Stirling Management School

Outputs related to Stirling Management School

Showing 3301 to 3400 of 4439


Hanley N, Tinch D, Angelopoulos K, Davies A, Barbier EB & Watson F (2009) What drives long-run biodiversity change? New insights from combining economics, palaeoecology and environmental history. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 57 (1), pp. 5-20.;

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K, Hosseini N & Gholinejad M (2009) Coal Pillar Strength Based On The Ground Reaction Curve – A New Approach. In: Peng SS, Mark C, Finfinger G, Tadolini S, Khair AW, Heasley K, Luo Y & Barczak T (eds.) Proceedings: 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (ICGCM). 28th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining (ICGCM), Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, 28.07.2009-30.07.2009. Morgantown, West Virginia USA: Department of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, West Virginia University.

Research Report

Knox A, Haspicova J, MacDonald S, Cullen O & McQuaid R (2009) Campbeltown - Ballycastle Ferry Appraisal. Scottish Government; Northern Ireland Executive. Creating Robust Foundations. MVA Consultancy.

Research Report

Findlay A & Sparks L (2009) Literature Review: policies adopted to support a healthy retail sector and retail led regeneration and the impact of retail on the regeneration of town centres and local high streets. Scottish Government. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh.


Jabbour CJC & Santos FCA (2009) Sob os ventos da mudança climática: desafios, oportunidades e o papel da função produção no contexto do aquecimento global [Straws in the wind of climate change: challenges, opportunities, and the role of production function in the context of global warming]. Gestao and Producao, 16 (1), pp. 111-120.

Book Chapter

Sturdy A, Clark T, Fincham R & Handley K (2008) Management consultancy and humor in action and context. In: Fineman S (ed.) The emotional organization: Passions and power. Malden: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 134-150.

Book Chapter

Schnedlitz P & Teller C (2008) Das Einkaufszentrum als Agglomerationsklasse - begriffliche Diskussion und empirische Evaluierung von Agglomerationseffekten. In: Gruber M (ed.) Agglomerationseffekte und Bestandverhältnisse in Einkaufszentren. Vienna: Manz, pp. 1-52.

Book Chapter

Johns H, Hanley N, Colombo S & Ozdemiroglu E (2008) Economic Valuation of Environmental Impacts in the Severely Disadvantaged Areas in England. In: Birol E & Koundouri P (eds.) Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective. New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 82-105.


Colombo S & Hanley N (2008) Analisis econometrico de la heterogeneidad de las preferencias de los individuos: Aplicacion a la valoracion economico de la conservacion del paisaje agricola de montana [Econometric Analysis of Individuals' Preference Heterogeneity: An Application to the Economic Evaluation of Uphill Landscape]. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 8 (1), pp. 103-124.


Blanchflower D (2008) Inflation, expectations and monetary policy. Quarterly Bulletin - Bank of England, 48 (2), pp. 229-237.

Book Chapter

Hussainey K (2008) Corporate Governance Online Reporting by Saudi Listed Companies. In: Tsamenyi M & Uddin S (eds.) Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies. Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, volume 8. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 39-64.

Conference Proceeding

Black I & Morton P (2008) Using couples in sexual appeals. Is relevance relevant?. In: 37th European Marketing Academy Conference 'Marketing Landscape: A pause for thoughts', Brighton, 27.05.2008-30.05.2008.


Sparks L (2008) When Tony met Bobby. Environment and Planning A, 40 (12), pp. 2793-2799.;


Nancarrow C, Tinson J & Brace I (2008) Consumer Savvy and Intergenerational Effects. International Journal of Market Research, 50 (6), pp. 731-755.

Conference Proceeding

Martin F & Ferguson SL (2008) Risk, Internationalisation and Growth: The motivations of female entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland. In: ISBE Conference Proceedings: 2008 Belfast Conference (CD-ROM). ISBE Conference Proceedings. 31st Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference (ISBE 2008), Belfast, UK, 05.11.2008-07.11.2008. London: ISBE.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K, Hosseini N & Gholinejad M (2008) 3D strain softening modelling of coal pillars in a deep longwall mine. In: Singhal R, Mehrotra A, Fytas K & Ge H (eds.) 17th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2008). Seventeenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment section (MPES 2008), Beijing, China, 20.10.2008-22.10.2008. Calgary, Canada: Reading Matrix, Inc.

Conference Paper

Oraee K & Noroozi A (2008) Stability analysis and optimum support design of tunnel No. 14 in Tarik-dare coal mine. Seventeenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2008) (17th session of Mine Planning and Equipment Selection International Symposium), Beijing, China, 20.10.2008-22.10.2008. Metal Mine, 2008 (10), pp. 798-807.

Conference Proceeding

Bakhtavar E, Shahriar K & Oraee K (2008) A Model for Determining Optimal Transition Depth over from Open-Pit to Underground Mining. In: Schunnesson H & Nordlund E (eds.) MassMin 2008 : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining, Lulea, Sweden 9-11 June 2008. 5th International Conference & Exhibition on Mass Mining, MassMin 2008, Lulea, Sweden, 09.06.2008-11.06.2008. Sweden: Luleå tekniska universitet, pp. 393-400.

Conference Proceeding

Oraee K, Bangian AH & Parhizkar A (2008) Provision of a Mathematical Model for Economic Comparison of Production Drilling Methods in Sublevel Stoping. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES 2008). Seventeenth international symposium on mine planning and equipment selection (MPES 2008), Beijing, China, 20.10.2008-22.10.2008. Colorado, USA: Mine Planning and Equipment Selection.

Research Report

Bostock J, Muir J, Young J, Newton R & Paffrath S (2008) Prospective Analysis of the Aquaculture Sector in the EU. PART 1: Synthesis Report. Papatryfon I (Editor) JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Grant K, Spinelli G, Duncan P, Hackney R & Edgar D (2008) 'Academic Capitalism': Universities' consultancy agendas. 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2008), Toronto, 14.08.2008-17.08.2008.

Book Chapter

Dow S (2008) Monetary Policy. In: Davis J & Dolfsma W (eds.) The Elgar Companion to Social Economics. Elgar original reference. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 463-477.

Book Chapter

Dow S (2008) A Future for Schools of Thought and Pluralism in Heterodox Economics. In: Harvey J & Garnett JR (eds.) Future Directions for Heterodox Economics. Advances in Heterodox Economics, 2. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 9-26.

Book Chapter

Dow A & Dow S (2008) Theories of Economic Development in the Scottish Enlightenment. In: Earl P & Littleboy B (eds.) Regarding the Past: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, The University of Queensland 11-13 July 2007. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp. 9-24.

Book Chapter

Dow A & Dow S (2008) History for Economics: Learning from the Past. In: Earl P & Littleboy B (eds.) Regarding the Past: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia: University of Queensland, 11-13 July, 2007. Brisbane: University of Queensland, pp. 1-8.