012) Comments on the final report by Martin et al. “Decision-making mechanisms and necessary conditions for a future trade in African elephant ivory. 30 August 2012. International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Book Chapter

Simpson I (2012) Micromorphological analyses of samples from Context 577. In: Sveinbjarnardόttir G (ed.) Reykholt: Archaeological Investigations at a High Status Farm in Western Iceland. Publications of the National Museum of Iceland, 29. Reykjavik: National Museum of Iceland, pp. 254-256.

Book Chapter

Barrett JH, Farr LR, Redhouse D, Richer S, Zimmermann J, Sharpe L, Ovenden S, Moore J, Poller T, Milek K, Simpson I, Smith M, Gourley B & O'Connor T (2012) Quoygrew and its landscape context. In: Barrett J (ed.) Being an Islander: Production and Identity at Quoygrew, Orkney, AD 900-1600. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, pp. 25-46.

Book Chapter

Van Vliet N, Nasi R, Abernethy K, Fargeot C, Kuempel N, Ndong Obiang AM & Ringuet S (2012) Le rôle de la faune dans le cadre de la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique centrale: Une menace pour la Biodiversité? [The role of wildlife for food security in Central Africa: a threat to biodiversity?]. In: de Wasseige C, de Marcken P, Bayol N, Hiol F, Mayaux P, Desclée B B, Nasi R, Billand A, Defourny P P & Eba’a R (eds.) L’Etat des Forêts 2010. Luxembourg: Office des publications de l’Union Européenne, pp. 123-135.


Tipping R, Bradley R, Sanders J, McCulloch R & Wilson R (2012) Moments of crisis: climate change in Scottish prehistory. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 142, pp. 9-25.


Matias L (2012) Cambios en los límites de distribución de especies arbóreas como consecuencia de las variaciones climáticas [Changes in the distribution limits of tree species as a consequence of climate variations]. Ecosistemas, 21 (3), pp. 91-96.;