All Projects

Showing 1501 to 1600 of 2073

Footprints on the edge of Thule: Landscapes of Norse- indigenous interaction
PI: Professor Ian Simpson
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Business Planning Project Leading to the Development of a Marketing Strategy for Mudock Makkers
Funded by: Mugdock Makkers Art & Craft Gallery Ltd

The Lisbon Disaster in Context: Iberian Responses, Providence, and the Enlightenment
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

A Landscape-scale Analysis of the Sustainability of the Hill Farming Economy and the Impact of Farm Production Decisions on Upland Landscapes and Biodiversity
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Enhancing the Impacts of Decentralised Seed Production Implementation of Innovation Challenge Fund Project
PI: Professor Dave Little
Funded by: WorldFish Center

Positive reinforcement training for primates
PI: Professor Hannah Buchanan-Smith
Funded by: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

Integration of contour Information in human vision.
PI: Professor Roger Watt
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

A qualitative evaluation of the Late Effects Clinic at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
Funded by: Macmillan Cancer Support

Evaluation of Harmony's project providing live music for frail and older people ("the Study")
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Harmony

'Facing dementia together': post diagnostic support pilot for people with dementia and their carers in Renfrew and East Renfrewshire
Funded by: Dementia Services Development Trust

EPSRC Referee's Incentive Scheme
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

Kilmun Mausoleum Desk Based Assessment
Funded by: Argyll Mausoleum Limited

Video demonstrations, speed and observational learning in capuchin monkeys
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Testing SRS Vaccines
Funded by: Veterquimica S.A

"British colonists and American citizens in pursuit of Silk in New England, 1740-1840"
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Communicating Climate Change
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Chair in Aquatic Animal Epidemiology
PI: Professor Randolph Richards
Funded by: FRS Marine Laboratory

Data Management through e-Social Science: Case studies, Provisions and Support (Dames)
PI: Professor Paul Lambert
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Ring of Brodgar Sampling and Analysis Collaborative Research
Funded by: Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology

Developing a network for family health nursing project: examining a new nursing role based on the Family Health Nursing Project in WHO Europe in the 10th International
Funded by: The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation

Played in black and white: the first 30 years of BBC television sport
PI: Professor Richard Haynes
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Meeting Children's needs for Care and Protection: Development of a Collaborative Research Proposal for the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Development of Improved Management Strategies for Red Mark Syndrome
Funded by: Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum

Cataloguing the holdings of the works of the Scottish Colourist, JD Fergusson RBA (1874-1961)
Funded by: P F Charitable Trust

Carlos Ruiz Zafron's Gothic Barcelona
PI: Professor Glennis Byron
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Sustainability in pre-historic field systems
PI: Professor Ian Simpson
Funded by: Shetland Amenity Trust

Young children learning with toys and technology at home
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The Sports Doping Policy in the Former East Germany 1968- 1990
PI: Dr Paul Dimeo
Funded by: The British Academy

Chilean Pollen Analysis
Funded by: British Antarctic Survey

Innerpeffray Library: books and borrowers 1680-1968
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

KTP with MacRoberts Arts Centre
Funded by: MacRobert Arts Centre Ltd and Technology Strategy Board

Hoppringle Hill: Historical Research
Funded by: C F A Archaeology Ltd

Historical Assessment - Desk-Based Scoping Exercise
Funded by: Ochils Landscape Partnership

Alcohol Brief Interventions in Dentistry: Qualitative Exploration with NHS Dentists, The Practice Team and Members of the Public
Funded by: NHS Health Scotland

Margaret Tait: Poetry and Experimental Film
Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council

Unravelling the Bombus lucorum complex
Funded by: The Natural History Museum

Margaret Tait: Experimental filmmaking and feature-length film
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Cognitive Load in Face to Face Interactions
Funded by: Northumbria University

Cognitive load in face-to-face interactions: Evidence from neurodevelopmental disorders
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Investigating the pollution content of trade flows and the importance of environmental trade balances in addressing the problem of climate change
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Girls on the Move Programme 2008-2011
Funded by: Youth Scotland

All Change: An Examination of Community - based responses to crime
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

The Sports Club and Social Change in Twentieth-Century Britain
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Extended Active Support Environment (EASE)
Funded by: Halliday James Ltd

Funded by: European Science Foundation

Construction of a specialist data resource on youth transitions and education
Funded by: University of Edinburgh

Investigating the Effectiveness of Education in Relation to Alcohol
Funded by: Alcohol Education & Research council

Digital Audio Records for Academic Research: The Case of Economics
PI: Professor Sheila Dow
Funded by: The Nuffield Foundation

Impacts of climate change on the genetic diversity of Taiwanese alpine plants
PI: Professor Alistair Jump
Funded by: Royal Society

Mobile Therapy Unit for Older People Diagnosed with Dementia The Brain Bus
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Fold Housing Association

The Living Better Project: Improving the Mental well-being of people with diabetes and/or CHD
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Royal College of General Practioners

