Stirling Management School

Outputs related to Stirling Management School

Showing 2801 to 2900 of 4439

Book Chapter

Fillis I (2010) Profiling the Behaviour of People Working with Crafts. In: Valentine L & Follett G (eds.) Past, Present and Future Craft Practice. Dundee: Duncan of Jordanstone College, National Museums of Scotland, University of Dundee, pp. 124-135.


Sparks L (2010) Supply chain management and retailing. Supply Chain Forum, 11 (4), pp. 4-12.

Book Chapter

Dey C, Russell S & Thomson I (2010) Exploring the potential of shadow accounts in problematising institutional conduct. In: Osbourne S & Ball A (eds.) Social Accounting and Public Management: Accountability for the Public Good. Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management. London: Routledge, pp. 64-75.

Book Chapter

Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2010) Assessing the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Football Consumers: Which are the Benefits Derived by CSR’s Awareness?. In: Anagnostopoulos C (ed.) International Sport: A Research Synthesis. Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER, pp. 11-30.

Book Chapter

Collison D, Dey C, Hannah G & Stevenson L (2010) Not only economic, but also social hubris? Is child mortality in the wealthiest OECD nations a case to answer for 'Anglo-American' countries and their approach to accounting and business?. In: Tavidze A (ed.) Progress in Economics Research, Vol. 18. Progress in Economics Research, 18. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 189-200.


Beattie V & Smith SJ (2010) Human capital, value creation and disclosure. Journal of Human Resource Costing and Accounting, 14 (4), pp. 262-285.;

Book Chapter

Campbell D, Hess S, Scarpa R & Rose JM (2010) Accommodating coefficient outliers in discrete choice modelling: a comparison of discrete and continuous mixing approaches. In: Hess S & Daly A (eds.) Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and the State-of-practice - Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, pp. 331-352.

Book Chapter

van Waterschoot W, Sinha PK, Burt S, De Haes J, Foscht T & Lievens A (2010) The Classic Conceptualisation and Classification of Distribution Service Outputs - time for a revision?. In: Morschett D, Rudolph T, Schnedlitz P, Schramm-Klein H & Swoboda B (eds.) European Retail Research 2010/ Volume 24 Issue II. European Retail Research, 24.II. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 1-32.

Book Chapter

Thompson P & Vincent S (2010) Labour process theory and critical realism. In: Thompson P & Smith C (eds.) Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 47-69.

Book Chapter

Marks A & Thompson P (2010) Beyond the blank slate: identities and interests at work. In: Thompson P & Smith C (eds.) Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 316-338.

Book Chapter

Dow S (2010) Smith’s Philosophy and Economic Methodology. In: Young J (ed.) Elgar Companion to Adam Smith. Elgar original reference. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 100-111.

Book Chapter

Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (2010) What Does it All Mean? summing up a research project. In: Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (eds.) Consuming IKEA : different perspectives on consumer images of a global retailer. Lund Studies in Economics and management, 118. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, pp. 237-246.

Book Chapter

Burt S & Tinson J (2010) Representing Billy – the Billy range in the IKEA catalogue. In: Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (eds.) Consuming IKEA : different perspectives on consumer images of a global retailer. Lund Studies in Economics and management, 118. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, pp. 155-177.

Book Chapter

Burt S, Johansson U, Thelander A & Anselmsson J (2010) The Formation of Image over Time – do Chinese, British and Swedish Consumers buy the same thing in IKEA?. In: Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (eds.) Consuming IKEA : different perspectives on consumer images of a global retailer. Lund Studies in Economics and management, 118. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, pp. 97-110.

Book Chapter

Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (2010) Retailer Image – conceptualisation, formation, methods and perspectives in previous research. In: Burt S, Johansson U & Thelander A (eds.) Consuming IKEA : different perspectives on consumer images of a global retailer. Lund Studies in Economics and Management, 118. Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press, pp. 1-23.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Fotopoulos C, Bourlakis M, Maglaras G & Kotzab H (2010) Supply chain performance evaluation: the case of the Greek food chain. 9th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management (WiCaNeM 2010), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 26.05.2010-28.05.2010.

Book Chapter

Fotopoulos C, Vlachos I & Maglaras G (2010) The process and critical success factors of evolving from product excellence to market excellence: the case of Mastiha in Chios, Greece. In: Lindgreen A, Hingley M, Harness D & Custance P (eds.) Market Orientation: Transforming Food and Agribusiness Around the Customer. Food and Agricultural Marketing. Farnham: Gower Publishing, pp. 307-324.

Research Report

McQuaid R, Dutton M & Egdell V (2010) PACE – Towards a Future Delivery Model. Scottish Government. Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Sapouna P (2010) Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As): The Effect of International Market Coverage and Competitive Strategy on Financial Performance. The 24TH EIBA/EIASM John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in International Business at the 36th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, 09.12.2010-09.12.2010.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Sapouna P, Dimitratos P & Manolopoulos D (2010) Being an Expatriate: Influential Factors in MNC Subsidiaries. 36th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, Porto, Portugal, 09.12.2010-11.12.2010.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Sapouna P Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As): Geographical Perspectives. 7th Annual Conference of the Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Management Science and Technology: Youth Entrepreneurship and Digital Environment, 2010, Athens, Greece.

Book Chapter

Tinson J & Nancarrow C (2010) Children and Shopping. In: Marshall D (ed.) Understanding Children as Consumers. SAGE Advanced Marketing Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 312-148.


Ateljevic J & Dawson A (2010) Business incubators: new mechanism for economic/enterprise development or passing fad? Exploring complex relationship of the growing phenomenon in the context of Scotland. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 12 (2/2010), pp. 217-240.;

Book Chapter

Sparks L (2010) Supply chain management and retailing. In: Hamil S & Chadwick S (eds.) Managing Football: An International Perspective. First ed. Oxford, UK: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 151-167.

Authored Book

Thompson J & Martin F (2010) Strategic management: awareness and change. Sixth ed. Andover, UK: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Book Chapter

Heblich S (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility in the Creation of Shareholder Value. In: Aras G & Crowther D (eds.) A Handbook of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility. First ed. Corporate Social Responsibility Series. Farnham, UK: Gower, pp. 489-508.

Book Chapter

Heblich S & Gold R (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility: Eine win-win Strategie für Unternehmen und Regionen. In: Pechlaner H & Bachinger M (eds.) Lebensqualität und Standortattraktivität: Kultur, Mobilität und regionale Marken als Erfolgfaktoren. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, pp. 333-358.

Book Chapter

Dawson J (2010) Retail trends in Europe. In: Krafft M & Mantrala M (eds.) Retailing in the 21st Century: Current and Future Trends. 2nd ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, pp. 63-81.

Book Chapter

Schroeder JE & Fillis I (2010) Aesthetic Leadership. In: Couto R (ed.) Political and Civic Leadership: A Reference Handbook (Volume 2). First ed. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 1063-1070.

Authored Book

Hart RA (2010) The Economics of Non-Wage Labour Costs. Reprinted edition ed. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Authored Book

Hart RA (2010) Working Time and Employment. Reprint edition ed. London, UK: Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Book Chapter

Bolton SC (2010) Old Ambiguities and New Developments: Exploring the Emotional Labour Process. In: Thompson P & Smith C (eds.) Working Life: Renewing Labour Process Analysis. First ed. Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.