Student Nurse and Midwife Recruitment and Retention - Data Enhancement Initiative
Funded by: Scottish Government

Towards Responsive Intelligent Cognitive Assistants for Older People
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: The Leverhulme Trust

Young people and housing: identifying policy challenges and solutions for 2020
Funded by: Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Integrating physical and chemical techniques to characterise soil micro-sites
PI: Dr Clare Wilson
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Optimising management of machair for the conservation of endangered bumblebees
Funded by: Bumblebee Conservation Trust and Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (Scotland)

RSE International Travel Grant
Funded by: The Royal Society of Edinburgh

Studentship - Malloch Society - Ellen Rotheray
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

PD Fellowship: Dr Alison Dawson
Funded by: Intervet UK Limited

Trialling of the methodology for quantifying the impacts of obstacles to fish passage
PI: Dr Colin Bull
Funded by: Institute of Fisheries Management and Sniffer

The Benefits of Mountaineering and Hill Walking
Funded by: Mountaineering Council of Scotland

Physical Activity for people with Dementia: A Scoping Study.
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Advanced Prostate Cancer: exploring the reasons for late presentation and diagnosis
PI: Professor Liz Forbat
Funded by: The Prostate Cancer Charity

Chimpcam: How do chimpanzees see their world?
Funded by: Burning Gold Productions

SARNISSA Sustainable Aquaculture Research Networks in Sub Saharan Africa
PI: Professor Dave Little
Funded by: European Commission (Horizon 2020)

Carnegie Travel Grant
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Teaching in Nature
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

Supporting Safe Walking for People with Dementia
Funded by: Halliday James Ltd

NHS Lothian KTP
Funded by: NHS Lothian and Technology Strategy Board

Do Young Children Understand Pictures as Representational?
Funded by: The British Academy

RCUK Academic Fellowship: Geoarchaeological & Environmental History
PI: Professor Ian Simpson
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

Hospital Records and patient Narratives.
PI: Dr James Smyth
Funded by: The Wellcome Trust

Supporting Self Management in Long Term Conditions - Guidance & Self Assessment Tool for Healthcare Providers
Funded by: NHS Education for Scotland

Evaluation of Senior Charge Nurse/Midwife Development SCN/M) in NHS Forth Valley The experience of SCN/M in relation to the implementation of
PI: Dr Kathleen Stoddart
Funded by: Forth Valley NHS Board

Geoarchaeology of tool-bearing, middle to late Pleistocene fluviatile sediments (Iranamadu Formation) in Sri Lanka
PI: Professor Ian Simpson
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

LARCI Placement Fellowship
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council and Stirling Council

The Impact on New Public Management Policies and Perspectives on Professional Social Work
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Primary Care Mental Health Research and Development Programme
PI: Professor Margaret Maxwell
Funded by: Scottish Government

Restoration genetics of degraded forest landscapes: Land management and evolution of reproductive strategies in keystone tree species
Funded by: Natural Environment Research Council

Research in Israel, Palestine and Germany on the communication of gender norms in Palestine by Protestant churches and missionaries, 1918-1939
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust

Smoking in Disadvantaged Communities in Nottingham
Funded by: University of Nottingham

CARMEN: Code analysis, repository, and modelling for Neuroscience
PI: Professor Leslie Smith
Funded by: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project: 4-Country Survey, CIHR Grant MOP-79551
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: University of Waterloo

Evaluation of Four Aberlour Projects
PI: Professor Margaret Malloch
Funded by: Aberlour Child Care Trust

Examining the role of patients' experiences as a resource for choice and decision-making in health care
Funded by: University of Oxford

Community Science and Environmental Issues Project
Funded by: Higher Education Academy

Snare Free Scotland
Funded by: OneKind

Prevention of fish diseases by protective bacteria in aquaculture
Funded by: University of Kuopio

Evaluation of Macmillan Health Care Assistant Project
PI: Bridget Johnston
Funded by: Macmillan Cancer Support

SAGES Studentship
PI: Professor Philip Wookey
Funded by: SAGES Administrator

A Brief Review of Plain Packaging Research for Tobacco Products
PI: Professor Gerard Hastings
Funded by: Department of Health

The process of change in school food policy on food, nutrient intake in school and beyond
Funded by: Department of Health

The Lancaster-Warwick-Stirling node: Developing statistical modelling in the social sciences Phase 2
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Can A Gender-Sensitised Weight Management Programme Delivered By Scottish Premier League Football Clubs Help Men Lose Weight?
Funded by: Scottish Government

Development and evaluation of pilot Football Fans in Training (FFIT)
Funded by: Scottish Premier League

Exploring Literacy in the Assessment Practices of Further Education
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

The Role of Psychological factors in predicting short-term outcome following suicidal behaviour
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

EPISYSTEM: Designing biological, social and economic environments to enhance resistance to zoonotic outbreaks
Funded by: Medical Research Council

Copyright Violation and Creative Industries: The Case of Digital Piracy Networks on the Colombian-Venezuelan Border
Funded by: The Carnegie Trust